
Why did Mozilla Firefox die on me?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
I was streaming a video from www.consumptionjunction.com (awesome site, btw :thumb: ), and suddently Firefox crashed. When I tried to re-open the program, it kept giving me an error message, saying the program had to close. After several attempts it finally opened again, but all my personal preferences were gone. I proceeded to uninstall, re-download, and re-install the program. I had to reset all my personal preferences, but now when I go to the "bookmarks" menu, sometimes the menu freezes and I can't access my bookmarks. Also, when I right-click on any of my bookmark folders in the "bookmarks" menu, instead of displaying the right-click menu, it just freezes the "bookmarks" menu and I have to click out of it. Any ideas?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
Mabey there is some spyware on your system who hijacked your Mozzila browser. I had that once with my mozzila browser. Older type. Once i got on the net.. the spyware went also. And i even could not come on the net.

My advise try www.opera.com and you will have no problems. It works even finer in my opinion.


manziman said:
he can't run Opera. He has a PC, DUDE he got a dell!
Wumpus runs opera on a pc sometimes. I know nothing about opera.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
manziman said:
he can't run Opera. He has a PC, DUDE he got a dell!

That just does'nt make sense... i know when you have a dell, you can only use there hardware. But about the software i really do think it does'nt matter, what he will use. It it equiped with windows (xp) or other windows os.. and will have IE as his standard browser. So he should have downloaded Mozzila to.

The weirdest i have ever heared from my uncle, who is using Hewlett Packard machine (pc) that he could only run Norton Antivirus on his HP pc and no other ..the machine just would not let it work. :confused:

That's a weird story for sure.


Apr 21, 2002
Courtenay, BC
Sounds like Firefox was still running in the background and you opened another profile. If you CTRL ALT DLT'd the process then opened it again, I bet everything would still be there.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Universe said:
Sounds like Firefox was still running in the background and you opened another profile. If you CTRL ALT DLT'd the process then opened it again, I bet everything would still be there.
Nope, that was the first thing I tried, and it didn't work.

Anyways, I got it working again now. I couldn't honestly tell you what I did differently, but all of a sudden it started working properly. I guess sh!t happens, eh?