
Who can you trust?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
There is only one person in the world who I trust completely without any reservation... my wife. All others are afforded trust based on past performance and it is always givin with reservation.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Ciaran said:
There is only one person in the world who I trust completely without any reservation... my wife. All others are afforded trust based on past performance and it is always givin with reservation.

But I cant find anything good that thay have done in the past while that I can give credit to. Infact what they have done in the past while completly diminished all trust i had in them.
I ask questins about on thing and none of them has given an answer that is remotly close to each other. And the worst thing is that I know exactly ehat happend.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
If you question the trust, then it isn't there. I have some low level of trust with my small group of friends, but much like Ciaran, the ONLY person I trust outside of blood family is my wife.

The world is a s!thy place, man.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
caputo1989 said:
Spill what?
Spill the info about what your friends did to cause you to start this thread. Otherwise it's useless to everyone but yourself. It's fine if you need to vent but give us the juicy details.
dfinn said:
Spill the info about what your friends did to cause you to start this thread. Otherwise it's useless to everyone but yourself. It's fine if you need to vent but give us the juicy details.
In high school my parents spit up; for personal reasons… It started late in my freshman year and I don’t think I will ever get over it. They started to have long conversations in which mom usually ended up crying. I guess I never knew why, until some one brought it to my attention- it was my dad. He moved out of the house for a while, but ended up in the guest room most of the time. Well he was finialy moved out for good.
My friends were supportive and helped me through a lot hoops in life. I never contemplated suicide and never will but I was beat up and shaken. Ryan was the biggest help of all, a real true friend.

Ryan had gone through a similar situation though it had a better result. I salute his parents for being able to work things out.

The day my dad moved out Ryan came over to my house- not knowing anything about my situation- I told him everything. ****, I spilled my guts to the poor kid. A true friend. He gave me some real good advice that night, we even light off fireworks at the neighborhood park. He told me “If you ever need to talk…I’m here for you”. I never took him up on that offer, maby I will.

Over the next few weeks we started to hang out with “The Asshole”- Max. I very much regret it, though I had been friends with him for a long time. This might be why I never took up Ryan’s offer. My best buddy had started hanging out with max more and more. Max had wore off on him. Max is not a good person, an attention whore and a constant lier one might say, He tried to turn Ryan and all of my other good friends against me. Mark another good friend of mine gave me the heads up. Max’s attempt of sabatoge came back to bite him in the ass.

Mark started dating the girl in which Max was in love with and too tried to turn everyone against him. A real prick Max was being.

A few more weeks past by, and I was in a ****ty mood, because of everything else that was going on. One Friday night Max, Mark, Ryan, Ryan’s Girlfriend, and I were at Chipoltle. Max decided it would be funny to put Tobasco in my iced tea. I told him “don’t muck with me…I’m not in the greatest of moods”. Later that night at Ryan’s house Max started a fight with me…Not a good idea. He wound up with a blak eye, fat lip, and a bloody nose. Max was real upset and told me “I hope you know nobody likes you”. Here is where Max’s plan came back to haunt him. Mark said “Max, to tell you the truth it’s you that nobody likes”.
Later that night Max calls Mark and threatens to kill himself.
As we all know he is a lier, and doesn’t have the guts to do it we just don’t pay attention.
And Now the asshole is starting rumors about me and a girl. Saying that somthing happend that realy didn't.
Also these three particular people are always saying that they hate eachother behind their backs but are best friends when they are together.:mumble:
I have lost trust in Ryan aswell


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I asked for it...

Ask your "friends" if they still wanna hang, and if not, move on. You'll deal with many asshats in life, so consider this practice.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Dude, sorry to hear about your folks, that is really a drag. Mine split up when I was very young and even then it was hard, so I can only imagine.

On the trust issue, you have two choices: You can either give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove themselves to be jerks, or you can assume that you can't trust anyone, never open up to anyone, and never be close to anyone. For me, the first approach is the only way to go, even if it means getting burned now and then. The second is just not how I want to live.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I used to have a lot of friend problems until I realized we do it my way or we are not friends.

Of course, I don't many friends now...


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
My parents got divorced on their 25th...

Back in the day I used to hang with stoners, and then coke heads. I saw where their lives were going and bailed on them. Surround yourself with good people, and you'll prolly have a good life.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
caputo1989 said:
I am friends with about 900 people. But it doesnt help that I go to a school with 5000 students and drama and gossop are impossible to escape. Which is why I want to get as far away from here as possible for collage.
I feel ya there. I went to a very large high school in a very small town (5000 students, 55k population).

I left as soon after high school as possible, as did most everyone I liked from there. I go back to see my parents maybe once a year. I slip into town, say hi to my one friend there, then slip out.

