There are 15 of us, I know one person can't do the whole thing and another wants to, but she lacks a decent ride. Hopefully she'll get one before then.
I'm guessing we'll have four vehicles and since most will ride, I guess that means we'll take turns doing the sag gig.
We'll do it over three days, two nights camping.
Is it strictly jeep roads or is there any single-track? At least some to play on off the main trail?
You don't need four vehicles for fifteen people. Two will be more than enough. You can do fifteen out of one longbed if you really know how to load a pack mule. It's all jeep track. It's a smidge technical here and there. But not really.
It is glorious. The ride rolls, it's all about eating up miles in one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth. Then getting totally drunk or whatever at night.
Bring an Al+++ throw away roasting pan, and some of those oil soaked fire logs for a self-contained night fire to get soused by. Then deposit the whole thing in the trash bag in the morning.
Do side trips where ever possible. Hike up the cliff trails to Island in the Sky. Go down to the Colorado or Green. Hike up to upheaval dome. All kinds of nature and natural phenemona to look at. Look for desert bighorn arond Lathrop, there are usually some hanging around.
We'll have four vehicles cuz we're driving there from Denver. Should we ditch two of the trucks somewhere? Can we park 'em at the visitor center and is it safe to leave them for three days?
Originally posted by Wasatch_Walt Do side trips where ever possible. Hike up the cliff trails to Island in the Sky. Go down to the Colorado or Green. Hike up to upheaval dome. All kinds of nature and natural phenemona to look at. Look for desert bighorn arond Lathrop, there are usually some hanging around.
sounds great. i hadn't thought about hiking, I'll bring my boots
The Park Service provides you with parking at a nearby lot to the congregation spot (Island in the Sky visitors center). We've never had a problem with security in many, many trips.
You guys should also be aware that if it rains - chains are required on the White Rim for your vehicles. This is important! Tires get no traction in the Moab mud. We rode past one SUV (hehe) that had slid sideways off the trail on a descent. It was perched on the edge of a drop with both axles broken.
If it rains, really rains, don't even try to move your vehicles until it dries to tacky. If you are on the shale (mud) sections of the Rim. If it is tacky to slightly wet, use chains or you aint going anywhere w/o a threat to losing life/vehicles. Make sure you do a chain check before leaving Denver. That the chains fit your tires. Best to just hunker down and wait till things are dry and safe. Don't underestimate how DANGEROUS it is if it is raining. Also, if you run it backwards (down Horsethief; up Schaffer) the sand section up Hardscrabble has at times in the last year or two been impassable. I'm not kidding, if you can't winch the truck, she aint going any further. They graded it this fall after the big rain took out Hardscrabble, so it may be much better, but there is a chance, if you don't have a winch and enough slings and cable, you aint moving. There is a sand dune whose slip face dumps onto the road, and it can build enough sand and is steep enough, that even high floatation tricked out jeeps were not making it.
RM and WW, thank you SO MUCH for that advice about chains and such! I wouldn't have thought about it until after something seriously stupid and dangerous happened.
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