
Who here actually rides??


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I was just looking around here at a lot threads started by some cool folks, lame folks, and just some random folks. I wasn't just looking in the lounge either, which as I have been corrected in the past is not just about riding.

Some folks I looked at like Stosh who often gets accused of not riding. Well he actually has posts about riding or bikes a fair amount. I am not going to post the names of those I have found actually have never posted about riding or bikes as they IMO are lameasses. Some of them actually are the most frequent posters here.

Eventually I can find posts from most about them owning a bike or offering an opinion (usually negative) about a bike or in some cases a part. Now I am not saying you need to be the most avid cyclist or hardcore or extreme. But the thing that I find the most hilarious is the members that have these amazing hardcore rigs. But never seem to ever talk about riding them?? Just weird. Hey if you want to spend $4K on a downhill rig so you can look at it. Well so be it. Hey I will even take your bike and ride it for you.

My interest in bikes and riding brought me here. I love to read and here about bikes. But lately all I hear about is nothing even remotely about riding (I know, I know I am guilty of chiming in and have been known to start some crap) but just random pissing matches, elitist comments, and juvenile ramblings not worthy of the best IMO Mountain Bike forum out there. We all know there is a reason why we are here. Right?

So lets see the roll call. What kind of bike do you ride the most. What type of riding do you do the most. Where do you do it the most. Where is the coolest place you have gone to ride. Just basically lets here about bikes.



<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
It's been raining for almost a week, off and on, but it still isn't a good isea to ride here. If you want to know about my road ride, just ask but it isn't very entertaining. As soon as the trails dry out I'll let you know how my ride goes.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I have been riding alot more as of late now that the weather has picked up. I try posting about bikes on occasion, but there's not really alot of tech stuff I need to know, and I ride the same trails alot, so ride reports get a bit lame of the same stuff. I post something about how I ride 18 miles, and people say that sucks, so well, I guess I wont post that crap anymore.


Oct 17, 2002
maxyedor said:
If you want to know about my road ride, just ask but it isn't very entertaining.
Ooh, I wanna know.

As ironic as it seems, Moab Utah was one of the coolest places for a road ride over the La Sal mts... the views super amazing and after a long climb, the reward is a mild 20 mile downhill, drafting that and switching lead hammers can get a group rolling upwards of 40mph for 30 minutes... much fun, good times.


I rode my cross bike to pick up the xterra.

I should ride tomorrow. A few weeks back, I even posted pics of Wumpus and I.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
BurlyShirley said:
I have been riding alot more as of late now that the weather has picked up. I try posting about bikes on occasion, but there's not really alot of tech stuff I need to know, and I ride the same trails alot, so ride reports get a bit lame of the same stuff. I post something about how I ride 18 miles, and people say that sucks, so well, I guess I wont post that crap anymore.
I was sitting in a holiday inn when I read that post. It made me wish I had brought my bike. Plus you gotta look at the source. Just for sh*ts and giggles look up some the threads started by the folks that said your ride sucked. Then put them on you're ignore list.....


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
LordOpie said:
Ooh, I wanna know.

As ironic as it seems, Moab Utah was one of the coolest places for a road ride over the La Sal mts... the views super amazing and after a long climb, the reward is a mild 20 mile downhill, drafting that and switching lead hammers can get a group rolling upwards of 40mph for 30 minutes... much fun, good times.
Well I'm visiting my parrents for the rest of the week, in Tustin Calif. Upper middle class suburbia, not very scenic. I rode the Marin down to Newport and back. The sky was gray, it drizzled a little bit, but it was a trip to the beach and back so that's kind of cool. 50 miles total, all culminating with a slurpee from 7-11.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
While I haven't been able to ride much in the past 3 months due to home and work obligations I do ride...

And yes, I do ride UPHILL.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
A spooky.

Sometimes in the woods. Not that much anymore.

I'll never lose sleep if someone on the internet thinks I'm a lameass.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Thanks for helping to end this week on a proper note. :thumb:

I have a fixed gear roadie, geared roadie, hardtail mtb, 5" travel mtb, and a vp-free for freeride/DH. I go thourgh phases but I ride them all, as often as I can, all over the place, including many long weekends and an annual trip to mecca (Whistler, that is). I am an equal opportunity cyclist and do everything from fixed gear bar crawls to roadie uber centuries to hardtail urban silliness to epic trail rides to DH at Northstar and freeride at Whistler. Bikes have been a huge part of my life forever, and probably always will be.

But my bros and I rarely bring a camera so I don't often post ride reports...that way I don't have to listen to people telling me it's worthless without pics. :)


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
BeerDemon said:
Just two weeks ago and 15 degrees out.....
Oh man that is cool setup! Seems like the perfect adventure/weekender rig. You still running that white Maverick Psylo by the way?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
BurlyShirley said:
I have been riding alot more as of late now that the weather has picked up. I try posting about bikes on occasion, but there's not really alot of tech stuff I need to know, and I ride the same trails alot, so ride reports get a bit lame of the same stuff. I post something about how I ride 18 miles, and people say that sucks, so well, I guess I wont post that crap anymore.
Christ almighty, this the Lounge, the point is to post stupid crap on an endless loop.;)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I've even been known to organize OTHER peoples rides as well...

