
Where is the Zoo shuttle run?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I was on the MAX the other day and a guy was on his way back to the Washington Park stop to hit some wicked (so he said) run that goes from near the zoo down to Goose Hollow.

I would have followed, but I had to get home and go to class. He said it was kinda hard to find, can anyone share this info with me? That would be a blast to and from work if it's nearly as cool as he made it out to be.

Anyone know what the hell I'm talking about? Thanks.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
I know the area and could imagine there are a bunch of hobo trails in that area. I always gaze at the side of 26 as you go into the tunnel to portland. On the right there is a sort of maint road you can see. As im driving I imagine a bunch of a-line type jumps.

let us know if you find anything....


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I recently mentioned "zoo shuttling" in the portland thread, asking if anyone knew about it. I have some friends who hit the zoo trails often and I'll find out what I can...


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
The Zoo trails arent too hard to find... Have to ride the road that leads to the Rose garden for about 3/4 of a mile to the big water tank. Theres a lil park area right there. Cross the lawn headin uphill and to the left side. You'll find the first trail section that winds down to a soccer field. Cross the field and you'll see a maintenance road. Follow that for about 100yds, and there are two trails off the left side. Those are where you'll find the fun stuff. ..
These trails are super short, but being able to ride the Max back up makes for some fun riding. We usually hit those a couple times and then head to the Rose garden to do the stair sets and the RG drop. Theres also a ton af good urban in that area too.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I've done quite a bit of urban around downtown and on the east side too. Some real good spots for sure. But my commuter is a lot more trail friendly, so I will try and find those tomorrow morning.

I was told there were some huge jumps and a long log ride too. Are these the same trails?


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
"huge" all depends on your own idea of whats big...
theres a couple of nice sized gaps, like 15 ft. and then a 6ft high and 10ft long step down. The log ride is pretty wide and like 40 or 45 ft long...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Yes, to me, those would be huge. I'm old and don't go all that big, but look forward to seeing these tomorrow (if I can find them)!