
Where to live in MD?


Jul 31, 2002
The husband and I are relocating to MD from sunny CA in March. Of course we've asked our real estate agent to find us a house within riding distance of some decent mountain biking but .... I think I need monkey help! :) I'll be working in Edgewood, north of Baltimore. Anyone have any suggestions of good areas to look for a house...near trails? I'd rather avoid a long, bumper to bumper commute to work too. Thank you!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
2 things would help to narrow your search... where is work? the only way to avoid being stuck in horrible traffic is to live as close as possible to the office. the other thing is what type of riding are you guys looking to do? there are a few XC trail systems around Baltimore (Patapsco, Avalon), Germantown (Schaffer Farms, Little Bennett)... but all of the DH/FR type stuff as well as a boatload of XC is up in Frederick.


Nov 4, 2003
Columbia, MD
What's going on? yeah, I agree with the guys above, the closer the better. If you can avoid 695, you are better off. 695 is the beltway around baltimore. I ride xc at patapsco, its a lot of fun and I freeride/dh in Frederick plus any local races within 3 hrs drive. Patapsco is 10 min out of the city and Frederick is 45 min from the city. Good luck with realestate, its almost if not as expensive as California.

If you dont mind me asking, why are you moving from Ca? I was looking to move out there maybe. What type of work do you do?

Welcome to the area.


Jul 31, 2002
Thanks....I have heard about avoiding the beltway. I'm sick of driving 20 miles in one hour....and that's a good day! :) We're thinking about the area around Susquehanna state park or Gunpowder.

I work in defense and there are a cluster of defense companies around the proving grounds. (Aberdeen/Edgewood)

Reasons for moving....a 1 bedroom condo goes for $300K here and I can get a 4 bedroom house with land for just over $200K north of Baltimore. Cost of living is roughly 25% lower and the job is really good plus I get to keep my CA salary and get a nice raise. Now there are A LOT of great things about CA. I will miss the weather, mountains, beach, diversity, and more but I've got an "itch" to explore new areas while I'm still young enough to go for it. Plus....I need to get better at technical riding. My lungs are good but show me a root or rock garden and it ain't pretty! :)


Dec 6, 2004
Welcome to the state of MD. Houses are cheaper in some areas of MD, but where I live (Howard County) stuff can get a little expenisve. Deluxe condos go for over $300K around the mall. Good luck with your search.


Aug 14, 2001
bikebabe said:
Thanks....I have heard about avoiding the beltway. I'm sick of driving 20 miles in one hour....and that's a good day! :) We're thinking about the area around Susquehanna state park or Gunpowder.
For where you are working, Susquehanna is your best bet. Unfortunately, there is not much riding in Gunpowder (some areas no biking, others very little). Susquehanna will keep you plenty happy and out of traffic. Then you'll also have pretty decent access to Loch Raven in Towson and Fairhill up near the DE line. And no nasty work commute.

Make sure to check in with the MD/DC/VA group MORE when you get here. Joining up on some of their rides will get you hooked into a lot of the trail systems in the area. A lot of the group is DC oriented but the Baltimore base has been growing.

bikebabe said:
I will miss the weather, mountains, beach,
We've got mountains and beach within a couple of hours, you should be fine. The weather...well, that's another thing. But the change of seasons is good and we ride year round, so you shouldn't have problems there either, just a little adjustment.

Msisle Dad

Jul 1, 2003
Catonsville, MD
Find a home with the best commute to work. Traffic around 695 on the weekends and non comute times are no bigdeal. If you look in Harford County there are greater values . Howard and most of Baltimore county are fully priced. Avoid the city unless you dont care about high taxes. During off peak travel you can get anywhere pretty quickly.

Expect culture shock... the good thing is you can fly back to visit pretty cheaply. $200-275 bwi-lax

Best of luck


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
My sister lives by Gun Powder and it's an ok area. It wouldn't be my first place to move but there are some nice places in the area.


Mar 14, 2004
South Central Pa.
If you are going to work in aberdeen or Edgewood, don't rule out southern York county in Pa. the commute is about 35 minutes and the traffic is minimal, the cost of living in Pa. is definately less. Alot of people commute to the Baltimore area from southern Pa. and the riding here is good. If you have a map ,check out the Shrewsberry area. To travel to the Aberdeen area, take 83 south to 439 to 23 and then 24 or 7 depending on weather you are going to Aberdeen or Edgewood .just my 2 cents, Good luck with your move.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
i go to school at clemson in SC, but my home is bel air Md, which is right next to edgewood, i go riding at susquehanna sometimes but i have a freeride bike so im slow but if you need to know some good trails in the area we could meet up one day when i am home. Also if you are into the freeriding thing, i owe 13 acres of woods and have lots of ladders and drops and will be constructing a slalom/djing track this summer


Jul 31, 2002
Thanks all! We are seriously considering the Havre de Grace area but thanks for the tip on Southern PA---have to look there too. We'll be out looking at houses next week and when I get a place that I can have my bikes shipped to maybe we can hook up for a ride.