
'Who' creates spyware???


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
I know this topic has come up before, but while I was trying to cleanup my computer using Ad-Aware, I was thinking:

-Who creates this crap???
-Is it some angry computer geek that wants to spread chaos on the internet???
-Is it a bunch of companies that have so much money they have nothing better to do but annoy people???
-Do these companies even have addresses???
-Are the 'roots' of spyware mostly American or is it from all over the globe???

I've had my bouts with the about:blank spyware and that was cleared up using CWshredder but now I'm getting things that keep showing up on a daily basis. I've tried Spysweeper but it slowed everything down and barely worked and then I tried Ad-Aware which is free and pretty quick and does the job (also based on the suggestion of some computer guys at work). The anti-spyware programs tend to remove the immediate thread but it's like they don't go and completely remove it so it's only a matter of time before the same spyware programs install again.

Is this something that can become illegal in the near future??? I know the internet is a 'grey' area but it has come to a point where loggin on the internet is a pain...more of a hassle than anything else.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Download Microsoft Beta ware....

It is the best

I had Add ware and Spybot, then when i downloaded beta 1 for *free* it found 23 high level trojan's on my computer. and instantly my pc went faster. It even pops up and tells you when somthing is trying to acess your machine. it is really a good deal, and its FREE!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
I just downloaded the MS beta spyware software...not bad, although now I have notices saying spyware is trying to install every 30 seconds or so...which is a good thing!

Now, are hardware firewalls any good?? (routers). Or should I get a software firewall like Norton?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2004
The 909
I sometimes get spyware that pops up things like Vonage, and other fairly well-known companies. I vow to never use those companies' services when I see that they support that crap(spyware).
Feb 14, 2004
ChrisRobin said:
I just downloaded the MS beta spyware software...not bad, although now I have notices saying spyware is trying to install every 30 seconds or so...which is a good thing!

Now, are hardware firewalls any good?? (routers). Or should I get a software firewall like Norton?
YES!!! Nortons has saved my ass many times... It won't kill your existing spyware, but it'll stop any from coming through.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
mack said:
Download Microsoft Beta ware....

It is the best

I had Add ware and Spybot, then when i downloaded beta 1 for *free* it found 23 high level trojan's on my computer. and instantly my pc went faster. It even pops up and tells you when somthing is trying to acess your machine. it is really a good deal, and its FREE!!!

Well I'll be goddamned, Mack posted something of use.

Thanks :thumb:


chicodude01 said:
Well I'll be goddamned, Mack posted something of use.

Thanks :thumb:
Don't get too excited. I am sure he will cancel this out in fine fashion.

*I use zone alarm for a firewall with no problems.
Feb 14, 2004
bullcrew said:
ChrisRobin said:
I know this topic has come up before, but while I was trying to cleanup my computer using Ad-Aware, I was thinking:

-Who creates this crap???
Its either the bmx'ers or the 10sp crowd. :D
or XC'ers... those guys're the root of all evil lemme tell ya...


Turbo Monkey
All my internet access goes thru a NAT'd router ($70.00) and spy ware doesn't seem to be too much of an issue. The only thing that comes up are pop ups and pop-unders. I surf as Administrator so I'm actually more susceptible. The only thing I use is McAfee Enterprise 7.1. Occasionally I fire up the MS spy ware killer for kicks. But, my daily workstation gets nuked and re-installed once every 2 mos so if issue do come up, it doesn't have time to get out of control. Now, my roommate's machine, the one everyone in the house and their buddies uses, is another story. I use a different subnet to get around cross infection.

Edit: I opened ports 1024 - 10000 for mIRC So, if I'm not getting too many Spyware hits, chances are they're tapping in thru opened ports higher than 10000. So if you go w/ a NAT'd router, close ports higher than 10000 down and open them as needed.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
A little update on the MS Beta1 program...

It's pretty intense on what it does. I've had my computer on all day and I've been surfing my usual sites and at the beginning I was getting notices saying programs were trying to install themselves (the usual spyware I was used to seeing). I kept blocking them and making sure I had nothing out of the ordinary in my 'add/remove software' screen. Now, I have nothing attcking me...or the MS program is now automatically blocking things before I get a chance to see them.


Turbo Monkey
ChrisRobin said:
A little update on the MS Beta1 program...

It's pretty intense on what it does. I've had my computer on all day and I've been surfing my usual sites and at the beginning I was getting notices saying programs were trying to install themselves (the usual spyware I was used to seeing). I kept blocking them and making sure I had nothing out of the ordinary in my 'add/remove software' screen. Now, I have nothing attcking me...or the MS program is now automatically blocking things before I get a chance to see them.
That's a good thing right? It's nice to see friggin' MS getting something right. I can see we'll have to pay for the program later, but hey, while it's free...


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i use to have lots of spyware, but now i run ZoneAlarm firewall (free), and it stops any attack.
i just open the internet for access to certain programs, and close any incoming connection outside certain programs. i have never gotten any spyware since then...


