
Who Taught this person to ride a Bike ?


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
I don't think her foot was in the spokes. It looks like her heel was on the pedal and when she turned the handlebars (because she was pumping like a fiend) her foot hit the wheel and the fork.


Nov 15, 2003
uhh... i've done that... Duryea DH race this year. I was riding my big hit on the road by the pagoda going pretty fast and someone asked me directions to the start area, I turned around to point up the hill and as i turned my foot hit the front tire or my helmet hit the brake lever, not sure. Anyway I shot over the bars just like in the vid except i was going alot faster (no helmet). Very embarassing. After doing 10-15' drops all day i finally ate **** on the road.


Turbo Monkey
Yossarian said:
I don't think her foot was in the spokes.
I too didn't see her foot in the spokes. I did however see a wad of something between her fork and front wheel. It was pretty funny tho, in a "holy crap, are you ok?" kinda way.
BTW did any of you read the comments below the vid? Wow! There are some serious poet laureates (spelling?) there!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
this past fall i was driving down a side street when i saw a girl on bike get speed wobbles. she flipped so fast she didn't even get her hands in front of her for the crash and landed directly on her face. luckily two of her friends were nearby, i pulled over and called an ambulance. she ended up with a broken collarbone, nasty concussion, and missing half the skin on her face.