
Why even go?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Ciaran said:
Of course it can also depend on the school. The GF went to Emerson College in Boston. Small private school. She said that she had great teachers there. I went to california state/public schools.

The sad thing is that with many of these tenured profs, all you can really do is drop the class. No amount of complaints from the students is going to have any effect on them. Thankfully most classes are only 3 - 5 months long.
ditto x 2. it depends greatly on the school and even the particular class. what makes a school a world class research institution (or even, er, a leader in the eastern half of tennessee perhaps ;) ) does not make for a great undergraduate experience. "powerpoint teachers" just suck. drop the class, take something better.


Sep 19, 2003
Bellingham, WA
allsk8sno here
my ME310-manufacturing process class is like that.
slides on line, hw posted online
he just goes thru the slides...
its lame but i go anyways cuase there is always some sort of relevent material that wasn't in the notes...then again its a little more important than a genED history class
i say read the material on your own but fook the lecture!!