
Who would win?


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
This is pretty dumb. My wife and I got to talking about children's books/stories/etc. on the drive in this morning. One thing led to another and we somehow started taking sides in a Peter Rabbit vs. Winnie the Pooh deathmatch. I'm taking Pooh all the way.

See what happens when you put a tired pregnant woman in the car with a guy who hasn't had any coffee yet? :rolleyes:


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
binary visions said:
Besides, the Good Fairy came down and kicked his ass so he's not doing that kinda s**t anymore.
You sure know your stuff about little bunny foo foo.


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
dude, rabbits fight dirty. lets put it this way
last weekend whilst up in maine we saw a black bear up the side of this hill and my wife wanted to drive the jeep up and check it out.
now on the other hand, she is scared to death of our rabbit because of its stalking and attack techniques. a rabbit will come after you from behind to bite you in the ankle while a bear will just sit there eating its honey.
my money is on the rabbit


Nov 26, 2004
good ol' culpep
alright maybe pooh does have some cards up his sleeve... clearly hes got something out for tigger... maybe piglet was the first victim.

there i think that makes me have to change my mind moneys on pooh now :eek:



Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Christopher Robin and I run along,
Under shell-bursts with our M-16s,
Blowing up Heffalumps, Wol, and Eeyore
For the pleasure of hearing their screams.
But we wandered much further today than we should,
And Christopher’s hit in the back pretty good!

So, help me if you can I’ve got to get
Back in the knack of cold-blooded killing!
You’d be surprised at the mayhem I bring:
Burning a village for kicks;
Flaying a native with sticks…
Back in the trenches with Christopher Robin and Pooh!

Winnie the Pooh doesn’t know what to do,
He’s got napalm all over his clothes.
He came to me asking help and advice,
So I shot him before he got close.
But Christopher would try to help his poor bear,
And so both have burned up with a bright orange flare!

Singin’: Help me if you can I’ve got to get
Back in the hang of this whole murder thing.
You’d be surprised at the mayhem I bring:
Burning a village for kicks;
Flaying a native with sticks…
Back in the trenches with Christopher Robin …
Warming my hands over Christopher Robin …
Making s’mores over Pooh!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
binary visions said:
"You tit. I soiled my armor, I was so scared."

First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.