
Why do people do weed?


Dec 19, 2003
People at my school are allways doing weed now they know it hurts them so i think, but this is a big problem andtehy are messing there lives Up.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by FlashBullit
People at my school are allways doing weed now they know it hurts them so i think, but this is a big problem andtehy are messing there lives Up.
The main reason is that they choose not to properly handle their emotions derived from stressors in life. There are a lot of nasty habits in this world, being a kid it's definately better to hold off on dabbling on any of em til you're not only an adult, but have a firm grip on knowing who you are and what you want in life. Otherwise for some people they choose to take that choice away by falling into an addictive lifestyle that not only hurts them but those they love as well.
You'll see alot of people in life screw up, just keep on doing your thing, hopefully you can see em come out on the other side without getting hurt.


Mar 6, 2003
I smoke weed 'cause I appreciate having alternate ways of thinking about the world. I count myself fairly lucky though because i didn't start until I was old enough to know that my personality wasn't very addictive, allowing me to control my drug use without addiction taking over. Knoledge of one's limitations and motivations are important however, as using drugs to cope will only lead to coping poorly. This may be why you see people ruining their lives on weed in school - you don't know who you are or your limitations and motivations at that age. I sure didn't anyway.

Damn poor for your lungs though.
Mar 27, 2004
FlashBullit said:
People at my school are allways doing weed now they know it hurts them so i think, but this is a big problem andtehy are messing there lives Up.
Why are you worried what other people choose to do? If it doesnt hurt you, why do you care? If you choose not to "do" weed, that's great. I Just hope you don't prejudge others who do. D.A.R.E to THINK for yourself!
Mar 27, 2004
Serial Midget said:
My health teacher told us that smoking weed and cigarettes would make your dick shrink and I need all I got.
Your health teacher is FOS!!! Smoke a joint with your girl and get ready for a VIAGRA sized woody!
Mar 27, 2004
Skookum said:
The main reason is that they choose not to properly handle their emotions derived from stressors in life. There are a lot of nasty habits in this world, being a kid it's definately better to hold off on dabbling on any of em til you're not only an adult, but have a firm grip on knowing who you are and what you want in life. Otherwise for some people they choose to take that choice away by falling into an addictive lifestyle that not only hurts them but those they love as well.
You'll see alot of people in life screw up, just keep on doing your thing, hopefully you can see em come out on the other side without getting hurt.
UHM....NO...actually, people smoke weed to GET HIGH! Leave the psycho babble U learned at the local community college out of this.

Also, What does smoking pot have to do with leading an addicitive lifestyle? It is widely accepted in the medical community that A) marijuana is NOT addictive. B) marijuana does NOT cause lung cancer!

If you want to encourage kids refrain from using an addictive, deadly substance, suggest they dont drink alcohol. You know, that LEGAL beverage sold on every other city street corner. Or perhaps they should stop using one of the other most addictive substances known to man....CAFFEINE!

So, smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, dont forget to smoke two joints in the afternoon, They'll make you feel alright!!!!


Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
Why do people mountain bike? Its not the most effective way to get in shape and you get really hurt when doing it. I say don't diss weed until you've tried it. Hey, you may like it, I certainly do.

A bowl or few + ride your favorite trail = a damn good time


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
handlebars said:
spoken like a true pothead----MORON :nuts:
1. you should read you sig befor you start arguing--- MORON
2. my uncle was in the spectial olimpics and your sig is pretty derogitory you stupid f uck!

3. people ruin there own lives not drug, if someone is dumb they will be dumb regardless! i'm sure they all drink milk, so milk must ruin lives too. :D i do agree escapeizium is a bad trait to have be it by using drugs, over eating, ridemonkey, whatever. NEVER INSULT PEOPLES LIFE CHOICES! EVER. epescialy if you have never been there.

p.s. and if you think food tastes good now, your missing out... :drool: :D


The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
HippieShredder said:
UHM....NO...actually, people smoke weed to GET HIGH! Leave the psycho babble U learned at the local community college out of this.
Word. Not everyone smoking weed is a maladjusted, messed up kid on the road to ruin. Everyone needs a way to unwind and relax, and if thats what you are gonna do, thats fine with me. Drugs, (at least not weed) aren't going to magicly change you into a jd. P.S Whats wrong with riding high? For alot of people, they know how it will affect their motor skills and judegement, and will make a call based on themselves. Everyone handles it differently, and its pretty common word on the street that alot of pros smoke/get high before racing. Whatever floats your boat.


Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
handlebars said:
spoken like a true pothead----MORON :nuts:

I'm not going to deny that moron status you just gave me but I question if you're right in the head since you're posting on a mountain biking forum when there's not a single mountain in your state.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
HippieShredder said:
UHM....NO...actually, people smoke weed to GET HIGH! Leave the psycho babble U learned at the local community college out of this.

Also, What does smoking pot have to do with leading an addicitive lifestyle? It is widely accepted in the medical community that A) marijuana is NOT addictive. B) marijuana does NOT cause lung cancer!

So, smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, dont forget to smoke two joints in the afternoon, They'll make you feel alright!!!!
I speak from personal experience. Perhaps like you i spout off things i know to be true from experience, which is true for 90% of what i spout off about. I do not, however spout off that of which i WANT to be true, like it appears you do. If that was the case i'd be smokin a big ole fattie right now, but i don't kid myself. But hey everyone knows smoking weed makes you mellow and a nice guy, can't you just tell from your post? So toke up pal, i'll save my dough for mt. bike parts.
p.s. i don't drink coffee or pop in excess, smoke/chew nicotine, or drink alcohol either. Not braggin, just sayin.....


Jun 8, 2004
Richmond BC CDN
They dont call it dope cause it makes you smart. However there is a nice feeling from relaxing and inhaling some fine green. If you smoke it alot then issues develop. This can be applied to everthing in life... too much of a good thing....


Jun 8, 2004
Southeastern AZ
There are many forms of drugs in this world, just because our gubment is shallow minded and make "the kind" illegal, doesnt necessarily make it bad. I work for a Dutch company and their culture has a totally different approach on what real drugs are. But again, all things aside, an addiction, whether it be smoking "the sticky icky" or having to wash your hands 35 times a day, is a problem and help should be looked for. For those who are adults and can handle their "vices" go for it, if it helps you relax and reflect on a gnarly trail you just rode, then fine. I have to agree that it does not have its place in children's lives at all.


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
FlashBullit said:
People at my school are allways doing weed now they know it hurts them so i think, but this is a big problem andtehy are messing there lives Up.
When you can put a sentence together properly with proper spelling, I'll consider your opinion. Until then, this stoner/engineer will continue on with my life as I choose.


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
mrbigisbudgood said:
When you can put a sentence together properly with proper spelling, I'll consider your opinion. Until then, this stoner/engineer will continue on with my life as I choose.
the dude abides!


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Why is alcohol and tobacco legal when it kills/harms several magnitudes more people than marijuana? Why is it that these big industries are ok with anti-marijuana people?


May 26, 2004
New York City
I used to be anti-drug... then I tried all the drugs lol. Seriously, I've tried so much stuff, some you wouldn't even know what it is. salvia? 5-meo-dmt anyone? Anyways...

Weed is not "done", it is smoked. People's reaction to weed is completely different. I have friends who smoke it every day, and they are not retarded, and did not get more stupid. They started doing it because they enjoyed the experience, and so have I. The difference is that they continued smoking, but for me it is a rarity. Blazing is a habit for them, and they enjoy it. I didn't like the feeling of being slow while I'm high, so I chose to do it only when I wanted to relax. I have no worries while I'm blazed, but I cannot go about my day being high. I've tried several things while I was high, and most were not succeful, including riding, homework, school and even having sex. My reaction is completely different from others, because my friends do everything high, and sometimes it just helps them.

I used to be very anti-drug, and wouldn't even talk to people who did drugs or smoked substances. Then I tried smoking, and slowly progressed to other things. I was never addicted to anything, even though I've done some things that are said to be addictive. I don't want to list all the things on the forum, but let's just say it's all the common drugs you hear about, and some prescriptions you never heard of.

My point to this is that, people shouldn't judge things until they experience them for themselves. Unless you know you're weak and prone to being addicted to drugs, don't try it, but even though I thought I was an easy addict, I've managed to never "fiend" for anything.

P.S.- I haven't smoked in 6 months, and haven't done any other drug since New Year
s. Very different from a year ago when I used to smoke every weekend, and try a new thing or two every other weekend.



May 20, 2002
How can some of you rationally tell people not to do something, or that something is "bad" if you've never experienced it yourself?


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
DieselX said:
I used to be anti-drug... then I tried all the drugs lol. Seriously, I've tried so much stuff, some you wouldn't even know what it is. salvia? 5-meo-dmt anyone? Anyways...

