
who has worked 100 hours in a week ?

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
binary visions said:
You were working on a construction site and not getting overtime? Boy, they saw you coming a mile away :rofl:
Staff, not labour. Pretty standard around here...


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
The most I can recall was around 85 - 90 so a few summers ago working forest fires for most of the summer. (it was '02, when everything was burning) I never got to do a big detail, where it was 12-16h days for 2 weeks straight, but the smaller to medium sized ones out and around our district. All on a hand crew. Man, hazard pay + overtime w/ those kinds of numbers were nice....it paid for a full semester of school plus I got 6hours credit too.


Dec 11, 2004
Frorider1 said:
man dont be complaining about 13 or 14 hours days when all you do is study or crunch numbers, I used to put in 20 hour days running swimming and carrying zodiaks over sand dunes..
Though I wasn't complaining, you'd be a bit depressed if all you did was run simulators, lab work, and sit behind a desk and deliberate over the finer aspects of enhanced coalbed natural gas recovery. I'd much rather do 20 hrs of physical (and by that point mental) work, than be stuck in here doing this for weeks on end.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I've done 100 I'm sure. In New Orleans, we were on 12 hour days 7 days a week and I went over 12 hours about every day.

When I was in the Navy, my battle group evacuated people from Clark Air Base when Mt. Pinatubo blew up in '91. it was 2 weeks of 18 hours a day average.

Sometimes you have to nut up and get it done. In the civilian world, I have done 80+ hour weeks for a release cycle, but I get a few days/weeks off post release to make up for it. It happens like 3 times a year, but you plan for it (like next month).


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I did when I first got out of college and was working for PricewaterhouseCoopers as a senior tax accountant. Thank gawd I realized work isn't an important part of life for me. :)


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Back when I ran a newpaper I worked 15 hour days as normal before spending the entire weekend running Surf rescue out at the beach, then every 5th weekend traveling down to west auckland and doing surf patrol there as well...... Ended up a total burnout by the end of summer. :(


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
Most I think has been 80ish...But it all kind of blends together between logging on first thing in the morning, working all day, and logging on again at night. But I sprinkle RM time throughout all those so if I substract the 20 hours a day that I'm here...


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
A few weeks ago we were getting the new downhill bikes ready for a show. Our material order came in late on monday morning (weather delay or somthing) and we worked very hard the entire week to get things ready. In a 5 day period, I slept two nights, one for 10 hours, the other for 8.
I broke the 100h mark for sure.