
Why I hate Obama.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
there would be a lot less if it if there was some serious criticism of your candidate by the homers in here

but there aint
1. He doesn't have the balls to tell Israel to fvck off and get their hands out of our pockets.

2. He doesn't have the balls to condemn Israel's numerous human rights violations.

3. No talk of further subsidizing higher education for the masses...

4. He wants to intensify the war in Afghanistan, and order air strikes and incursions which clearly violate Pakistan's sovereignty...

5. Didn't call Georgia on it's conscious decision to indiscriminately shell South Ossetian civilian centers, and then he bitched out and joined the Russian hate bandwagon along with the western media.

I'm sure some agree with me, and even have more to add to the list.

But his failings are passable and less numerous when compared to McCain's.
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Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i agree with 1-4. i also liked how hillary's health plan would have mandated health insurance coverage for all adults, not just children.

no candidate is perfect, but i'm more psyched about obama than i've been since i started paying attention, about the time of dukakis. :D

(and my vote is already in via absentee ballot. i'm keeping washington a blue state.)


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
1. He doesn't have the balls to tell Israel to fvck off and get their hands out of our pockets.

2. He doesn't have the balls to condemn Israel's numerous human rights violations.

3. No talk of further subsidizing higher education for the masses...

4. He wants to intensify the war in Afghanistan, and order air strikes and incursions which clearly violate Pakistan's sovereignty...

5. Didn't call Georgia on it's conscious decision to indiscriminately shell South Ossetian civilian centers, and then he bitched out and joined the Russian hate bandwagon along with the western media.

I'm sure some agree with me, and even have more to add to the list.

But his failings are passable and less numerous when compared to McCain's.
1 & 2 would never happen, unless you want to be known as the anti-Israeli candidate.

3 you can thank G.W. for no more college subsidies.

4 is a funny one. i think we should have never left afghanistan, and now that Al Quada is hiding out in Pakistan, we need to pressure Pakistan to kick them out.

5 well, you can't them all.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
This really is a pointless thread. N8 is one of the retarded, intentionally ignorant, and racist Americans that cheers for a political party like it's a football team. There's probably 40% of the American population that fits that description, and they would vote for "their" guy even if it was Hitler. (Of course, Republicans would absolutely love Hitler these days, so I'm not sure that is saying much. Who fits on the hard left? Evo Morales?)