
Who doesn't have a cell phone?

Do you own a cell phone?

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dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Listening to the radio is a "passive" activity. So it's less distracting than activities which would be considered "active" such as talking on the phone, eating, etc.

It sounds like that dumb broad you described had turned her music listening into an active thing, though....... :mad: Dumb bishes.

So you don't talk when you drive?

Yeah that broad was NUTS! I saw her coming up on me really fast on an exit to the expressway and I was thinking my god what is wrong with that person behind me...she had both hands off the wheel and was swayin em back and forth left, right, left, right, right...and vice versa...it was appalling. I pray for her safety as she was in a tiny little car...which, by the way, was all F'd up like she'd been in lots of fender benders.

Mind you I'm no perfect driver, but I have a perfect driving record and I do drive very safely, and courteously. I do have road rage...I have no tolerance for dickheads that drive to endanger my safety...hence another reason why I want a bigger car...

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
I always tell my wife not to tell me anything or ask me anything important while I'm driving. Hell - I have enough trouble remembering things when I'm actually paying attention...... :p


God, I heard a woman talking at the hairdresser the other day around 6 pm, commute hour...her hairdresser was setting her up to sit in the massaging pedicure chair while her dye or highlights set...whatever...she had a bunch of foil on her head and she was saying oh good...I can take a nap so I don't fall asleep on 280 again going 80 mph (280=major highway, especially popular with commuters, full of traffic pretty much any time of day) :eek:


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
RideND said:
I was just wondering if Im the only person left in the world without a cell phone.
I am right with ya brotha. ;)

If it is that important (Rarely is it ever that important) they can usually find me (I leave a place to reach me) or I don't care to be found (I don't leave a number to be reached at :) )

My parents finally bought a cell phone because they are retired and travel down south to AZ etc. They have a rental building and soemtimes it is important to contact them....or as with two summers ago my Grandmother died...and they were on the road. It is hand then. They have a low minute pat as you go type of program and it works for them.

I see friends that are leashed to there cell phones. I don't want that. They are a (sometimes) neccasary evil to me.
Feb 14, 2004
Toshi said:
i have one. it's crucial for maintaining any semblance of a social life, since plans change or are made up on the spot.

You can't expect people to wait around for you to be home to see if you can do anything X night.

I love my phone, damn you all to hell who don't.

(Just kidding about that last bit)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
<snip> (280=major highway, especially popular with commuters, full of traffic pretty much any time of day) :eek:
That's why I left the Bay Area. I couldn't tolerate the fact that all the roads were fokked up with traffic *ALL* the time. Holy Christ you must be a saint to tolerate that crap. :p


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
That's why I left the Bay Area. I couldn't tolerate the fact that all the roads were fokked up with traffic *ALL* the time. Holy Christ you must be a saint to tolerate that crap. :p


You lived in the bay area? It used to not be that bad...ten years ago you could plan on going to SF from San Francisco and still plan on being there within an hour 101 all the way...now when I need to go up on a work night, I have to jet right at 4 from Sunnyvale, get on 280 to 380 to 101 and sit in traffic and hope that I'll be there within 2 hours. Sometimes you'll sail right through but that is rare. It's all these damn people that crowd the state from out of state and country...bastards...cept for ONE!


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
dh girlie said:
You lived in the bay area? It used to not be that bad...ten years ago you could plan on going to SF from San Francisco and still plan on being there within an hour 101 all the way...now when I need to go up on a work night, I have to jet right at 4 from Sunnyvale, get on 280 to 380 to 101 and sit in traffic and hope that I'll be there within 2 hours. Sometimes you'll sail right through but that is rare. It's all these damn people that crowd the state from out of state and country...bastards...cept for ONE!
I used to catch the train to Menlo Park (work) when I lived in San Fran. It was cool. I used to ride downhill in the morning from Haight and Divis to the station and back up the hill in the evening. There's a little bit of cool street round the civic center on the way back - there's a great ledge to ledge gap by that crazy shiny sculpture thing. Anyway, I digress. I have a mobile. I like it good. I hate clam shells though, which I bet 90% of you freaks have. Freaks. :oink:

dh girlie

Changleen said:
I used to catch the train to Menlo Park (work) when I lived in San Fran. It was cool. I used to ride downhill in the morning from Haight and Divis to the station and back up the hill in the evening. There's a little bit of cool street round the civic center on the way back - there's a great ledge to ledge gap by that crazy shiny sculpture thing. Anyway, I digress. I have a mobile. I like it good. I hate clam shells though, which I bet 90% of you freaks have. Freaks. :oink:
Well, Mr. Clam Shell Cell Phone hater...what do you have? One of those HUGE ones you have to carry around in a suit case? :D


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
I currently have no Cellaphone. (wha) Stupid farking T Mobile. My contracts up in a month, and I detroyed the phone. Facking Sony Ericson POS. Yeah. I dunno whats next. Im thinking nextel... they have some nice rubberized, pretty rugged looking phones. I hear that govt can tap in to the direct connect dealy... Much like OnStar.



