


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Just back from 9 days up in the Whistler area. This is the third year I've gone up there in the summer and it was way fun as usual. Did a bunch of park days and also some other riding in the area: A heli drop on rainbow mountain (incredible!!), some valley action, and some shuttles up in pemberton. I know there were some other monkeys up there, hope you all had (are having?) fun. Ran into Luc a couple of times, also DW and Ska Todd, but somehow managed to miss out doing any runs or other shenanigans with them or any other monkeys.

We had some rain so the park was pretty messy at times, especially at the top from garbonzo. Freight Train is not finished and there were only some parts of it open when we were up there, but no question it will be friggin' awesome. We rode it and some other stuff up there, way fun but just ridiculously sloppy.

The boneyard has a lot more stuff to play with this year, the box and wallride are still there but there are a bunch of hip jumps, a fun little gap to wood bridge thingy, and the big quarter pipe from crankworx is up for all to play with. There is also a huge "C" shaped wall ride that is just off the hook.

The Biker Cross Course is all new and it is friggin' huge. I mean ginormous. You need to be going about Mach 10 to clear most of the tables. I had no trouble last year but never got a clean run on the new course. I did see plenty of people just killing it though.

The Kona Jump farm is looking pretty sick too, the pro line is as "burlesque" as many locals have been saying. With the original jump area near the skate park and the new Jump Farm, they've definitely got the DJ crowd covered.

We hit everything but at the end of the day, I could ride nothing but Dirt Merchant and A-line and still be happy. Nothing makes me happier than hitting the zone on those lines top to bottom.

Don't have any pics, we got some helmet cam footage but none of us were interested in stopping to set up still shots. Anyway that's the report, now excuse me I gotta do some laundry...


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
What were you riding, I may have seen you. I had a Gemini with an 888 or Boxxer WC, with a Go-Ride jersey on.

That Curved wall ride is awesome, even though my first few times going I hit my head pretty hard, and only got it maybe twice, but my buddy was airin out the end of it.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Hey Price, sorry I never called ya, we didn't have web access and I forgot to bring your number. I was on a black vp-free with a 888. You know, like about 1/2 the riders up there! Don't think I saw you but hope you had fun.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 8, 2003
West Seattle, WA
I'm glad you had a good time up there. I guess that season pass really came in handy huh? Sorry, couldn't hook up w/ you guys. If you don't make it up to W again this year - see ya at the Otter next year.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Five said:
I'm glad you had a good time up there. I guess that season pass really came in handy huh? Sorry, couldn't hook up w/ you guys. If you don't make it up to W again this year - see ya at the Otter next year.
Yeah man the season pass is the only way to fly, especially on those days when it rains for half the day then clears out. My bros were struggling trying to decide if they wanted to buy a pass but for me it was cash already spent so you know I was gonna hit it!! I hope to make it up again later in the season, will let ya know if it's gonna happen.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
OGRipper said:
Yeah man the season pass is the only way to fly, especially on those days when it rains for half the day then clears out. My bros were struggling trying to decide if they wanted to buy a pass but for me it was cash already spent so you know I was gonna hit it!! I hope to make it up again later in the season, will let ya know if it's gonna happen.
I think you should come up between August 5th and 13th... because that way I can heckle you mercilessly and in exchange you can buy me alcohol :sneaky:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
The Kadvang said:
I think you should come up between August 5th and 13th... because that way I can heckle you mercilessly and in exchange you can buy me alcohol :sneaky:
Possible but not too likely. I hope to do a long weekend at some point before the end of the season, probably late August or early September. As for heckling - better bring your "A" game biznatch!!


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
I saw you in the lift line a few times - shouted at you a few times trying to hook up for a run, but you never heard me :(

Kevin and I were there last year around the same time and the weather was gorgeous. This year it sucked a$$!! I don’t know how people that live in the PNW do it? Gimme a dust bowl any day over this muddy crap!

Plus when driving back, crossing the borders and getting through Seattle was so damn painful! Glad to be back in dry NorCal.

For all you guys planning on driving up or/and back from Whistler – never get coffee from those little drive through espresso stands in Oregon. They serve you flippin’ colored water. And the Beer in Canada is like water!!! Bring your own..


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Yeah too bad we missed out hitting some runs, maybe next time. The weather was a drag but we only took one day off - Tuesday. Other than that we decided to just give 'er and it wasn't so bad, just a different set of challenges. Our condo and bikes sure took a beating but what the hell!!

