Just went down in a corner, nothing major but i guess i caught a rock the wrong way. 12 stitches and two weeks off the bike its all healed up.
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oh man ...
He tried taking off from a point a bit further back than where most do, and ended up tapping his rear wheel just a bit on the edge.
yep. only banged his knee though; one of his pad straps came undone somehow and he banged it up pretty good. launched off the rock you can see to the right (his right) of his rear wheel, planning to clear the whole thing. it's doable, but needs more speed than he had. his back wheel juuuuust kissed the rock a bit further out.oh man ...
You just jinxed yourself...I maybe one of the lucky few that has never crashed on one of splat's rides.
"Hey daddy, what's that man doing?"wraaap
took a nasty fall about 3 weeks ago, for those who have been to Diablo Freeride Park it was on the last of the lower Dominions, for those who haven't its a tabletop about 6 feet tall. My guess (as I was knocked out and don't remember the crash) is I thought I was going to land on the transition so I angled the bike down, but overshot it and landed to flat nose first and went OTB. Besides getting knocked out I:
on my left hand- broke a piece on the thumb bone, pushed the entire thumb back about 1/4 of an inch, and destroyed the little wrist bone behind the thumb.
on my right: sheered off the bump on the inner forarm bone, flattened and cracked the round bone that goes in the elbow join and jammed my shoulder in the socket (nothing broke there)
had to get surgery on both arms; three pins to hold my left thmb in place, six screws and a L bracket to connet the sheered off bone, and a screw and reshapinf of my elbow bone.
I don't have any pictures of the crash itself but here are some aftermath shots. Out for the rest of the season though
edit: i have a sweet picture of me on a backboard getting hauled off the mountain, I'll post that once i load it off my friends camera[/QUOTE]
I jst loaded up some picture of the x-rays..enjoy:
well except this one, getting dragged off the mountain:
Left thumb:
with pins:
Right wrist:
with "creature":
Right elbow:
with screw: