
When life gives you lemons, or how I spent my Sea Otter weekend....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Hey All--

Here's how to make the best when the worst happens.

My wife and I get all packed up Friday night. We're set to go, and get a good start on Saturday morn. I'm surprised, as my wife will usually wait until the day of leaving to pack. We make good time, and get to Sea Otter by early afternoon. Get my registration packet, walk the venue, see some sponsors' booths, and even give out a few hugs at Hayes/Scott and MBA/Jimmy. It meant a lot to me for Jimmy to meet my wife/Alaina's mom, as she has not been to any events I've ridden in some time.

Off to Pizza My Heart for an early dinner (off Munras in case you want to try it), and check in to the Beachcomber Inn. A little walk along to boardwalk of the beach, and back in time to see the sunset from our balcony. A little drinking, and it's off to slumber land.

We get up early, get dressed, hop in the van, and................ nothing. Won't start. And not the "get a jump" kind of no start. Not even an attempt to turn over. Time ticks on, and I miss my event. Neither of us get upset, as we figure maybe, just maybe, Alaina is looking over us for some odd reason. (Remember my post about winning a couple raffles?) After several hours, the grounds keeper at the Inn is able to hot wire the van to start, shows me how, but by then it's too late. Since we brought the bikes, we go for a ride to Monterey (I know, 4miles 1-way, big woop, but it was with my wife), and see loads of Harbor seals sunning on shore. We even saw a few sea otters feeding in the kelp.

Order deliver, stay the night, leave the next morning for Sunset Inn and a jacuzzi tub, another ride, more food delivery, and yes, some heavy drinking, too. Another ride in the a.m. before packing and leaving, and then it's my turn to start the van. After getting myself positioned, I'm able to get us going. Granted, we can't turn it off until we get it home to the shop, but we make it.

As much as I am disappointed in not riding, especially since I found out a coworker was going to ride in my division, I still had one great weekend with the wife. Though we almost left early, I am so glad we decided to stick it out for another day and get a chance to relax as best we could.

The only way this could've been better is if a refund was possible, however, when they say "no refunds" after asking, I feel I did all I could. I was still granted my 814 plate, and that's reward enough until next year.............


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali

Sea Otter was tough this year. It was way too hot and our campsite had very little shade. Blew a turn in qualifying and didn't make finals.

But I had FUN!! Good to hear you did too.

PS Just be grateful that none of your sh!t got jacked. Bike thieves were out in force for the weekend. Heard lots of stories of missing bikes :(


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Yup, had a similar thing happen to me several years ago that caused me to miss registration for a local DH race that I had been practicing for weeks. Since I could't race I just heckled, er cheered for my friends from the sidelines. Now, I never travel without jumper cables.

Incidentally, if you yell out Bizutch's name as he goes by, he'll crash. Works every time. :rofl: