
Who's got a job more boring than me?


took the red pill
Anybody? I sit literally for 9 hours a day and RIO.
ROT IN OFFCIE surfing the bowles of the internet, coming up for air every while to see what's new on RM. Thank God for RM. Nobody knows me, I like it that way, I've been here for 6 months or so. I just sit and ROT.



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I would rather go to school anyday than do this job. In school I am learning new things, and being challenged... Doing stuff. Here I sit and surf the net, and fix simple PC problems for dumb end lusers. A total mind suck. :blah:

dh girlie

Knuckleslammer said:
Anybody? I sit literally for 9 hours a day and RIO.
ROT IN OFFCIE surfing the bowles of the internet, coming up for air every while to see what's new on RM. Thank God for RM. Nobody knows me, I like it that way, I've been here for 6 months or so. I just sit and ROT.

My job can get very boring...I am the answer point for my division and I have to be at my desk as much as possible. And then bitches call and bitch at me...I hate them.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i hate my job. i get cussed at all day long by dumb peices of *hit that dont know what the hell they are talking about to begin with. i walked out today for like 2 seconds because i seriousoly was going to go postal. i have never felt so close to exploding and going crazy at work. my blood boils before i even set foot in my work.
I'll trade anyone in here for their job. Mine consists of teaching new privates in the military. You want to talk about a headache. If I dont have a migrain by the end of the day, it was a good day. Try answering questions from an 18 yr old "man" who doesnt know anything about the army. I'll sit and rot for 8 hours anytime. Who's up for a trade?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I'd rather be up and doing something than sitting in a call center bugging the hell out of people to do a survey with me...worst. job. ever.


Jun 20, 2004
standing at the edge of reason
today i nominate myself for most boring job - i'm sitting at the desk in the library watching people write email, study and the only questions so far have been "Where's my print out?" and "where's the bathroom?"
I went to grad school for this?? How many times can I visit the same web sites?? i think i'm drooling on my keyboard...


Sep 21, 2001
Try driving a harvest maching going 1 MPH for 10 hours a day. You begin to look forward to the 180 degree turn you get to make every 30 minutes. It makes the other boring jobs I've seem like a blast.


Sep 24, 2004
teaching rules, never, ever boring working with special needs kids, usually fun, spend most of my day laughing (middle schoolers really are funny), off by 3:30 everyday (can go riding) and then there is june, july and most of august to ride........go get a masters in education, the pay really isn't bad these days, i can easily support my family (wife, 2 kids) and still buy a new bike almost every year