
When things don't go right ! -- The crash thread

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
This thread is awesome!

This is pretty old school but here is me breaking and dislocating my ankle:

Broken Ankle Video

The end result (Stage 5 ligament damage and chip off of the old bone that the ligament tore off):

I wish I had footage of my breaking and dislocating my shoulder earlier this year, but I only have the xray:


Dec 6, 2006
That knee really looks like a butt! I first thought that it was someone demonstrating how the seatpost broke & the potential of the stuck up ass result!
Ohh that dislocated ankle gets the tummy to churn!


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I love this thread. Sometimes I wish I had somebody like Splat to follow me around and document my monumental F'ups. I'd show the pictures to people at work when they ask "why are you covered in mud and bleeding?"

Take this morning's commute for instance... A couple of days ago I found a nice 3' high retaining wall that lands in a nice transition so I've worked it in to my regular daily commute. It's not a straight drop. You actually have to ride up on one side of the wall and ride it like it's a skinny and then drop off the far end. Getting on the wall is kind of technical. You have to hop up and then make a sweeping 90° turn (on a 9" wide cinder block wall. Then you have to pedal like hell down the skinny and wheelie drop off the end. Yesterday my back tire fell off the low side of the wall and I had to abort, gently stepping off the bike. Today I was focused on not letting my back tire fall, and just when I thought I'd made it my front wheel went off the edge of the high side and I went over the bars, fell 3' feet and rolled head over heels to the bottom of the transition. When I got up and turned around I found that my bike was resting perfectly the edge of the wall balanced on the bottom bracket housing.

It didn't really hurt too bad considering I wasn't wearing any pads other than a helmet. I did manage to jab my thigh with my keys and tweak my back a little. But I am quite certain that it would have been very photogenic and I'm sure that the people waiting at the stop light at the bottom of the hill found it pretty amusing.

EDIT: I just opened my backpack and pulled out the banana I packed for lunch. It did not survive the fall. Ewwwww! However, the ham sandwich is unscathed, thank you tupperware.

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005

an old memory from a few years ago.
probly the best precrash picture I have...cracks me up everytime.

*this was my second attempt, and the rock I jumped shifted on me...knocking my foot loose, even with plastic clips...*


Nov 24, 2006
Don't have a picture of the face after the crash on that rock?
Good thread! It's the other side of mountain biking! haha


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
providing bona fides for narlus, who pointed me to this rather impressive thread:

result of involuntary bail at sol vista some time back. weird thing is, it didn't hurt one bit. getting it reset, however...well, just see my avatar.



Nam I am
I need to add some too !

Donny finds a Tree to lean on

I met a tree

Donny's chest.

and the what he slammed his chest against


Donny once again

Bo with a 1 -2

Bo same day with another 1 -2

scott does the tripod dance

another tripod dance


IF_rider on the stunts in my front yard.

The silver turtle had to bail out

Me after an Icy wash out


Bo down on hte ice.

a 1 -2 -3 to end it for now.



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
I seem to be a magnet for crashing racers :p

Hmmmm...should I move? This looks like it could hurt a bit.....

and she is is getting closer, maybe I really should move....

eh, I'll just stay I guess....

I'll memorialize some local riders crashes sometime in the near future. :)


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Last Wednesday, I wrecked myself pretty good. I slipped a pedal and went down going somewhere between 20 and 30 mph and slid sideways into a rock. I caught the rock on my left hip. Here's the result:

Day 0 - 2 hours post crash. Tis only a flesh wound.

Day 3 - Hmmm maybe I should see a Dr.

Dr. takes xrays and does urinalysis tests to see if anything major is broke. Nope. Negatory. Just a 'bruise'.

Day 7 - Keeps getting worse. Sweet Jesus. Although, some of the green stuff indicates a few places are actually getting a little better. Still hurts like a MF'er.

This may fall under the realm of TMI, but the bruise on the front side runs across my belly and goes "down there". Yes, I have a purple penis! :pirate2: