I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of those "Clamoring millions" are from the third world and not from Europe and Aussie (and a noticeable percentage of those from Europe would have been migrants to Europe from the third world).With such wonderful cultures, laws, governments and civilized societies available in Europe, Australia and elsewhere, it really makes you wonder why anyone would choose or seek to live here. What odd creatures Americans are and even odder, the millions clamoring to relocate to this cesspool!
With all her problems, the good ole' U.S. of A. is still the only place I would ever choose to live and raise my family. I have travelled and worked throughout the world extensively and have yet to covet anyone else's country for longer than it took to piss out the coursing intoxicant metabolites.
my 2 cents on the shooting source of all this frothering is that you will continue to suffer more and more of these tragic events until you get you sh1t together enough to tackle the source of the problem which is two pronged.
1 Glorification of violence in your culture, which tends to make it more of a "societal norm" to resort to in times of personal stress.
2 Ease of access to insane levels of weaponry for acting on the above. The easier you make it to acquire and use weapons the more likely it is to happen.
Till that's sorted out I shall just continue to grab some beers and popcorn sit back and watch the American game show of mass murder.
No point in my caring about it if you can't be bothered with fixing the underlying problem causing it.