Weed is not "done", it is smoked. People's reaction to weed is completely different. I have friends who smoke it every day, and they are not retarded, and did not get more stupid. They started doing it because they enjoyed the experience, and so have I. The difference is that they continued smoking, but for me it is a rarity. Blazing is a habit for them, and they enjoy it. I didn't like the feeling of being slow while I'm high, so I chose to do it only when I wanted to relax. I have no worries while I'm blazed, but I cannot go about my day being high. I've tried several things while I was high, and most were not succeful, including riding, homework, school and even having sex. My reaction is completely different from others, because my friends do everything high, and sometimes it just helps them.

I used to be very anti-drug, and wouldn't even talk to people who did drugs or smoked substances. Then I tried smoking, and slowly progressed to other things. I was never addicted to anything, even though I've done some things that are said to be addictive. I don't want to list all the things on the forum, but let's just say it's all the common drugs you hear about, and some prescriptions you never heard of.

My point to this is that, people shouldn't judge things until they experience them for themselves. Unless you know you're weak and prone to being addicted to drugs, don't try it, but even though I thought I was an easy addict, I've managed to never "fiend" for anything.

P.S.- I haven't smoked in 6 months, and haven't done any other drug since New Year
s. Very different from a year ago when I used to smoke every weekend, and try a new thing or two every other weekend.

wow that pretty much my story too(exept for the 5-meo-dmt, going to erowid.org to check it out.)! but i had friend who did drugs i had no prob what so ever.


monkey wrestler
Apr 9, 2002
Stowe, VT
One big misconception. Pot smoke actually contains ALOT of cancer causing agents. In fact, burn pretty much ANYTHING and carcinogens will be given off. Creasote is a cancer causing agent and the pelical skin on foods after they are smoked should be trimmed to remove cancer causing agents. Anyone that says **** like smoking pot doesn't cause cancer is just plain wrong and should learn the truth about the stuff they put in their body. There is also 4 times the tar in weed as there is in tobacco and that eqauals way more lung damage per puff, the difference is people don't smoke 2 packs of joints a day so the risk of getting ill isn't as high. Also, while weed is not chemically addictive, it can be behaviorally addictive and that can be a strong habit to try and break.

I smoke pot. not everyday, but more then weekly. I does affect your motivation and can become a crutch to deal. Life in moderation.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
The only time I've been offered weed is on rides - both occasions by older riders about twice my age (ie 40-50 range). Only accepted once but didn't seem that great to me but I don't really like smoking of any kind...

There is an easy way around carcinogens - baked goods. Just make sure the person making them knows how to cook - I was offered some "brownies" once and they tasted like **** - not enough chocolate in them so I didn't eat them...


Jun 28, 2004
Oi, some of you should really try and loosen up a bit. A bit of weed every now and than won't kill you, won't make you an addict, junkee, rethard or anything even close. I'm dutch and getting weed is as easy as going for a cup of coffee, and I love coffee...
I've tried weed and enjoyd it, I know a lot of people who can say the same (some will argue the enjoy bit) and only one dude who is seriously messed up, I'm pretty damn sure he isn't just doing weed though...
Ok, I surely wouldn't advice you to do it on a daily basis or so, my last puff was half a year ago i guess (oi!), But if it helps you unwind then it's a good thing isn't it?


Apr 18, 2002
Annapolis, MD
DieselX said:
salvia? 5-meo-dmt anyone?
MEO=weaksauce. Cut out the 5 meo, save the dimethyl and your left with aliens.

If you think marijuana is counterproductive and harmful, you've been watching too much television...

"Everything they tell you about pot is a lie. You can do anything you can do straight that you can do while high. You just realize, it's not worth the ****ing effort. Sure, I could wake every morning at dawn, sit in traffic, go to a job I hate that doesn't fufill me creatively or spiritually....


I could wake up at noon and learn how to play the sitar."

-Bill Hicks (heavily paraphrased)


Jun 20, 2004
standing at the edge of reason
my old man is a lawyer (prosecutor) and he always says we should focus on alcohol as the main destructive force when it comes to substance abuse. he's convicted his fair share of drunk drivers but he's never put a smoker in jail for getting into a fight or killing someone in a car or shooting up someone's house. everyone has something they use to escape - weed, prescription drugs (Xanax anyone?), Knob Creek, Pabst, cigarettes...


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I'm getting thread deja-vu.

The only thing missing is Burly and DT turning this into a sh*t storm.

Do what you want, I'll do what I want. Tell me what to do and you get a size 11 in your ass, end of argument. Preaching is for preachers and none of you look like clergy to me... ;)