Jun 10, 2002
i have one, but often times consider getting rid of it. i don't like people calling me. i don't think i have given out my number more than 5 times since i've been in college, and those times have typically been group project things. i refuse to play the "i have more phone numbers than you so i must be cooler" game. i had a friend who would check other peoples' caller id just to get phone numbers. what a ****in' loser. we're not friends anymore. actually, we never were friends.

i hate when people leave them on during class. my god, that pisses me off. mine is on 24/7 just 'cause i'm too lazy to turn it off, but it is either on vibrate or silence. i don't know why people have to have their ringer on at all. let alone, in ****ing class!

and lately, i've gotten in the habit of flipping people off who are talking on their's while driving. kinda fun.

and i'm trying really hard not to stereotype, but in austin at least, it seems like Asians and Indians (especially girls) have the most flashy phones available. has anyone else noticed that? i don't mean blinky antennas, i'm talking $500 phones that have been on the market for 10 seconds.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
I have a cell phone, but my work gave it to me. I like it though, and use it for personal use all the time. I've never actually bought a cell, however if I ever get fired, I've become so dependent that I'd have to go out and buy one!


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
dh girlie said:
Well, Mr. Clam Shell Cell Phone hater...what do you have? One of those HUGE ones you have to carry around in a suit case? :D
Right now I have a tiny little Samsung thingy, almost too small even for my smallish fingers, but I've traditionally been a Nokia type of person. I grew up on the Nokia menu system and their phones are generally pretty indestructable. The Nokia 5140 is my kinda phone. http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,,48662,00.html

I have to say though I do look up to Mr. Dom Jolly.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
You lived in the bay area? It used to not be that bad...
Yup. I lived there for 3 months in the autumn of '96. What a complete clusterf**k. All I had to do was convince my girlfriend (now wife) to quit her job and move to Colorado.......

Wasn't a hard sell after the night it took her 2 hours to go *5 miles* back to her apt from work. :eek:

And what is up with Mt. Tam? I go to the "birthplace" of mountain biking and the fokkers tell me I can only ride the *fireroads*?? :mumble:


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Yup. I lived there for 3 months in the autumn of '96. What a complete clusterf**k. All I had to do was convince my girlfriend (now wife) to quit her job and move to Colorado.......

Wasn't a hard sell after the night it took her 2 hours to go *5 miles* back to her apt from work. :eek:

And what is up with Mt. Tam? I go to the "birthplace" of mountain biking and the fokkers tell me I can only ride the *fireroads*?? :mumble:

Yeah...thanks to the f'n hikers.

There must've been an accident because even in the worst traffic conditions its never taken me that long to go 5 miles even during the peak traffic hours...had to be a fatality on the road...

dh girlie

Changleen said:
Right now I have a tiny little Samsung thingy, almost too small even for my smallish fingers, but I've traditionally been a Nokia type of person. I grew up on the Nokia menu system and their phones are generally pretty indestructable. The Nokia 5140 is my kinda phone. http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,,48662,00.html

I have to say though I do look up to Mr. Dom Jolly.

you know what they say about guys with smallish fingers...:think:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Yeah...thanks to the f'n hikers.

There must've been an accident because even in the worst traffic conditions its never taken me that long to go 5 miles even during the peak traffic hours...had to be a fatality on the road...
It probably was something on 880. She and her roomie were on surface streets. :eek:


dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
What are they doing? Expanding 680 & 880 through there from 16 to 20 lanes? :think: :p


Dude...it was like TWO lanes there by Gish...facken sucks ass. they are making it a lot wider though.

Hey the weirdest thing happened to me in Target yesterday...I went into the door mat aisle and some girl was like do you know anything about doormats? I must've given her a weird look cuz then she was all...sorry...so I felt bad and I was like well what do you need to know...and she shows me this one and asks if I thought it was a good one. Soooo...being the expert on doormats, I advised her against that particular one because it had appliques on it and I felt that foot traffic would wear the appliques and it would look like crap before too long. I recommended one of those brown straw ones with dyed pictures of bees and butterflies. She told me she really liked bugs and how her husband told her no more snowmen because she had too many snowmen cuz she really liked snowmen, so now she is focusing on bugs, bees in particular because her name was Debbie and 'Debbie' actually means BUSY BEE (not sure in what culture or language) and she wants to get a yellow car. At that point, as I was slowly backing out of the aisle, I recommended a VW Beetle. Man some people are just WHACKED...I told my friend about it and she was like was she hitting on you or did she just have a screw loose?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Dude...it was like TWO lanes there by Gish...facken sucks ass. they are making it a lot wider though.

Hey the weirdest thing happened to me in Target yesterday...I went into the door mat aisle and some girl was like do you know anything about doormats? <snip>
Man some people are just WHACKED...I told my friend about it and she was like was she hitting on you or did she just have a screw loose?
<SkaredShthead slowly backs away down the isle away from DH Girlie>



Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I work for a cell phone company so I of course have one. I only have a home phone now because we don't get service in our new house, but I loved it being my only phone. Eliminated telemarkter calls and just one less place to check the messages. I've had to get over some of my annoyance with cell phones not only working for the company, but having a husband who works in engineering for the company (translation: 24 hour on-call :mumble: ) But he's gotten much better about screening calls so it's not as much of a bother anymore.

I take mine with me most places, but it's almost always on silent. I don't like being bothered if I'm not in the mood for it....I'm a BIG FAN of call screening. I don't understand why people think that just because the phone rings they are obligated to pick it up.....it's called free will people, use it!