
Why do conspiracy theorists have to yell when explaining their theories?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
A friend of mine yelled his theories at me and accused me of being brainwashed.

I especially like when he told me how the US suppressed knowledge of a major oil strike in Alaska, and I mentioned how I worked for the exploration division of a major oil company, and how environment protections, not a conspiracy, prevent more drilling.

BTW, if anyone mentions religion in a serious manner in this thread, I am deleting it immediately.
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Anybody who has something sensible or worthwhile to say should be able to say it calmly and soberly, relying on the words themselves to convey his meaning, without resorting to yelling. Hitler had nothing but nonsense to say. He spoke nonsense about race, nonsense about history, nonsense about Jews. If one speaks nonsense in a calm and sober voice nobody listens, so Hitler yelled his nonsense at the top of his voice and, unfortunately, people listened -- stupid, ignorant people. You have sensible things to say about sex and love, and you have no need to yell when you are talking sense. Unfortunately, when you turn to the subject of evolution, you don't know what you are talking about, so you yell and shriek to make up for it. Maybe yelling and shrieking works with an ignorant audience. It apparently worked for Hitler, but that is not a happy precedent. You should know better. Go and read some books about evolution, learn something about biology, and you'll then find that you can talk about it in a calm and civilised voice. You'll find that you won't need to yell and shriek like a madman, and you'll be all the more persuasive for it.
This was in a letter to Rabbi Shmuley from Dawkins, and I think it provides an explanation.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
How else is he supposed to get it through your thick, brainwashed, deeply religiously stifled brain? What with all the years of corporate exposure, time in organized religious institutions, and with all of the television you've seen over the years, its amazing he didn't have to use a bullhorn and patchouli grenades to get through to you.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
My newest coworker is a conspiracy theorist. Among such theories as the government blowing up the WTC, he believes the Illuminati are currently running the world.

I started to talk to him about it and then realized that the tin foil hat was completely impenetrable by logic or reason, so I dropped it. I think I'll tell him next time that I enjoy living in ignorance :D


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Is it me or does Sanjuro bring up CT a lot?? Maybe he was sent here to infiltrate the RM culture and spread propaganda through us?


Sanjuro's post count seems to go up in direct correlation with Renegade Rick's going down...


Illuminati or Luminary??


Nam I am
I especially like when he told me how the US suppressed knowledge of a major oil strike in Alaska, and I mentioned how I worked for the exploration division of a major oil company, and how environment protections, not a conspiracy, prevent more drilling.
Its because the EPA is in on the conspiracy !

My personal favorites are the sports conspiracy's , cause those are all true.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
this thread could be enhanced with almost any video of alex jones; preferably shouting spit on michelle malkin


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Sanjuro's post count seems to go up in direct correlation with Renegade Rick's going down...
It's just because he is still mad about the time Amydalyana and I conspired to ignore and abandon him at Kirkwood. We told him that we would meet at Monte Wolf... knowing full well that he would confuse the ski run for the bar/restaurant. Muhahaha! Jesus told us it would work and it did!

Sometimes I do get loud when explaining CT's to people, but it is usually because I am in a bar and I have been drinking... :brows:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Its because the EPA is in on the conspiracy !

My personal favorites are the sports conspiracy's , cause those are all true.
Tim Donahey touched upon that. I do believe referees are not impartial and do take direction from the league's office.