Funny, we also had some bad coffee in Oregon, but no problems at the border or in Seattle - guess we timed it right. We also spent a great night in Portland hitting a bunch of peeler bars. Not normally my thing but sure was fun. The Acropolis is pretty legendary: How about stage-side $10 bacon-wrapped filet mignon and pitchers of good beer to wash it down, with a few private dances for desert? Now that was a great way to end the trip... :evil:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
I hear the weather has been a lot better this week. Maybe summer is finally going to make it to Whistler. I sure hope so as we will be there in a few weeks.


Apr 29, 2004
The OC
im here right now...the weather cleared up for a little today, but its still over cast and nothing pretty. it even sprinkled.
i saw dw, but didnt talk to him, i dont think im e-famous enough for him to know me.

if anyone is heading up, ill be here till the 25th, on an SX-Trail with saint goodies, mtx rear, and trailpimp front. Approch me, and we'll hit a run.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
PoserNewbie said:
Please tell me you didnt drink those molson/kokanee crap. :nope:
We would down so much Kokanee then hit the hot tub in our hotel untill they would kick us out, and we got so many damn complaints about being loud. I guess something about alot of beer in your system and some hot girls in a hottob does not equal up for a quiet fun time.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
PoserNewbie said:
Please tell me you didnt drink those molson/kokanee crap. :nope:

HELL NO!!! We brought our own, but had to do sampling once we ran out. Drank Sleeman, Granville, Rickard's Red, etc... all pretty bad IMO.

After riding Fromme, we hit Black Bear Pub in Lynwood - we had a few sleeves of their beer. I don't think they use any alcohol in their beer ;)


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
sama1ter said:
i saw dw, but didnt talk to him, i dont think im e-famous enough for him to know me.
crap dude, you should have said hi!

Whistler was unreal last week. I cant wait to go back next month. No Joke and Original Sin in the mud, they were awesome, but the best was the run from the peak that we did, blazing snow and shale. wow.



I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
dw said:
crap dude, you should have said hi!

Whistler was unreal last week. I cant wait to go back next month. No Joke and Original Sin in the mud, they were awesome, but the best was the run from the peak that we did, blazing snow and shale. wow.


When are you going back? The Va contingent (TEAM XXL) will be there the 3rd week of August.

Garbonzo in the mud must have been like Platty on 'roids..................Sweet


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
Not entirely sure yet, Lasik on 7-28, so whenever that heals...



Apr 6, 2003
What is the problem with crossing into and out of Canada? I'm heading up with a bunch of guys from Brooklynbikeriders on July 30 to Aug 13 and we're driving in from Seattle.
Its gonna be a rented van filled with expensive bikes and a bunch of blacks, hispanics and one filipino guy from Brooklyn, New York. Nahhh we shouldn't have any problems, right?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 8, 2003
West Seattle, WA
8it said:
What is the problem with crossing into and out of Canada? I'm heading up with a bunch of guys from Brooklynbikeriders on July 30 to Aug 13 and we're driving in from Seattle.
Its gonna be a rented van filled with expensive bikes and a bunch of blacks, hispanics and one filipino guy from Brooklyn, New York. Nahhh we shouldn't have any problems, right?
Just make sure you have your passports or birth certs and it shouldn't be a problem...I don't think they do any racial profiling. I haven't had any probs and I'm a flip too.


Wiffle Ball ninja
Sep 10, 2001
Curb Hucker said:
Does this mean no more taped up glasses, say it isnt so :blah:
None at all. No more stopping on the trail to clean the mud off, no more blurry spots in the corner of my eye, none at all. I seriously cannot wait. Glasses are a pain in the ass.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Five said:
Just make sure you have your passports or birth certs and it shouldn't be a problem...I don't think they do any racial profiling. I haven't had any probs and I'm a flip too.
I've gone across a few times and in my experience, having passports is key. Even if you have birth certificates it seems they are more likely to search the vehicle and just generally hassle you if you don't have passports. They always seem pretty keen to remind you that it's a different country.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
dw said:
Not entirely sure yet, Lasik on 7-28, so whenever that heals...

All your e-fame will be useless without glasses!

I'll be on the mountain 7/31 to 8/6 on my Sunday that I took down to bare metal to make it look "industrial"... which is cool... I think.

AND... One of my buddies "wife" decided to get him a heli-biking pass for his birthday. So, I'm "obligated" to go with him. :(

So sad.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 8, 2003
West Seattle, WA
OGRipper said:
I've gone across a few times and in my experience, having passports is key. Even if you have birth certificates it seems they are more likely to search the vehicle and just generally hassle you if you don't have passports. They always seem pretty keen to remind you that it's a different country.
Yeah definitely passports are the way to go. Last year a guy went up w/ us and didn't bring a passport or birth cert and had the attitude of I've never had any problems and all I need is a driver's license kind of thing and of course they hassled him - just glad they didn't send us back because of him. He also got the treatment when we returned too.


