
Who goes to church?

Do you go to religious services?

  • What is this church you speak of? (the SkaredShtles answer)

    Votes: 54 54.5%
  • Once in a blue moon.

    Votes: 23 23.2%
  • On religious holidays and stuff.

    Votes: 6 6.1%
  • Once a week, or thereabouts.

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • More than once a week.

    Votes: 8 8.1%

  • Total voters


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
the only times i go to church are for weddings (no funerals yet) and when i'm getting paid as a musician on a gig.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I go when I am not racing/riding or out of town etc...
Its the same church as I was brought up in as a kid.
But somehow I escaped getting all the hangups or bitterness so many people seem to get.
Its all light and positive for me.
Organized religion can be bad that is for sure, but it does not have to be. When I was in college, I picked up a bible and read it from cover to cover like a regular book. I did it simply for my own interpretation.
The one thing that did was just give me a general positive mindset on how I want to live my life that has stayed with me.
I don't need to go to church, nor do I feel real different when I do.
I feel alot closer to God when I am boosting a 30 foot stepdown than I do sitting in a stuffy pew.
I don't talk about it much because the details are not important to me, and I don't give a goat fart how anybody else lives their life.
I believe in the separation of church and state, lesbians are awesome and beer is wonderful. Amen.:biggrin:

Mr Tiles

I'm a beer snob
Nov 10, 2003
L-town ya'll
i go weekly when i'm not on duty (or racing :D ). i grew up in it but i've also found a deeper need and meaning for "church" as an adult but especially as a cop and dad of 3. i can tell a huge difference in my tolerance and attitude at work/home when i've been away from the church for a while. i suppose it has something to do with accountability.
ditto. I only have one child now, maybe more in the future. Having him in my life seems to make me want to go to church, hard to explain. Luckily, we have found a church (Methodist) that's embraced my family and me and we feel quite comfortable there. I go at least 3 Sundays a month.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
I've gone consistently every Saturday night or Sunday morning (to a non-denominational Christian church) pretty much my whole life. At least until recently when I picked up a second job. Now I do as often as I can, but that isn't as much as I like it to be. When I was old enough (about 12 or 13) my parents made it my choice to go or not to go. I kept going.

I believe the level of importance goes as follows:

1.) God
2.) Family/Friends
3.) Church

With that said, my fiance' is going to be family when we're married and living together, and I have financial responsibility to prove to her so that's why I don't feel terribly guilty for not going all the time.

I do listen to Christian radio, I do tithe, I do read my Bible, I have never had a drink in my entire life, I do have tattoos (a good amount of them), have had piercings, do swear, and have struggled with just about anything you can struggle with. And I have skipped church to go riding.

My conclusion: church is an amazing thing, but often as a whole, a religion can approach certain aspects of daily life in an inappropriate manner. I have my gripes about all aspects of religion, and all denominations of Christianity. A group built by imperfect hands will, inevitably, be imperfect.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I was raised church of christ. I went to a church of christ school through freshman year in high school. I was OK with church, the idea of organized religion and god until I started attending middle school. I didn't fit in, and the teachers were as intolerant of me as the students were.

I finally convinced my parents to let me transfer to a public school. Then I got a job so I could stop going to church too. I worked every Sunday until I was 20 so that i wouldn't have to argue with them about it.

One of the main reasons we eloped was so that I wouldn't have to deal with explaining to my mother that I didn't want a religious ceremony, or a church wedding.

Since then I have become much more open with my mom about my choice to not go to church, but she still questions me about it constantly. it won't be an issue until we have children, and by that point, we will be living far enough away from her that she won't try to pick them up every sunday morning for church.

I've gotten over my grudges with religion and I have found other ways to fulfill my need for spirituality in my life. But I would have to say that my last years involved with organized religion warped my views of a lot of things, strained my relationship with me mom, and made my life and life choices very difficult. I'll never go back.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
The valley we moved to, to start our business 7 years ago was often called "the valley with the most churches per capita of any state in the union"...Do not know where this data came from, but there are a lot of churches and a lot of jesus freaks and bible thumpers...probably why the place is such a mess.