I seem to go through phases... riding alot... riding a little. Hopefully things will ease up and I'll have mor riding time soon!!!

And personally I never listen toanyone who bags on other peoples rides. 8 miles 18 miles or 80 miles... doesn't make a difference as long as you are riding and having fun.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Another thing is, I may be guilty of owning too much bike. I bought this bullit, but I havent felt like doing any downhilling. Lately Ive been trying to save weight and make it more of a trailbike. We'll see how that turns out...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Ciaran said:
While I haven't been able to ride much in the past 3 months due to home and work obligations I do ride...

And yes, I do ride UPHILL.
I gotta admit. You were one of the folks I checked into. Hey when your busy and you can't ride atleast you can come here. Not that anyone should care but the lameass comment wasn't directed at you.


Nov 29, 2004
Pretty much only a XC rider. I ride a Rocky Mountain Element Race and have a Kona Nunu hardtail. I've been in the promoting world for the last few years and have put on a lot of XC and DH races.

I don't ride much in the winter though. When I play outside it is on skis. My bike is actually right behind me, on a trainer in my office.:oink:


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
jdcamb said:
Oh man that is cool setup! Seems like the perfect adventure/weekender rig. You still running that white Maverick Psylo by the way?
I sold that bike last year. In January I picked up a new Maverick ML7 w/ DUC fork at 30% off. Stoked!


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
stevew said:
Where's the pooch?

My dog has a gimpy leg so mountain biking is just too fast for him. He can do just about everything else though.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
jdcamb said:
I gotta admit. You were one of the folks I checked into. Hey when your busy and you can't ride atleast you can come here. Not that anyone should care but the lameass comment wasn't directed at you.
One of the nice things about RM is that I can read about other people having fun riding when I can't.

Now I am going to go ride this weekend so I am a little bit less of a slacker.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I ride quite a bit. Mainly on dirt, XC, trailriding whatever you want to call it. I'll hit the road when trails are wet but sometimes it is just nice to do a road ride. Mountain biking is pretty good around here but the road riding is really great. Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline drive offer some great views and very little traffic.


Aug 11, 2005
I only like posting in the lounge because the political debate is not my thing and any question I've ever wanted to know about biking...well I have burly sitting next to me. He's posted up some pictures of our rides, I believe.

But you're right...I don't understand people who come here who do not ride or even have that aspiration **cough, cough..e-stalkers...cough, cough**


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
I DJ/DH/XC and I used to road ride, but I sold it. I got way burned out after the last century I did. Too many miles....Ugh

With the weather lately its been all urban riding, and digging up at our DJ spot. I just got the XC bike built back up , so I am super stoaked about that. I haven't ridden A good DH trail in such a long time I am having withdrawls


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
chicodude said:
I haven't ridden A good DH trail in such a long time I am having withdrawls
I heard that! And with no lifts running in So Cal it looks like I am going to be riding alot of XC.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I ride half and half...half DH, half XC. All of our trails are still pretty much snow covered or too muddy, so I do the campus run on the DH bike (Univ. of Utah to Downtown SLC, shuttle back up on the train) pretty much everyday, and ride everywhere else on my XC bike/commuter right now. The sun needs to come up. :(

Am I the only one who sees the irony in the first post of the thread...?

And both of my bikes are pieces of ****. But I love them. :love:



Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
I ride a ’04 Soul Cycle Titan (Hardtail).

I may not be super fast or that good in the air (see 2nd one down), but I still have a lot of fun. Here are a couple of my threads:


Then again I’m not like some of the post-whores around here who are more interested in Ridemonkey than actually riding. And from when I first started on RM, things have gotten a lot more hostile in the lounge. Maybe I just joined at a calm time… but lately it’s just f’ing ridiculous.

That being said – I can attest to Ciaran getting rides together – done 2 rides that he put together. One in Corana and one at Mt. Wilson…


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Slugman said:
That being said &#8211; I can attest to Ciaran getting rides together &#8211; done 2 rides that he put together. One in Corana and one at Mt. Wilson&#8230;
And there are more to come this year!

Yee Haw!!!!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Slugman said:
I ride a ’04 Soul Cycle Titan (Hardtail). I may not be super fast or that good in the air (see 2nd one down), but I still have a lot of fun.....
That being said – I can attest to Ciaran getting rides together – done 2 rides that he put together. One in Corana and one at Mt. Wilson…
Cool ride. I want the shop I work for to pickup Soul Cycles. I like their other guy philosophy. That and we need to have a DJ play bike HT as I think they would sell good around here. You don't need to be anything. You just need to have fun brother.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I don't ride anywhere near as much as I want to these days. I commute at least 20 hours a week which tears into my riding time. I usually ride alone too, as I think most people suck.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
My riding varies. Some years, I ride a lot. Some years, not so much. Past year, not so much. All depends on what else is going on in my life - relationships, work, friends, etc.

I'm in pretty lousy shape right now, going to try to be back in shape for the summer to pick up on riding again.