
Who doesn't have a cell phone?

Do you own a cell phone?

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The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
RideND said:
I was just wondering if Im the only person left in the world without a cell phone.
i only got one a few years ago becuase i was traveling for a job and trying to interview for others while i was on the road.
i hardly use mine. i really dont wana be found all that often.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Cell phones bug me, especially when I see people talking on them while driving their huge suv's. Anyway, I only borrow my mom's when I'm going on a long ride. I can see the point of having one for emergencies and such, but they are becoming annoying. It's nice to always have contact with someone (if you have service in that area), but then again, sometimes its nice to be able to just have time to yourself without getting bugged by the phone. When I have my mom's I leave it turned off.

Also, a lot of kids have them now and its really annoying to see them at school all the time.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I don't have one... don't want one either.

Women may be the source of all evil, but these things are a close second.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
my friend Glen doesn't have a cell.

I wouldn't have a cell if it weren't for my boyfriend getting one. Sometimes I just don't want to be contacted by anyone. Call me selfish.

Sometimes I just leave it off.
Or leave it at home.

I have a Virgin pre-paid, no contract. It's small, so it goes on rides with me when I am alone. I figure that I am such an incredible nooB, that I will eventually need it because I have gotten myself in an awkward predicament.

I also hate it when people don't have enough brains to NOT talk on their cell while they are driving.
Or in movie theaters.
Or in meetings.
Or at the Unknown Soldier memorial in Arlington.....


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I love my little cell phone, just wish the signal was better at home. I don't have a home phone anymore, just the cell.

Now there are tons of irresponsible users who piss me off too. Turn it off in the movies/class/resturant! Don't drive while yammering on yer damned phone neither!

I drive a manual so that wouldn't go over well anyway!


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I have one that work gave me for business, but do not own one myself.
My wife has a pre-paid Tracfone, but only keeps it in the car for emergencies.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
I got one because I ride alone alot. Unfortunately, I'll probably knock myself out and won't be able to use it.

Wife has one so if she is traveling with the kids and has any problems she can get hold of help.

I'm really not a big fan of them, though. We have 400 rollover minutes a month, and I bet we have a few thousand minutes saved up now.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I like having one. It comes in really handy sometimes. Then again, I hate talking on the phone and only use phones as a device to give or receive information (I hate getting dragged into chats on the phone). Cell phones are great when you need to get ahold of someone ASAP, but they suck for everything else (like people chatting on them in restaurants etc).


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Have you all heard of this new invention called caller ID?, or the other one, called the Off button??

I also think its funny people make a big deal about talking while in the car, who cares about the person doing 90 in a 55, while flipping thru their cd collection and drinking a cup of steaming hot coffee - no big deal, but if someone is on a cell phone its terrible, so very terrible!



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I don't have one nor do I want one but I think my wife might be issued one for work since she now has to drive all over tarnation and back.

I value my quiet time and don't want interuptions or distractions. This is what I hate most, hikers, bikers out in the middle of nowhere chatting away on their phones. Why do people do that? If I want to get away from it all I want to get AWAY!!! To hell with who ever wants to talk with me. If I don't see a broken leg, it makes me want to grab their phones from them and stomp them and say "Look around you idiot!"

dh girlie

douglas said:
Have you all heard of this new invention called caller ID?, or the other one, called the Off button??

I also think its funny people make a big deal about talking while in the car, who cares about the person doing 90 in a 55, while flipping thru their cd collection and drinking a cup of steaming hot coffee - no big deal, but if someone is on a cell phone its terrible, so very terrible!

Exactly! That's the nice thing about a cell phone YOU have to power to turn it off, turn off your ringer, set a special ring so you don't know its that special someone that you don't want to talk to is calling, telemarketers don't have your number (for the most part, I think I've received one call on my cell from a telemarketer in years) If I didn't have my cell phone I'd be f'd. My house phone has my dsl and house alarm running through it and it's so damn crackly with all that crap running through it, you can't even hold a conversation on it. A million telemarketers have the number and typically when my home phone rings, it's some bastard trying to sell me something.

