
Whistler season 2011


Mar 15, 2010
Right, this post is a bit of a mixed bag. I’m looking at heading out to Whistler for a season in 2011.

Firstly, would a 08 demo 8 or 7 be suitable for this? They seem to be pretty bomb proof, I would build it up with boxxer’s or 40’s. I was leaning towards the demo 8 as it’s a bit lighter and would fit the forks better, however they were never imported into the uk and are hard to come across so I may have to settle with the 7. I want to ride as many of the trails as possible, though I understand I would probably need to rent something more pedalable for the longer/flatter trails.

Secondly, this trip has been brewing in the back of my mind for the past few years. I’ve finally saved enough money to take the time off work, the plan is to leave around June 10th and come back at the end of September. The initial plan was to spend the whole time riding in Whistler but after some thought I want to include some hiking, surfing, general site seeing and riding.

I’ve travelled a fair bit in the past but am struggling to amalgemate a plan, to be honest I don’t know where to start. I want to spend some time in vancouver and vancouver island and I’ve heard tofino is good for surfing. Can anyone throw some ideas on what to include in such a trip and how long to spend where? I can then start to draw something together and see if its plausable.

Cheers for any suggestions!