
When to say goodbye?


Turbo Monkey
May 20, 2002
Somewhere dark, cold & wet....
over the last 2years it would be fair to say that my bike has had the crap kicked right out of it! inlcluding a lot of racing, a lot f time at some o the roughest courses around and also a couple of trips to the alps. Although i'm not a crasher, when i do they tend to be big and spectacular including saturdays trip into (yet another) tree, resulting in me typing this one handed.

I haven't been able to check the bike over after this latest adventure due to a lack of available movement, but what i do know is that i've destroyed a Flite saddle for the first time ever! I dont really think the frame will be cracked but that kinda leads onto my next point...............

when is it time to buy a new frame?? i've never had this problem before because i used to change bikes frequently, this is the first time where i feel i may actually be in the process of wearing one out :( This being my second proper big, hospital visiting, crash in 8 months has knocked my confidence a bit, and also my confidence in my machinery (although i'll make it clear right now that the bike has never been the problem in any crashes!)

When would you decide to call it a day and move on? even if it was just to buy the same again

Cheers, Mark

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
2 years is a long time to get out of a racing frame unless we're talking about a Ti or steel hardtail here.

While the bike might not be ready to give up the ghost yet, ask yourself how much your confidence in your bike is affected by this? If you can't trust/be confident in your bike, then there is little point in keeping it - all it will do is hinder your skills.

If this will not affect your confidence in the bike, then it comes down to a financial choice. If you have the money to replace it now, then it might be worth it - who knows if you'll have the money next season, right? If you don't have the money to replace it now, then inspect it carefully for cracks/looseness. Check that the headset is tight and there is no ovalization. Look at the welds carefully for cracks. If it all checks out, then you can probably save your money for another season.