Apr 17, 2004
I did a scan with Ad-aware a couple days ago and found that half the spyware found was either created by or sent from Microsoft. :mad:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
If you go infected by the CWS spyware (Backdoor-BDD I think), then you're in for a painful war. My GF got it on her computer and the anti-virus was useless. It was detecting it but just could not get rid of it.

Formatting the HD and reinstalling Windows has proved to be a very efficient way to get rid of the virus.
Ciaran said:
This fixes most Windows issues. :D
Damn bro ain't that the truth. I can't even begin to tell you how many installs I've done since I became "enamored" with these so called devices of "convenience." :rolleyes:

I'm using ZoneAlarm and Norton Internet Security at the moment. It's working pretty well, but I've installed and removed so many programs that it's about time for a fresh re-install.


Man Whore
Aug 3, 2004
Montreal, Qc
Internet use tip-of-the-day for Windows XP users

0. Install SP2. Get rid of the crappy firewall that's built in.
1. Always, always, always use Mozilla Firefox (dont even think of starting IE again)!
2. Install an antivirus such as McAffee 8i or Norton 9. Both come with a decent software firewall.
3. For added security, install SpyBot and/or Microsoft Spyware detection tool and schedule it to run once a week
4. Install a good firewall. Personnally, i use Tiny Personnal Firewall. Never really liked ZoneAlarm.
5. For tin-foil hat parano, use "users" credentials instead of Administrator account.
6. For added pleasure and extra web experience, install the AdBlock plugin for Firefox. It will get rid of 99% of junk of the net. Also, there's few nice plugin coming along the way that will block 100% of popup/pop under/ads/****/virus/etc.

Going trough a NAT router does NOT block spywares at all. If you can read a webpage, the spyware can also send outgoing traffic. NAT work both way. If you want, you can start to filter the traffic in the router (which will then act as a firewall) but you need to know what you do exactly.


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
ChrisRobin said:
I know this topic has come up before, but while I was trying to cleanup my computer using Ad-Aware, I was thinking:

-Who creates this crap???
THE MAN!!!!! :sneaky:
Use 2 different scanners for the best results, the MS Beta (the only MS product I truely like), Spybot, Adaware, or HiJack this. All these products work fairly well.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Man, my computer is riddled with this crap! I finally had it cleaned out and I left the computer on for a few days straight...everything was working well and fast! My girlfriend is used to turning the computer off but when I rebooted this morning...holy crap!! Everything was re-generating!!! I had to sweep using the MS beta program about 3 times to clear everything. Even then, after it's cleared everything, it asks to reboot. So you reboot but all the spyware starts to regenerate again!!! I think I have it under control now so this thing is staying 'on' ALL the time. I don't want to waste an hour of my life cleaning out the computer.

From what I've seen, the anti-spyware programs don't really take spyware out at the root, they just remove the immediate files trying to tie up your computer. Other than going into the registry and tampering with things (I did a search about removing the reaccuring spyware and it says I have to edit my registry), is there a way of clearing them out at the root??


Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
ChrisRobin said:
Man, my computer is riddled with this crap! I finally had it cleaned out and I left the computer on for a few days straight...everything was working well and fast! My girlfriend is used to turning the computer off but when I rebooted this morning...holy crap!! Everything was re-generating!!! I had to sweep using the MS beta program about 3 times to clear everything. Even then, after it's cleared everything, it asks to reboot. So you reboot but all the spyware starts to regenerate again!!! I think I have it under control now so this thing is staying 'on' ALL the time. I don't want to waste an hour of my life cleaning out the computer.

From what I've seen, the anti-spyware programs don't really take spyware out at the root, they just remove the immediate files trying to tie up your computer. Other than going into the registry and tampering with things (I did a search about removing the reaccuring spyware and it says I have to edit my registry), is there a way of clearing them out at the root??

Once it gets to certain point, it's just easier to restore or reinstall the OS on a PC, than it is to battle multiple infected registry keys, especially if your not familiar with the registry structure.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
ChrisRobin said:
Man, my computer is riddled with this crap! I finally had it cleaned out and I left the computer on for a few days straight...everything was working well and fast! My girlfriend is used to turning the computer off but when I rebooted this morning...holy crap!! Everything was re-generating!!! I had to sweep using the MS beta program about 3 times to clear everything. Even then, after it's cleared everything, it asks to reboot. So you reboot but all the spyware starts to regenerate again!!! I think I have it under control now so this thing is staying 'on' ALL the time. I don't want to waste an hour of my life cleaning out the computer.

From what I've seen, the anti-spyware programs don't really take spyware out at the root, they just remove the immediate files trying to tie up your computer. Other than going into the registry and tampering with things (I did a search about removing the reaccuring spyware and it says I have to edit my registry), is there a way of clearing them out at the root??

you might want to try unplugging the internet whenever you reboot, then there is not way for the traces of spyware to download itself again.


start your pc in safe mode with no network adapters, then run anti everyspyware known to man, and reboot (in the same safe mode), and do it again..
that has been enough for me most of the time.
if that doesnt work, then you need a clean reinstall.