
Whistler digs

I stayed at two places up there, I can't remember the names though...lol One was a tittybar/hotel( we stayed there on accident) and the other was really nice but expensive. (The coast hotel, I remember now). I liked the coast hotel, decent, clean and close to the village and riding! But if your looking for cheap that tittybar/hotel place is nice, oh that's right, it's called the "shoe string" and the titty bar is the boot strap, lol. Have fun!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Still in the works. We are fighting to keep it open but the corp that bought it really sucks ass for tearing down anything cool. With that massive plot of land beside it as well it is a really good piece of property...too bad it will likely end up a massive hotel.
Roasted said:
Still in the works. We are fighting to keep it open but the corp that bought it really sucks ass for tearing down anything cool. With that massive plot of land beside it as well it is a really good piece of property...too bad it will likely end up a massive hotel.

I've got a friend who's looking to live up in your neck of the woods next year, how's the cost of living and job prospect? He doesn't care what he does to make ends meat, he's just wanting to ride Whistler daily.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Hahaha thats the only thing that is here. The play. I definately don't stay here for the massive pay I get.

Its really really variable. Lots of jobs, lots of places to live. Usually not high paying jobs and fairly expensive places to live. You best best is to get a job offering staff accomodation cheap and then working as little as humanly possible. If he comes here in mayish there is no way he can't find work (depending on how late the winter goes) If he arrives mid summer it would require a bit more luck. If I were him I would prepare for april - mayish and then be sure to check in to see how whistler is doing. I can help here I can (I work for a large hotel so depending on experience might be able to help) The real key is timing. Tell him to definately have some money saved for initial problems (like rent)...:)...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Hmmm...if he has any service experience his best bet might be to try to get into a banquet department. The work sucks and you are basically a bitch but you get payed grats (fancy word for tips) and an ok salary and usually get staff housing. The best part it the hours...6 am to 2pm leaves lots of riding or 3 pm to whenever does the same. Makes for some good riding times.

Constructions sucks cause you work...a lot. If he could get a job working the mountain for the summer he would be set. Decent pay, staff housing and free pass.
Roasted said:
Hahaha thats the only thing that is here. The play. I definately don't stay here for the massive pay I get.

Its really really variable. Lots of jobs, lots of places to live. Usually not high paying jobs and fairly expensive places to live. You best best is to get a job offering staff accomodation cheap and then working as little as humanly possible. If he comes here in mayish there is no way he can't find work (depending on how late the winter goes) If he arrives mid summer it would require a bit more luck. If I were him I would prepare for april - mayish and then be sure to check in to see how whistler is doing. I can help here I can (I work for a large hotel so depending on experience might be able to help) The real key is timing. Tell him to definately have some money saved for initial problems (like rent)...:)...
I told him he needs to save all winter and just get enough cash to ride all summer up there! What's an average room run? He's also American so how hard is it to get the work visa thing? His experience is mainly with landscaping but he's been a bike mechanic at a local shop here for over a year now and is now the Assist. Manager. He chats with the bike bean mech's everytime he goes up there(weekly drive)and they said he should just get a job working with them. Shoot, if I didn't just buy a house I'd be on my way up there, got lots of serving experience and who can beat Whistler?

Where do most of the riders live, down in Pemberton(sp?) area or are there room avail. up in Whistler?

THanks for the info, I'll pass it on!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Depends. On lots. Many locals live in Pemby. Unfortunately landscaping and serving experience won't get you a work visa. You will have to check with immigration for that. Really, with landscaping, he could work under the table to live here for the summer. If he does want a visa he should start looking into it now, americans usually have a very difficult time getting work visas.

Bike shop could/might hire under the table which would be ideal.

1 room on average can go for 500 cdn. Sometimes more sometimes less. Thats the room though...not a 1 bedroom apt.