I don't keep in touch with any people from high school and I didn't go to a "real" college. My friends are from work, lbs, moto shop, local area, that sort of thing. I have a small hand full of friends, and my energy goes into my family.

Good luck, man. Life doesn't begin until your at least 25 anyway.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 24, 2003
stinkyboy said:
You know what they say about assuming. I think he's planning on moving far away and working on a giant collage.

What you are describing is pretty average for a high school kid to go through, it was for me. Aside from the giant collage.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
dfinn said:
You know what they say about assuming. I think he's planning on moving far away and working on a giant collage.

What you are describing is pretty average for a high school kid to go through, it was for me. Aside from the giant collage.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
caputo1989 said:
I am friends with about 900 people. But it doesnt help that I go to a school with 5000 students and drama and gossop are impossible to escape. Which is why I want to get as far away from here as possible for collage.
That's the difference. I am friendly with thousands of people. I can count my friends on Frodo's hand.
I talk to theese people on a regular basis htough. But I do have a select handfull of friends that I do most things with but they are not on my good side right now.
As for collage I want to go to Montana State where I dont need too many friends and be occupied in teh outdoors. Not a really big school.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
sanjuro said:
Gollum, I need that finger back...
we should both wear this:

it would be special.

as for moving to get away from stuff....
moving is always a good thing.
but living somewhere where people are always coming and going is a bummer. i know that eventually all of my best friends will be out of here.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i trust my wife more than anyone, especially my dad. i know my mom would do ANYTHING for me. i trust my beat partner with my life and that's about all the trust i can spare.
random friends can easily turn into acquaintances. people you can truly trust are rare. I have a lot of acquaintances and just a handful of true friends. I'll help an acquaintance; i'll die for a friend.
don't stress too much dude....you'll find others in life that won't intentionally let you down.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
caputo1989 said:
I am friends with about 900 people. But it doesnt help that I go to a school with 5000 students and drama and gossop are impossible to escape. Which is why I want to get as far away from here as possible for collage.
Beleive it of not the very second a H.S. diploma hits your hand all that stupid shlt spontaniusly stops. Or did I just give up on the retards I hung out with in H.S.? ohwell the point is it ends.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
manimal said:
i trust my wife more than anyone, especially my dad. i know my mom would do ANYTHING for me. i trust my beat partner with my life and that's about all the trust i can spare.
random friends can easily turn into acquaintances. people you can truly trust are rare. I have a lot of acquaintances and just a handful of true friends. I'll help an acquaintance; i'll die for a friend.
don't stress too much dude....you'll find others in life that won't intentionally let you down.
Very good advice, IMO.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
It sounds like you need some new friends. I trust all of my friends; if I couldn't then I wouldn't ride and hang out with them.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
firetoole said:
sounds like there is a shack in the mountains with your name on it :thumb:
it seems there are alot of angry and bitter people here who would rather be hiding out in shacks right now and cleaning their guns.

i feel bad for people who really have no one else in their life they can trust.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
maxyedor said:
Beleive it of not the very second a H.S. diploma hits your hand all that stupid shlt spontaniusly stops. Or did I just give up on the retards I hung out with in H.S.? ohwell the point is it ends.
I think for some people that happens in the middle of high school. I know it's happened for me. After all my friends from freshmen year turned into huge stoners and obsessive partiers, along with being complete asses and makin up stuff about me. I just stopped hanging out with them.

Caputo, find friends that are your friends for the sake of being your friends and hangin' out with you. Not just because they seem like the 'cool' kids. Of course you know me, lol, being in IB most of my friends never go below a 4.0 gpa. :p ;)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 2, 2005
DC/Bluemont VA
not to rain on your parade, but college is gossipy and stupid too. impenetrable cliques, wierd hate for no reason, and add the fact that everybody is ****ing everybody else and drunk or high all the time, it can get very dramatic very quickly.

i do go to an insanely small school though. 1600 kids.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
skatetokil said:
not to rain on your parade, but college is gossipy and stupid too. impenetrable cliques, wierd hate for no reason, and add the fact that everybody is ****ing everybody else and drunk or high all the time, it can get very dramatic very quickly.

i do go to an insanely small school though. 1600 kids.
Yes but at college it's easier to ignore. Well, unless you are in the dorms.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
skatetokil said:
not to rain on your parade, but college is gossipy and stupid too. impenetrable cliques, wierd hate for no reason, and add the fact that everybody is ****ing everybody else and drunk or high all the time, it can get very dramatic very quickly.

i do go to an insanely small school though. 1600 kids.
I remember there was a big fight between all my friends, which funny enough, started about how people were teasing me all the time. The girls and their boyfriends shacked up at their apartment, the rest of the dudes at their house.

It was so intense, I avoided all of them for a week. I remember how surprised everyone was, and that helped to end this little tiff.