
Whip Thread


Turbo Monkey
Jul 20, 2002
Dave McLaughlin gets em well past 90 on his DH bike... on dirt jumps. Try and find some footage from the final Red Bull Ride (there is some stuff in Drift 2), he throws it out waaay past 90 with ease.


Dec 2, 2005
bonney lake washington
i was riding a foam pit yesterday... and believe it or not trying whips came to mind and i haven't even noticed this thread until... well now! but anyways i look at doing moto style whips as going of the lip in a backflip type motion with a turn to it and then shifting your body weight to bring it back also leaning over the bars to the left or right. still very hard to do:mumble: . i think i will just stick to doing upright whips and then doing a flatty when i get to about 75-80 degrees!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 2, 2004
sleepinggiant said:
Way to compliment yourself:looney:
Sorry. I'm a motocrosser and it's pretty much my only trick. Doing a "kick-out" and using your hips and legs to get the bike past 90 degrees is easy, but that's not a moto-whip. I leave the jump at an angle and drop my low side hip down and let my body drop down. The bike goes in a rolling motion, over, flat, out, and back. In my photo, the handle bar is touching my ankle.

In a table top, the motion is to try to stick your top side handlebar end into your arm pit.


Jul 9, 2004
San Jose, CA
Sorry. I'm a motocrosser and it's pretty much my only trick. Doing a "kick-out" and using your hips and legs to get the bike past 90 degrees is easy, but that's not a moto-whip. I leave the jump at an angle and drop my low side hip down and let my body drop down. The bike goes in a rolling motion, over, flat, out, and back. In my photo, the handle bar is touching my ankle.

In a table top, the motion is to try to stick your top side handlebar end into your arm pit.
Dude, I know the difference and I'm not trying to hate or anything, I just found it amusing that you felt like complimenting yourself.
BTW, theres no way the bar it touching your ankle. Mainly, it's not phyhsically possible without removing your foot from the pedal, and, you can see in the pic that the bar is hitting your knee.


Turbo Monkey
thaflyinfatman said:
Dave McLaughlin gets em well past 90 on his DH bike... on dirt jumps. Try and find some footage from the final Red Bull Ride (there is some stuff in Drift 2), he throws it out waaay past 90 with ease.
yeah, Whacka throws it down in that vid. I retract my earlier statement, that guy throws probably the sickest "whip". He really does sling it out, you gotta see it to appreciate it. A lot of guys just kind of rotate their whips but he really does throw it out there.


Turbo Monkey
I know it was in Earthed2, can't remember if it was in synopsis or not.. Time to get out Google Earth.. I found my old jump spot in Durango with satellite photos, pretty cool way to scope out new riding areas. Find the coordinates, punch it into your gps and go.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
OK, I ride right foot forward, I hip/whip/table to the left...but in all the big whips, the riders are same foot position, but whipped out to the right. I can't do that. It's like having sex with chickens, it'll just never feel right. I know Vanderham can hip/whip/table both directions, but goes right when he whips hard. Do you gotta go unnatural to whip it big?

Red Bull

Turbo Monkey
Oct 22, 2004
OK, I ride right foot forward, I hip/whip/table to the left...but in all the big whips, the riders are same foot position, but whipped out to the right. I can't do that. It's like having sex with chickens, it'll just never feel right. I know Vanderham can hip/whip/table both directions, but goes right when he whips hard. Do you gotta go unnatural to whip it big?
I do the same, I usually table and hip left (bigger) but my big whips are to the right. :rolleyes:


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
jordie "the manimal" lunn has one of the greatest whips i have seen. he hangs it out for so long, you think he won't be able to stick the landing.


Feb 21, 2006
Ronny Renner is the king of whips in the mx world. He can get compeltly upside down, or completely backwards. He is amazing. Heres a couple shots, and these are nowhere near his best.



Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
MX489 said:
Ronny Renner is the king of whips in the mx world. He can get compeltly upside down, or completely backwards. He is amazing. Heres a couple shots, and these are nowhere near his best.
I remember being at some awards banquet 2 years ago for some extreme sports crap, Renner was trying hard to pick up April L., Leigh talked her into NOT going out with him....denied.


Turbo Monkey
partsbara said:
you need to sell that ktm and buy a grill and a case of crystal biatccchhh :)
Actually I'm trying to sell it so I can start my own record label. I have some really fresh things to say about clubs, women, and big rims that I don't think has been said. I figure if I rap about being rich then people will buy the album and then I'll be rich. Fawkin wankers. And yes I will wear a bullet proof vest on my album cover.


Mar 5, 2003
anyone have links to videos, whips pictures are cool, but i think to really appreciate the mad steez we need some footage