If you have an ear piece, there is no reason you should be the anti-christ for talking on your cell when you drive...you talk to other passengers in the car, right?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i have one. it's crucial for maintaining any semblance of a social life, since plans change or are made up on the spot.

dh girlie

jdschall said:
I don't have one nor do I want one but I think my wife might be issued one for work since she now has to drive all over tarnation and back.

I value my quiet time and don't want interuptions or distractions. This is what I hate most, hikers, bikers out in the middle of nowhere chatting away on their phones. Why do people do that? If I want to get away from it all I want to get AWAY!!! To hell with who ever wants to talk with me. If I don't see a broken leg, it makes me want to grab their phones from them and stomp them and say "Look around you idiot!"

but what if thats what they want to do? What do you care? It's no different than people just chatting away with other riders is it?

I've never used my phone on the trail or while snowboarding...never in a restaurant...but I saw this girl one day...I was coming down the ungroomed face of the mountain at Homewood after it had dumped about 4 feet of fresh powder the night before...anyway, its dubbed an expert level run and she was laying on her back...with her head pointed DOWN the mountain...with her board buried under a couple of feet of snow...and she was on her cell phone crying and telling someone of her predicament and where she was...

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
I used to hate them, but now I feel surgically attached to mine. I actually text message more than I talk on mine because it avoids all the chatting. It's crazy but I think it's actually cheaper to have a cell than a home phone.

I constantly have my ringer silenced, or the phone shut off. Instant privacy.

I agree with you Douglas on the cell phone while driving thing. My mom got into her first accident ever because she had a hot coffee in her hands. I think that became such a big deal because it was the new thing to blame other drivers for.

dh girlie

Crazy Sweeper said:
I agree with you Douglas on the cell phone while driving thing. My mom got into her first accident ever because she had a hot coffee in her hands. I think that became such a big deal because it was the new thing to blame other drivers for.
Yeah...no one ever says they hate kids cuz people are screaming at them or fussing with them while driving...everyone is guilty of not paying attention while driving, be it hot coffee, cell phones, cd's, food, kids, cigarettes...people just love to stand on a soap box and preach about the latest and greatest thing to jump on a band wagon about. Not saying cell phones don't cause people to get in accidents, but theres all kindsa everyday crap that causes accidents too...it's just not trendy to hate on hot coffee! :D


Turbo Monkey
Apr 12, 2004
Durham, NC
dh girlie said:
Yeah...no one ever says they hate kids cuz people are screaming at them or fussing with them while driving...everyone is guilty of not paying attention while driving, be it hot coffee, cell phones, cd's, food, kids, cigarettes...people just love to stand on a soap box and preach about the latest and greatest thing to jump on a band wagon about. Not saying cell phones don't cause people to get in accidents, but theres all kindsa everyday crap that causes accidents too...it's just not trendy to hate on hot coffee! :D
Are you some kind of cell phone lobbyist? :p
Cell phones suck.

dh girlie

Dogboy said:
Are you some kind of cell phone lobbyist? :p
Cell phones suck.
HAHA! no...not a cell phone lobbyist. I also cannot stand cell phones in certain situations. Like when you're on a plane. Once they give the clearance to turn on your phone all these people are turning on their phones like they were going to miss the end of the world in that hour and a half flight. Sure, some people have a legitmate reason, but some do not...like the guy on the plane when we got back from Florida...he was speaking loud enough for the entire plane to hear and he's bitching about how the airline OWES him BIG because, gulp...god forbid he got forced out of first class and had to sit in coach and he was pissed off and he really needed to go see CHRIS and KATE HUDSON and see they're new kid before they got pissed off at him. :rolleyes:

It's just a trendy thing to hate...SUV's and cell phones...people that hate them and don't use them perform other evils on this earth... :nopity:
I have a cell phone from work. It stays off unless I have to make a call while on duty. Otherwise it's turned off. I very occasionally carry it in my pack while riding.

Douglas and Missy - I think a pretty clear statistical picture is emerging about cell phone use while driving, and it establishes that it should not be allowed.



Nov 1, 2003
Mandan, ND
Both my parents have a cell phone and so does my sister (who is 5 years younger) but I don't and would only use one if I got it for free.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
If you have an ear piece, there is no reason you should be the anti-christ for talking on your cell when you drive...you talk to other passengers in the car, right?
Talking to passengers is a really bad idea whilst driving........ especially when you need to *really* pay attention to the road (traffic, side streets, etc.)