Apr 6, 2003
Yeah I'm gonna make sure that everyone has their passports. We'll be up there from 731/ to 8/13, look for the brown and blue BBR jerseys and come take a few runs with us. If anyone is gonna be up there alone feel free to tag along with us cause we plan on riding as much of the area as you can ride in two weeks and we're planning on doing a heli-biking day. I'll be on a black Chumba F4 with a silver boxxer team fork feel free to say what's up and lets take a ride or buy me a beer.


Apr 29, 2004
The OC
meh, maybe next time dw...

we hit up garbonzo in the mud, it is indeed VERY fun. i dont think ive ever seen a place get so wet before, its unreal how maybe 3' puddles you have to run through...supposedly the forcast is no rain for a week...but it still isnt sunny.
We were up there from 7/3 to 7/9. (me, goin-medium and another friend who just lurks here). It was my first trip up and all I can say is WOW!!! It's amazing how much you can progress when you do so many laps in a day. So much fun it's unbelievable. Saw kidwoo, Eric (a cool bro from up by the City), Freak and Velocity Girl and a few other monkeys from around the states. Did a lap down DM to A-Line with Freak and VG. Damn those kids are quick!

Have to say the top of the mountain was pretty messy. We basically pinballed down the Original Sin/No Joke line. I can only imagine how good it would be when it's dried out a little bit. :drool:

We headed down to North Van from 7/7 to 7/9. Got a ride in on Fromme (Upper Oil Can to Ladies Only to Lower Ladies with a little play time on Air-Supply somewhere in between.) Friday was tourist day around Van due to the rain. Saturday we did a Seymore run (CBC to Neds) which was a lot less stressful than Fromme.

Stopped in Sea-Tac on the way through Seattle and sessioned their little playground. Awsome setup to play around on.

All in all it was a killer trip that I'll look back on for a long time and look forward to doing again. (Yes, I've got the DM to A-line infection now.) Only downers were I took one OTB fall off a skinny with the nose of the saddle digging into the lower back and then bouncing off the easier go-around boardwalk line, a pedal to the left thigh resulting in two rows of 7 stiches each (damn that skull on the wall ride!) and blowing my left ankle out 20m into CBC. (remember to shift to an easier gear before trying to negotiate ladder work - doh!)


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Not sure what heli run you monkeys are talking about but we did Rainbow Mountain last week and it was absolutely fantastic. It's close to Whistler and the singletrack was endless and sooooo tasty.

Good luck with the surgery Dave. :thumb:


Sep 24, 2001
Miss Washington DC
My friend Landon Holt, who some of you know, and I went to Vancouver to ride in 1995 from Washington and got hassled by the Canuckistani immigration because a) we were driving a primered out and dented Broncon with bikes on top and b) the immigration official really thought I said "smoking some pot" instead of "going to a dinner party and riding some bikes."

Landon's Canadian and American and got hassled for having no id whatsoever. I just moved to the US from Korea and had no residence, and didn't know yet where I was going to wind up. So I also got hassled. They searched in the engine and the seats of the truck, dumped out all our luggage contents in the parking lot, found an extra 750ml of wine (only one allowed in) which they confiscated for their own dinners, and then called the great state of Georgia (where we both last lived) to check our criminal records. Also found nothing. So then they said to me that they confirmed that Landon was indeed Canadian so he could enter the country but that I would have to show $5000 cash on the spot to get in - this was a little known and little used card they could play at the time to keep undesirables out. It just so happened I had EXACTLY $5000 in my pocket intravelers checks since that was the easiest way to get money out of Korea at the time. I showed it to her and we were off. I must have crossed 40 international borders, many in the developing world, and never ever had a problem - only Canada. Borders - what an anacronism.


Feb 14, 2003
Lower Mainland, BC
8it said:
Yeah I'm gonna make sure that everyone has their passports. We'll be up there from 731/ to 8/13, look for the brown and blue BBR jerseys and come take a few runs with us. If anyone is gonna be up there alone feel free to tag along with us cause we plan on riding as much of the area as you can ride in two weeks and we're planning on doing a heli-biking day. I'll be on a black Chumba F4 with a silver boxxer team fork feel free to say what's up and lets take a ride or buy me a beer.
Let me know which day you guys are planning to do your heli drop. I'd like to tag along if you dont mind since I cant find any of my buddies to do it. It'll be a very expensive ride if I had to do it on my own.


Apr 17, 2004
Did you guys cross the border through the Peace Arch or the truck route? The difference can be 1/2 hour. I crossed the truck route two weeks ago and it took me less than 5 minutes. Oh yeah, the weather that weekend in Whistler was sweet too. Just trying to rub it in a little. :D