
Where's the "what's wrong thread"?


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
If the stars align, there really is only one gift worth giving:


Torture wrench
Apr 14, 2007
Ha, you're so right totally random person from the internet
Says Sandwich nervously as he realizes that we're on to him. He sends a text to "Mr. S." that reads "The Orangutans have caught the pop fly to center field" meaning 'the monkeys caught us'. He quickly runs over and shuts off his lights. Followed by going to his windows to close the blinds, taking one last peak out to see if we're watching him. He then darts to his apartment door and locks it. He puts the chain on and then both deadbolts. Sandwich heads back to his computer, chomping on his nails anxiously. He hits "F5, F5, F5" constantly to see if anyone else is on to them.

With no reply from "Mr. S.", Sandwich sends a text with "?!!!". He then texts "J&B" which isn't the wholesale company, but rather John Burke, the president of Trek (fuck you Trek!).

Sandwich anxiously checks the window again and notices that bald guy in the trench coat is still sitting on the park bench across from his apartment. He still has the newspaper in front of him as he turns his head and talks to "nobody". He then takes a glimpse from the corner of his eyes toward Sandwiches apartment! Hearing voices outside his door, Sandwich notices two tall shadows of men under his door. Murmurs of "we must change gears" and "4 piston brakes are needed to stop this" are heard. Sandwich runs for the closet and hides behind his clothes. He sends one last text to "Bobby" - Rob Roskopp. "The orangutans are loose. I repeat! The orangutans are loose!" as he strands alone in the corner of his closet, buried in clothes with just the bright blue light of his cell phone shining towards his face.

Side note- Ridemonkey's motto is "For The Industry™, by The Industry™" as a black ops think tank where they come to listen to our ramblings and then do exactly what we say we don't want. Thus, the industry is constantly changing.

In the meantime, Sandwich, locked in his apartment can't get to the bong shed and light it up to chill. Instead he's been popping pills that his shrink gave him to stop the hallucinations. His eyes are bloodshot and fingertips bleeding. He's been up all night.

Did The Industry™ consume its last "sandwich" last night?

We'll have to wait and see.

Ps. Sandwiches real name will appear in the obituaries as?

Shawn Orrechio
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Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
before this blows up into a lot of baseless speculation i'll lay it all out for you.

i deleted the thread. it was largely unrelated to the thread itself, but ongoing issues i've been having with sandwich. or i should say, ongoing issues he's had with me. whatever his problem with me is, i don't know. we used to be friends, or at least i thought we were. we've definitely had our share of shenanigans, pestering each other, exchanges of name calling and disagreements, etc, but for the most part it was all in good fun.. lately however, it's gotten past the point of general forum jackassery and seems to have become personal (and has gone beyond ridemonkey). why? i don't know. i've since lost interest in trying to engage with him, or retaliate, and have opted to generally ignore him. he hasn't gotten the picture that at this point i simply want him to leave me the fuck alone.
Awwww, I remember you guys sharing sausages in the Platty parking lot while I was pulling up blasting Maiden! Kiss & make up, already!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I think I've figured it out?

JonKranked is Sandwich's alter-ego. Sandwich works for The Industry™. Since he's a moderator, he can undetectably create a second account to voice what he wants changed!

"JonKranked" writes what's wrong with The Industry™.

Sandwich himself replies to agree on the forum, but hastily disagrees with JonKranked (himself).

Sandwich sends a pm to JonKranked in disagreement with JonKranked's opinion.

But "JonKranked" replys to Sandwich, defending his own opinion!

We believe that JK is one of us, but as the abbreviation states "JK" is short for Just Kidding... Sandwiches inside joke the whole time.

Sandwich then deletes the whole thread... No, wait... "JonKranked" deletes the thread (Sandwiches alter-ego) and it seemed suspicious to us, The Followers™. Sandwich defends himself and then burns his alter-ego "Jon" in front of us.

JonKranked replies though leaving us wondering, why?

Sandwich is now waiting for a call from Mr. Sinyard to give him the okay to "delete JonKranked's account".

I'm on to this @Sandwich!
not enough "A"s and "B"s, I have a hard time keeping track.


neu bizutch
Feb 5, 2006
not in Whistler anymore :/
the thread was deleted by the user that started it because I kept making fun of him. I will continue to make fun of him, but it's up to the users to create and delete their own threads, unless they get out of hand. I don't want to be too much of a dictator, just a dick.
why can users delete threads in the first place?