
whistler carnage


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Wow! Heal fast. Where/how did your fall happen??

I crashed hard this weekend also. Chainwhip saw it and said i looked like a spinning top on the ground..... Maybe i was trying to break dance in the mud on a-line. Whatever i was doing happend so fast i didnt have time to do anything about it. A little off in the air... sketched landing, then BAM! I still hurt, but fortunatly i was wearing all my gear and had also just filled my camelback... it took alot of the force from the ground. It took a few to recoop after the fall.......


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC

Wow, sounds like quite a crash, heal fast :thumb:

Wow oly...all I could think of was Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles with your spinning top routine. Should have ended the crash with a song and dance...

Glad you didn't get hurt, armour is a beautiful thing.
Roasted said:

Wow, sounds like quite a crash, heal fast :thumb:

Wow oly...all I could think of was Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles with your spinning top routine. Should have ended the crash with a song and dance...

Glad you didn't get hurt, armour is a beautiful thing.
His turtle shell was his hydration-pak... it was quite the sight - happened right after the bridge on A-Line - the landing after that jump was crisco and Oly made full use of all of it ;)

Heal up soon Minneattle!


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
why is it that Oly has a brown speed metal jersey and the rest of the team has white ones? :p

oh and heal up miniattle


May 18, 2004
What day was that on? I took a pretty good digger on A-line on sunday on the 3 jump i think. I was being lazy not paying attention and looped out in the air.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
They call me pigpen for a reason..................

We were there saturday.

BTW. A-line and DM arent that fun when you have to wait for 30 people to go...... If i go next saturday i may plan to just ride The top if its open, plus angry pirate, that was a fun one.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
SR said:
you know that's weird...matt and I rarely had to wait for anyone on Aline/Dirt
Cuz you 2 had the flow going on....... I think there were only a few times really that it got real bad on DM and a-line.... overall A-line is still the busy trail.


May 18, 2004
I actually was able to pass quite a few people that were holding things up. One of them yelled at me but oh well. What were you riding?

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
oly said:
BTW. A-line and DM arent that fun when you have to wait for 30 people to go......
there was the biggest cluster-fvck there for awhile on saturday. these two guys were holding everyone up at the top cause they were looking over that drop at the entrance. So when people starting yelling at them to get out the way, they grab their bikes, run them down the bridge and crawl over the drop. But they did it quickly...you know, so they wouldn't be slowing people down.

...uh, thanks guys! :thumb:

Oly-are you going up to whistler again the weekend after this (10/8)?? I was thinking about it myself...


Turbo Monkey
Minneattle said:
Crashed at whistler this weekend-15 stitches, 1 broken knuckle, two broken ribs, on black eye, numerous abrasions. Otherwise a great time...Out for 6 weeks.
Dang...sorry to hear - hope you get a speedy/full recovery. :thumb:

I used my camelbaktm back protector today. I need to make sure I put the hammer away next time - hung a few signs out at SST and just forgot it was in there. Lucky the bladder was still full and I had a can of redbull in the bladder compartment as well. The can was alot dented, but didn't 'splode somehow.
Yup, I dodged a few bullets in one situation today.

Also sorry to hear about all the people that had to wait on some dorktards on A-line as well. Isn't that trail supposed to be about flow???


Nov 11, 2001
Seattle, WA
Minneattle said:
Crashed at whistler this weekend-15 stitches, 1 broken knuckle, two broken ribs, on black eye, numerous abrasions. Otherwise a great time...Out for 6 weeks.
LAME! :mumble: Heal up quick John! Keep me in the loop so we can get back out to SST soon! :thumb:


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Megan Black said:
Oly-are you going up to whistler again the weekend after this (10/8)?? I was thinking about it myself...
No, it would be the 2nd. I cant go closing weekend.... but at leasat i have a shot for one more day there......


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Heal up Minneattle, when you get multiple boo-boo's it's always best to take it easy for awhile. :p
Oly Oly Oly always trying to take over a thread and make it ALL about you.... :rolleyes: ;)