
Why does JBP hate Freedom®?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
"after school tutoring programs"?

what about "during school" tutoring programs, which are paid for? tell you what: let's have big pharma pitch in 100M (1% of original funding) for Adderall®


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
You realize of course that education is counter productive to electing Republitards to office. Here in NC the late senator Jesse Helms voted against just about every educational funding bill. An ignorant, uneducated voter is a tasty, tasty treat for the GOP.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Posted by Mr. Peters on Facebook:

Absolutely disgusting. Way to go Dems. Who can I vote for who's not Obama but isn't a Bible thumping right wing nut job? :rant:
Ok, so what would YOU suggest that Obama have done?? Default? Stand firm against government cuts when 71% of Americans back cutting government spending? Americans en masse voted against their own best interests in November, and I'm sick and tired of standing in the way of cuts to the services that they receive. Maybe once Ordinary Americans® actually see the outcome of "cutting government spending", they won't be so eager to do so in the future.

On the other hand, if the Democrats continue to nail themselves politically on a cross of "saving people from themselves", they'll end up handing Republicans more power to make even MORE cuts. So they give the Republicans enough rope to hang themselves................

Works for me. And if the poorest 95% of this country are stupid enough to vote Republican (or not vote, therefore handing the country back to the Republicans), well, they deserve whatever they get. I'm sick of protecting stupid people from themselves.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Ok, so what would YOU suggest that Obama have done?? Default? Stand firm against government cuts when 71% of Americans back cutting government spending? Americans en masse voted against their own best interests in November, and I'm sick and tired of standing in the way of cuts to the services that they receive. Maybe once Ordinary Americans® actually see the outcome of "cutting government spending", they won't be so eager to do so in the future.

On the other hand, if the Democrats continue to nail themselves politically on a cross of "saving people from themselves", they'll end up handing Republicans more power to make even MORE cuts. So they give the Republicans enough rope to hang themselves................

Works for me. And if the poorest 95% of this country are stupid enough to vote Republican (or not vote, therefore handing the country back to the Republicans), well, they deserve whatever they get. I'm sick of protecting stupid people from themselves.
I see your point and I agree. My frustration arises not from the debt deal it self per-se (default would have been :panic:) but from Obama himself. For fvck sakes, did this man ever have a backbone? If I had wanted a president beholden to the Republican Party I would have voted for McCain. Cuts? Fine. But no tax increases? WTF?

Ever since he entered office all he has done is bend over backwards and take it in the ass from the right. I'm parroting Toshi a little here (from a thread I can't find now) but I think his point is valid. Gitmo is still open, war on 2.5 fronts, health care reform is a joke at best, wall street runs amok and so called "reform" is :rofl:, complete and utter capitulation on budget both near and long term, inability or unwillingness to address environmental issues, no "war on drugs" reforms of any kind, zero and I mean zero movement of any kind on gun control, etc. etc. etc.

I'll wind up voting for him again. Not because I think he'll make a good president, that ship has sailed, but because I'd rather drive a nail through my own dick than vote for any nut job Jeebus freak from the right. Its time for Democrats and progressive voters to admit that they got taken for a ride by Mr. Obama. We'd have been a lot better off with Hillary.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Ever since he entered office all he has done is bend over backwards and take it in the ass from the right. I'm parroting Toshi a little here (from a thread I can't find now) but I think his point is valid. Gitmo is still open, war on 2.5 fronts, health care reform is a joke at best, wall street runs amok and so called "reform" is :rofl:, complete and utter capitulation on budget both near and long term, inability or unwillingness to address environmental issues, no "war on drugs" reforms of any kind, zero and I mean zero movement of any kind on gun control, etc. etc. etc.
Blame the Dems in congress for much of that. Dems (ie, Lieberman, Nelson, etc) are who made health care reform a joke, Dems weren't willing to stand up to Wall St, etc.

Obama got much of what he wanted in the first year, including the Stimulus, HCR, Dodd-Frank, etc. In return voters elected Republicans who vowed to "reign in government spending". People like my mother voted Republican in a desperate attempt to cut back government spending, without stopping to think that her salary (school district, which specifically got hundreds of thousands of dollars through the stimulus bill), my dad's SS benefits, my dad's health care (Medicare), etc *all* were part of the evil "government spending" that she was decrying. Well..... too bad. You want to cut your own government benefits in the name of "fiscal responsibility", go ahead. Reap what you sow.

Do I wish that Obama had started playing hardball earlier? Yup. Do I understand why he didn't? Unfortunately yes. Am I hopeful that the debt-ceiling debate where he went to the American public and pretty much destroyed the American's perception of the GOP is a sign of things to come? God I hope so....


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
71% of Americans back cutting government spending? Americans en masse voted against their own best interests in November, and I'm sick and tired of standing in the way of cuts to the services that they receive. Maybe once Ordinary Americans® actually see the outcome of "cutting government spending", they won't be so eager to do so in the future.
problem here, i suspect, is that these 71% know [ok, have a gut instinct] there's significant FWA & overlap in gov't spending, even if they can't name a particular program. who cares if it's statistically insignificant or in the realm of rounding error? that thought then festers to a more broad generalization of "fcuk 'em; let's cut funding to send a message". i'm all for austerity measures, but of course i'm able & prepared to weather the storm that may come -- i'm not living paycheck-to-paycheck & my daughter's not in public schools
Works for me. And if the poorest 95% of this country are stupid enough to vote Republican (or not vote, therefore handing the country back to the Republicans), well, they deserve whatever they get. I'm sick of protecting stupid people from themselves.
they got by just swimmingly at previous levels of various funding for programs; why should a restoration be viewed by them as a self-inflicted wound? it didn't help them stop being poor, obviously. maybe they *are* stupid?
Ever since he entered office all he has done is bend over backwards and take it in the ass from the right. I'm parroting Toshi a little here (from a thread I can't find now) but I think his point is valid. Gitmo is still open, war on 2.5 fronts, health care reform is a joke at best, wall street runs amok and so called "reform" is :rofl:, complete and utter capitulation on budget both near and long term, inability or unwillingness to address environmental issues, no "war on drugs" reforms of any kind, zero and I mean zero movement of any kind on gun control, etc. etc. etc.
now he's *your* manchurian candidate
I'd rather drive a nail through my own dick than vote for any nut job Jeebus freak from the right.
will never happen. it's won in the middle, and by moderates/independents. boogeymen only exist as high as the occasional House rep, w/ the even less occasional governor
Its time for Democrats and progressive voters to admit that they got taken for a ride by Mr. Obama. We'd have been a lot better off with Hillary.
we'd still have bush doctrine, i bet, but she would've showed more sac, true.
dante said:
Do I wish that Obama had started playing hardball earlier? Yup.
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