
Whoa...what the HELL is this thing?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

Looks like you were shopping on the "adult toys" sites.

It appears to be some kind of freakish mating between a Telletubby and a sex toy...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
I saw a whole display while shopping for toys for the toy drive...a wall of them in different colors...what kid would want to play with such a thing??? They scared the crap outta me...

As the proud owner of a 2 1/2 year old, I can identify the offending creature- it is known as a "boohbah" and it was foisted upon us by the makers of the more infamous mind-erasers, the teletubbies. For some unknown reason, little kids are enamored with these balding tribbles. They are forbidden in our household, however, as the mere sight of them triggers in me evil, violent fantasies.

dh girlie

MudGrrl said:
I think they are British.... dmn weird furners.....
Man I feel for kids today...weird crap they have to play with. I was at my sisters once and the kids were watching a teletubby video...it was the stupidest, weirdest show...not educational like Sesame Street as far as I could see...the purple one was skipping around talking about having a song in his bag...weird...and they're kinda creepy...glad I'm all grown up! :D

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:

As the proud owner of a 2 1/2 year old, I can identify the offending creature- it is known as a "boohbah" and it was foisted upon us by the makers of the more infamous mind-erasers, the teletubbies. For some unknown reason, little kids are enamored with these balding tribbles. They are forbidden in our household, however, as the mere sight of them triggers in me evil, violent fantasies.
HAHAHA! I'm glad to hear that you've procreated...the world needs another llkoolkeg...guide the child in your ways...

Seriously though...if I had a kid, I don't think I'd want it watching teletubbies and boohbahs...I am, however, mesmerized by the pretty home page...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
HAHAHA! I'm glad to hear that you've procreated...the world needs another llkoolkeg...guide the child in your ways...

Seriously though...if I had a kid, I don't think I'd want it watching teletubbies and boohbahs...I am, however, mesmerized by the pretty home page...
Twice now; I have a 6 month old, as well. The older one is going to be trouble, as she has more attitude already than my wife and I put together. Like myself when I was young, she is a wierd mix of polite, sweet little girl and mischievous, rough-n-tumble sprite...well, except the "girl" part. :p

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dh girlie said:
Uhh yeah... :rolleyes: the teletubby thing sounds about right, but I'm not as familiar with butt plugs as you are...
...or so you say.

I said nothing about butt plugs, nor did I even insinuate that specific type of toy - yet you apparently think it looks identical to one.

Perhaps your are more familiar with them than you claim?

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR

i have had the unfortunate experience of being around those things. you are right, dhg, they are frightening!

i was over at my sister's, who has a 4 yo and 1 yo and i'm playing with them and look over to see that hideous creature. of course, i had to check it out. so i squeezed it's hand to make it go and the thing starts gyrating and playing this weird music. you know, like something you'd hear on Killer Klowns from Outer Space

then it's started spinning around as the music got faster. i just broke the hell out and ran before it could do anything else!



Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
llkoolkeg said:

As the proud owner of a 2 1/2 year old, I can identify the offending creature- it is known as a "boohbah" and it was foisted upon us by the makers of the more infamous mind-erasers, the teletubbies. For some unknown reason, little kids are enamored with these balding tribbles. They are forbidden in our household, however, as the mere sight of them triggers in me evil, violent fantasies.
hrrrmmm... I've got a 2 1/2 year old as well, and I've never heard of them or seen them before. I guess I should consider myself lucky though... I'll keep doing whatever it is I've been doing to this point - perhaps the fad will pass...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
lockemiester said:
Those things make creepy music and dance side-to-side when you press a button. I turned on a whole row of them at the Superstore, and the music was freeky....
lol... back in college, a buddy and I stopped at wall-mart after wings and beer one night. It was right as the tickle-me-elmos were hitting the height of their popularity. We went around and got a whole wall of them dancing at the same time. It was kind of therapudic.

guess you had to be there...


Aug 3, 2003
Charlottesville, Virginia

Boohbah is an exciting new programme for children, with a format that fosters both creative thinking and creative movement. Boohbah is entirely designed to encourage physical action on the part of its young viewers. It deliberately combines infectious magical movement, for children to imitate, with inset stories for them to predict outcomes.

Ah the gentle boohbah