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
johnbryanpeters said:
Douglas and Missy - I think a pretty clear statistical picture is emerging about cell phone use while driving, and it establishes that it should not be allowed.

I think that drivers should be cited for doing other distracting things as well - reading, putting on makeup, eating, etc.

When you're in your car you should be *driving* - it's 2 tons of steel for God's sake. You shouldn't be doing other stuff.



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I didn't read all the other posts....

I have one. I didn't have one for a long time, the wife had one because of her job and we were paying for a phone at the house that was never used.

so I got a cell to replace the house phone.

when the phone rings, I know exactly who it is. one of two people.
sometimes inlaws call it, but I don't usually answer it. I never call people, other then the two people that call me.

I think I have like four numbers in the thing. and two are my wifes...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
SkaredShtles said:

I think that drivers should be cited for doing other distracting things as well - reading, putting on makeup, eating, etc.

When you're in your car you should be *driving* - it's 2 tons of steel for God's sake. You shouldn't be doing other stuff.

you shouldn't, but enforcement would be impossible. hell, running red lights, swerving amongst traffic and tailgators hardly ever get stopped, so you think someone eating a donut and yapping on their mobile is gonna get them in trouble? no chance.

there was a study


that shows people who drive and talk on cell phones (even handsfree) drive like 70 year people, in terms if reaction time.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
they need to a survey on people who drive & smoke........especially being on the way home yesterday, some dumb ass lady with 1 hand on her cig, was driving the wrong way in my lane - she decided to take a short cut to get to stewarts(convenience store) - my guess is we were about 10 feet from hitting each other head on


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
narlus said:
you shouldn't, but enforcement would be impossible. hell, running red lights, swerving amongst traffic and tailgators hardly ever get stopped, so you think someone eating a donut and yapping on their mobile is gonna get them in trouble? no chance.

there was a study


that shows people who drive and talk on cell phones (even handsfree) drive like 70 year people, in terms if reaction time.
Actually, the laws are already on the books in every state. They're "careless driving" statutes. And they're really never enforced....... such is life, I guess.

Too bad I couldn't give out citizen citations. :D I'd be handing out a dozen a day with all the stupid things I see......


dh girlie

What about listening to music? There was this dumb broad that was waving her arms and head to the music...and swerving to the music...I first saw her behind me yesterday (I was enthralled with what she was doing, I probably should have been cited for not paying attention myself) and she was cutting in and out of traffic without using her signal, tailgating and just swerving back and forth, singing, dancing...I was like goddamn what an idiot.

Oh and then recently a 24 year old woman and her unborn baby(she was 9 months pregnant) and her passenger were killed because someone was turning around to talk to a passenger in the back seat and caused an accident.

I think driving is just like everything else...there are dickheads in everything we do...there are dick head mtn bikers...there are dick head hikers, dick head drivers, etc.

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Actually, the laws are already on the books in every state. They're "careless driving" statutes. And they're really never enforced....... such is life, I guess.

Too bad I couldn't give out citizen citations. :D I'd be handing out a dozen a day with all the stupid things I see......

Hey I know some people in our Public Safety offices...I could get you some sticker badges that look like police badges that say Junior Officer you could wear!!! :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
What about listening to music?
Listening to the radio is a "passive" activity. So it's less distracting than activities which would be considered "active" such as talking on the phone, eating, etc.

It sounds like that dumb broad you described had turned her music listening into an active thing, though....... :mad: Dumb bishes.



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Hey I know some people in our Public Safety offices...I could get you some sticker badges that look like police badges that say Junior Officer you could wear!!! :D
Apparently here in Colorado it's a fairly serious offense to impersonate a police officer........ :p



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
dh girlie said:
What about listening to music?
in the car, i make it a point to exclusively listen to either Big Black's _Racer-X_ ep, or anything by Swervedriver.

dh girlie said:
I think driving is just like everything else...there are dickheads in everything we do...there are dick head mtn bikers...there are dick head hikers, dick head drivers, etc.
just that a greater percentage of dickhead drivers are in SUVs. it's been proven. :oink: