No doubt you guys have read about the Whole Foods boycott because CEO John Mackey put out an opinion piece in the Wall St Journal suggesting an alternative to Obama's proposed health care reform. If not, read this:
I'm always up for a corporate protest, so I was on board UNTIL I actually read the piece. It makes total sense. Granted, I don't work in the industry but something has to be done and I feel like his ideas are definitely a step in the right direction.
What's even worse is that most of the people picketing outside Whole Foods have probably never even read it. This is no better than all the crazy rednecks that believed Palin when she was touting "death panels" a few weeks ago or the town hall protesters that believe all the opinions they hear on Fox & Friends.
His ideas:
I'm always up for a corporate protest, so I was on board UNTIL I actually read the piece. It makes total sense. Granted, I don't work in the industry but something has to be done and I feel like his ideas are definitely a step in the right direction.
What's even worse is that most of the people picketing outside Whole Foods have probably never even read it. This is no better than all the crazy rednecks that believed Palin when she was touting "death panels" a few weeks ago or the town hall protesters that believe all the opinions they hear on Fox & Friends.
His ideas: