
Who can you trust?


Jun 10, 2002
i don't call someone my friend until i completely trust them. you'd be surprised how many people get upset with that.
COmtbiker12 said:
I think for some people that happens in the middle of high school. I know it's happened for me. After all my friends from freshmen year turned into huge stoners and obsessive partiers, along with being complete asses and makin up stuff about me. I just stopped hanging out with them.

Caputo, find friends that are your friends for the sake of being your friends and hangin' out with you. Not just because they seem like the 'cool' kids. Of course you know me, lol, being in IB most of my friends never go below a 4.0 gpa. :p ;)
Dude tony you are such a nerd.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 2, 2005
DC/Bluemont VA
Ciaran said:
Yes but at college it's easier to ignore. Well, unless you are in the dorms.

we have no choice. they cut our financial aid if we try to escape. like 95% of the school lives on campus all 4 years. But i'm the **** out of here in 3 months, so i cant really complain. it's been fun so whatever.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Check it out bro, Highschool aint crap in teh grand scheme of things. Trust is a Loaded word. Do i trust my wife? Of coarse. Do i trust my Friends?? Yes, but like most have said in this post your good friends your gonna be able to count on one hand. 900 friends is more like one or two friends and a lot of aquaintances. Hanging out, conversing, chatting, all that isnt what makes a friend. Trust in itself can be looked at in levels also. If a friend of mine asks to borrow a hundred for a weekend and says itll be back to me on tuesday, then yeah i trust him with it. If a coworker asks me the same thing, Prolly not. I am truly sorry to hear you have to watch your parents go through splitting up, thats just rough from all sides.

Try not to fall into the trap soo many people fall into, how important is it to you what others in highschool think of you? Rumors about you and what a girl did..... SO what. you and the Girl know what did or didnt happen. Reason you see stuff like this so much on a highschool level is, well frankly, thats when most are still going through Puberty, Most start in Jr high. But the process doesnt stop for quite sometime. The changes happening inside people during this time cause some crazy Emotional things to occur. The ever pressing need to Lose your Virginity, Being cool in front of others, being the Team captain, Bringing home the win. Just some Examples Some people deal with these feeling's with the need for attention, or the need to look better than others around them, eitehr by actually being better, or making the others look bad. I am not gonna come out with a "Get over it " responce, but dont let stuff like this shape who you are, let you shape who you are. Really hard to get past stuff like this, i see people that are in tehre 30's still doing the" I need to be best at everything" routine.

I think i started into quite the ramble there. Look to the Future, and make the best of it for yourself. True friends will become self apparent and friendships like that are built up over Years and years. I graduated in 97 and there are all of four people from high school i Even talk to. One i ended up marrying ofter i came back from college<Not the high school sweetie, i left her at college, what a bitch>And one other that i knew since gradeschool. the third i dont count because she is married to a Family friend. not sure if we would have become friends if not for that. Dont let it drag you down, life goes on with or without you.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Wytheville Virginia
yeah man, keep your head up. Somebody on here has a sig that goes like,"be who you are because the people who care dont matter, and the people who matter dont care." or something like that. The school i go to has about 700 students and rumors spread like wildfire and the people there I considerED friends turned out to be nothing short of worthless. The friends who matter will turn up......

........next on Dr. Phil
I dont listen to most things that are said to me but it bogles my mind that a friend scince kindergarden is being a dousche nozle. I used to trust peope but after the past few weeks its like why do I even bother talking to them...I dont know but it seems like I just want to get out of dodge. Im sick of bull**** and everything else. Maby I should just find a place with nothing but running water and a wood burning stove somewhere in the mountains. Maby my scottland trip this summer will loosen some tension.
"Lifes a bitch first you marry one then you have one then you die"-Random dude at wendys.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
caputo1989 said:
Im not down im just frustrated. I realize i am who I am, but everyone at my school think they are better than everyone, and thats what im reaky sick of.
There is a solution for that as well. I went to highschool in kind of a weird city. My highschool had everything from the dirt poor to the disgustingly rich. The rich kids were always talking themselves up and picking on the kids that didn't have as much money. You know how it works I'mm sure, they just liked to flaunt cash. Show of their shinny new BMWs ect. Well they also aren't great fighters.

So kick their a$$es it may not accomplish much, but it feels good to do. They also won't be jackasses toward you anymore.:rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
Work hard in college. It will open doors and everything will pan out. Also . . . wrap it up ;)

Everything else is BS, 'cept your bike.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
caputo1989 said:
Im not down im just frustrated. I realize i am who I am, but everyone at my school think they are better than everyone, and thats what im reaky sick of. But this thread is about trust so I wont get into it.
That's what you need to realize and put it into everyday life. There's always people out there who are elitists and there's always going to be people who are attention whores and act like complete asses to try and be a part of what they think society wants of them. Just take it with a grain of salt and make the best o fit. :)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
caputo1989 said:
Im not down im just frustrated. I realize i am who I am, but everyone at my school think they are better than everyone, and thats what im reaky sick of.
You're starting to sound like a teenager now. ;)

Suck it up, Princess - in 5 years (maybe 10) you'll realize that it was a bunch of petty $hit.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Yeah man, Friends come and go, just because youve known him since KG doesnt make him a true friend. Its not just time that does it. Hold your head up time goes on. I dont know anyone who cant count there True friend on one hand. Youll realize this someday and it will all make sence.

maxyedor said:
. You know how it works I'mm sure, they just liked to flaunt cash. Show of their shinny new BMWs ect. Well they also aren't great fighters.
So kick their a$$es it may not accomplish much, but it feels good to do. They also won't be jackasses toward you anymore.:rolleyes:

There is an Eerie truth to this, Knock one out take teh day suspension and come back, word will travel and people will get out of your way more, or Him and his ten friends will be waiting for you. If that happens take out as many as you can before they take you down. Make it look like your a Psyco or something. lol Just kidding, fighting wont solve anything, might make you feel better at the moment, But problem is exactly what i just wrote, They get there friends to help for some revenge and it gets bad fast.