
Whos watching American Idol


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
I'm sure not. theres no way i would wait through 1 hour of listening to that metro ryan seacrest babble about nothing just to find out who wins in a showdown of vocals between a country bumpkin and some burnt out sesitive rocker. no thanks.

plus i dont want to here. "whos gonna be the next american idol.... we'll find out right after this break" one hundred times


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i'm not watching it either, in fact i had no idea it was on, i've never watched it before, maybe i'll give it a try now.....

meh probably not, i think i'll watch my Invader Zim dvd instead.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Potroast88 said:
I'm not watching......I'm straight.
Wow, you guys must be really insecure if you think your sexuality is proven by whether or not you watch something as stupid as American Idol.

I will admit to having it on as background noise while studying for my exam, followed by some show about ships being sunk in the Falkland Island War. That manly enough? :p


Dec 6, 2004
for not watching it you sure know alot about the show DJP1... Not to mention you felt the urge to start a thread about it.... Maybe you should tell us their names too, and who you voted for...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
dirtjumpP.1 said:
I'm sure not. theres no way i would wait through 1 hour of listening to that metro ryan seacrest babble about nothing just to find out who wins in a showdown of vocals between a country bumpkin and some burnt out sesitive rocker. no thanks.

God damn, for someone who says he won't watch, you sure do know a lot of details about the show. I could tell you who the judges are, but that's about it.

dh girlie

dirtjumpP.1 said:
I'm sure not. theres no way i would wait through 1 hour of listening to that metro ryan seacrest babble about nothing just to find out who wins in a showdown of vocals between a country bumpkin and some burnt out sesitive rocker. no thanks.

plus i dont want to here. "whos gonna be the next american idol.... we'll find out right after this break" one hundred times

HAHAHA! your avatar is hilarious...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I keep trying to tell my wife that just because it's the top rated show right now, not everybody loves it. I don't hate the show, I don't enjoy all the BS that goes on while we wait to see who won or lost, I would change the station if most of the music were on the radio, I wouldn't buy a CD with the music, but the competition does hold some fascination, like most reality shows no matter how pointless (eg, wife swap.) I'm just tired of my morning commute being nothing but talk shows on every station discussing the talent of some yokel who was on the tube last night. I'm even thinking that the vote for the worst campaign was started by Fox to fool people who wouldn't watch otherwise to participate in some way. Blah, further proof that the media in general is controlled by a few key individuals.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
LordOpie said:
"If anyone orders the Merlot, I'm fvcking leaving!" ~ Miles Raymond, Sideways
Oh FFS! Did you see that **** about wines sales changing after that movie came out? I thought it was an OK movie. I certainly wouldn't want to base my wine choices on those of that neurotic weirdo though. Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc for me all the way. Oh, wait, isn't that what he liked? :dead:


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
dh girlie said:
Thank god it's over...I just endured the last of the daily updates on American Idol...until the next one starts...:dead:
Wait until the debut of American DANCE Idol in july!! That's right...the search is on for America's best DANCER!!! :thumb:

dh girlie

McGRP01 said:
fo real !

Hmmm...I wonder if they will be coming through san francisco for auditions...I must say...I've participated in many drunken dance offs...I have a coupla specialty moves...that one where you bend your right leg at the knee and grab your right ankle with your right hand...and your left hand is on the back of your head...and you hop on your left foot pulling your right leg back...that's what I pull out when someone tries to call me out on a dance floor...then if I have one of my friends willing to join the dance off, we'll do the Kid N Play move...HAHAHAHAHA! Then at the end I get in their face and say...YOU GOT SERVED!