
Whoa...there was a psycho loose in the city I work for...

dh girlie

This is a summary of what happened from one of the field workers who witnessed it:

Some guy hit a car pretty bad and injured someone...then he took off...got about 200 yards down the road, made a u-turn, then drove past the wreck with a blown out tire, then made another u-turn, got out of his car with a HUGE kitchen knife and headed toward another car behind my coworker. My coworkers truck was blocking the lady in the car from moving to get away from the psycho, so he moved so she could get out of the way. THEN...the psycho gets back in his car and starts driving fast toward some person that was trying to help someone who was hurt at the accident scene, and hit the car AGAIN, then he took off and made another u-turn, but by then the cops were there...

Man...there are some WHACKED mofo's out there...

Whoa...this just in...the guy was trying carjack the one lady's car...the one that was blocked by my coworker...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Nice. The story of my week: there was a police chase through The OC on Monday (?) night. Anyway, I actually got passed by the driver and the train of cops following him. And no, I didn't try to hit him, I was already on the side of the road.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Bunch of f'in savages in this town...

I saw a car chase in Pasdena the other night. I had just left my apt. to go ride some urban when I hear the sirens and then see the lights coming off of the freeway. The guy being chased comes down the road and cuts a corner by driving through a parking lot. I was just about to cross the driveway coming out of the parking lot when I see the dude coming. I stop before my wheel enters the driveway, he slows down a touch, looks at me, kinda raises his eyebrows in a "Yo man" kinda gesturre and he guns it across Colorado blvd taking off into the residential streets. He was so close I could have reached out and slapped him. Weird.

I did find it interisting that the guy slowed down and checked the traffic before he took off onto Colorado blvd, while the cops just floored it the whole way with obviously no regard for civilians/pedestrians. I hope they caught him though. That guy was nuts!

dh girlie

Update on the psycho that was loose the other day...he was booked into the Santa Clara County Jail on suspicion of at least 12 felonies, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, domestic violence, false imprisonment, threatening another person with death or injury, kidnapping, threatening a witness, carjacking and damaging a wireless phone to prevent someone from calling for help.

He actually drove the car into a family of four walking with a STROLLER. He wedged the stroller under the SUV that he pinned the family against with his car...the 5 year old kid is in the hospital in critical condition...what a f**ker...