Show me a town with no churches and we are there for retirement.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The valley we moved to, to start our business 7 years ago was often called "the valley with the most churches per capita of any state in the union"...Do not know where this data came from, but there are a lot of churches and a lot of jesus freaks and bible thumpers...probably why the place is such a mess.

Show me a town with no churches and we are there for retirement.
I grew up in a town with more churches than people (so it seemed) and I now live in a house that is within 4 blocks of 7 churches. It does make for a quiet Sunday, though. The bells are cool.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
My wife and I were going, I enjoy hanging out with old people.
Then one day they had this missionary from China in who converts Buddhists to Christians. We haven't been back since.


May 24, 2006
I converted to Catholicism about a year and a half ago, after being raised Baptist and a long hiatus during/post college. My wife and I attend nearly every weekend - though I did opt for shuttling some local trails this past weekend instead.


May 14, 2006
If you feel the need to go to church to be told how to live your life , fine. I live by a couple simple rules .
1) treat others as you would be treated yourself.
2) if it ain't yours , don't fvck with it. - can be applied to people as well as things.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
If you feel the need to go to church to be told how to live your life , fine. I live by a couple simple rules .
1) treat others as you would be treated yourself.
2) if it ain't yours , don't fvck with it. - can be applied to people as well as things.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Have you ever tried yoga, on weed? -Jon Stewart
Crap, you beat me to it!

Lots of interesting stories, feelings and other things coming out here. As for me, I grew up going to church nearly every Sunday (Episcopal). Parents have been very involved in the local church for a long time- helping and running events, donating time and money, etc. My parents made us go basically until college, but now it's kind of optional when we're home. I still go if I am not busy or too tired to move. I even taught Sunday School last year (3rd-4th grade).

Left to my own devices, my attendance kind of slides off, but I do enjoy going (in spite of my own lack of religious faith in, well, almost anything). My parents, though they made us go, never pushed anything on us in terms of doctrine. To be honest, I don't even really know what they actually believe or don't. My brother and sister certainly have little interest in religion and my parents don't seem to mind one way or the other.

I'll probably start going to services more- school has chapel service every day at 10:30 and all classes stop from 10:30-11:30 for it (along with some coffee after). Since I'm there anyway, the chapel is attached to the building and services are short and sweet, it's about as convenient as it gets.


Aug 29, 2007
Dublin, CA
i'd rather hang out in the DMV than go to a place where people think they give time and money they get exclusive extra-ordinary communion with the Creator.
Unless they played Pinochle after the sermon, i haven't played Pinochle in a while.
hahaha, but seriously DMV does sound better!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I hated church as a kid. My dad found a different religion and it helped split up the marriage. Not the churches fault, but it didn't help motivate me to practice.

Now I go once in a while and I enjoy it. It's nice not to be scared (probably realize now that i'm catholic) and take my family while seeing old friends.

I do worship God in the woods before I go to church, so I don't make it there much until winter. I really don't like the whole "this is the one religion", but every religion I know (except for budhism I think) believes that, so I might as well stick with the one that I know. God will probably understand.


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
well i went to church all my life until about a year ago...i still believe things...but for some reason i stopped going....i should probably start going


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I know a guy here in town, goes to church just to meet the ladies, I have seen some of his 'scores', they are really, really hot and really, really nuts! But he says they bang like porn stars.
He thanks jesus everytime!


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I used to go to church every sunday as a kid then when I went off to college, I stopped going. I was never very religious. I'm far too logical to have faith. I do sometimes miss the sense of community. My wife's Dad is a preacher and basically had Jesus beat in to her (literally in some instances) when she was a kid and has no desire what so ever to go back.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Hmm...whenever I don't have a sense of community, I just invite the neighborhood over and throw a rager. I find that my community bonds best when drunk and peeps enjoy a party. Plus, it's a good way to meet all the desparate housewives... :brows: :busted: :ban:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Hmm...whenever I don't have a sense of community, I just invite the neighborhood over and throw a rager. I find that my community bonds best when drunk and peeps enjoy a party. Plus, it's a good way to meet all the desparate housewives... :brows: :busted: :ban:
Yeah, drinking buddies are great :brow: Shallow acquaintances are always there for you when you need them.