
White Rim Trail

super rat

Mar 27, 2005
Anyone here ever done it in one day? I rode it last year in 3 days, very easy, I have some buds that do it every year in one day, I'm thinking about giving it a go this year.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
planning on it this fall with a group of ride buddies. should be a good one.

methinks that'll be a ride NOT for the big bike.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Nope - it's a ride for a *road* bike......... :p

Maybe put some semi-knobby tires on the roadie.


i think i'll be the hardtail, with my most comfy shorts glommed up with loads of bag balm.

throw on some skinny 2" tires vs. my regular 2.5" ers, pump them way high.

ditch my bash ring for a large ring for that day. that should do it. maybe lower my stem/bars down a bit.

i'm halfway thinking of doing it on my SS. same thing as above, with higher gearing than i normally run.


Turbo Monkey
I'm thinking you can prob fly it on a cross bike altho the sandy parts would be a biatch. I crusied that trail in 4 days/3 nights w/ a support wagon. There were some fun spots, but mostly it was a pretty boring. Now, if I had a cross bike, that'd be a different story.

Mad Dog

Feb 23, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
A real hardcore rid is to ride from Moab, past Slickrock, and bust out the Porcupine rim. Quite possibly one of the best rides on the planet! 40-45 miles rt.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Mad Dog said:
A real hardcore rid is to ride from Moab, past Slickrock, and bust out the Porcupine rim. Quite possibly one of the best rides on the planet! 40-45 miles rt.
If you can survive the *terminal* boredom of the ride from Moab to the start of Porcupine Rim.....

Porc Rim is one of the few XC rides that I would *highly* recommend shuttling. :p



Turbo Monkey
SkaredShtles said:
If you can survive the *terminal* boredom of the ride from Moab to the start of Porcupine Rim.....

Porc Rim is one of the few XC rides that I would *highly* recommend shuttling. :p

Man, I'm w/ you on this. I did the rt from City Market parking lot. That climb into and past Slickrock just sucked ballz! Nothing like riding thru a campgound and watching ppl being bozoos in the mornings. And once you're done, the ride back into town on that skinny two lane road was just out right dangerous! Friggin' drivers on that road (128?) are all rubber necking the scenery and not keeping the eyeballz on the road. I'm curious to find out the stats on how many bikers have become hood ornaments on that road.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Pau11y said:
Man, I'm w/ you on this. I did the rt from City Market parking lot. That climb into and past Slickrock just sucked ballz! <snip>
:dead: :dead: :dead: You ain't kidding!!

If you don't want to shuttle the *real* "core" way to do it is to climb the fugger from 128 and then reverse the ride when you get to the trailhead. :dead:

This is how I did Porc Rim the first time, except I didn't descend it after the climb - we took Sandflats back to town. :dead:
