
***Why is there no Wednesday GMT?***


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
radiohead tickets secured for philly.....younger brother flying in from colorado....


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

In meetings since 8am....already brain-fried, and many more hours to go. Got muh tickets for George Clinton & Parliment Funkadelic this weekend....I may get on the Mothership and never come back.....


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
howdy. some car i'm moderately interested in is in transit from way over myeah to right over nyeah, thanks carfax. max. whatever.

wasting my time at work as I can't really start anything new until and everything old is in good shape.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
got into work and some jackwagon left a cup of tea in my cubicle, which i promptly threw the fuck out. i sit at the end of the row by the hallway to the bathrooms, so this is a frequent enough occurrence that i have just taken to throwing the shit out. turns out it belonged to a project manager i don't particularly like. he came out of the bathroom looking for it, but didn't say anything to me, then walked away. some days it's the little things.
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Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
got into work and some jackwagon left a cup of tea in my cubicle, which i promptly through the fuck out. i sit at the end of the row by the hallway to the bathrooms, so this is a frequent enough occurrence that i have just taken to throwing the shit out. turns out it belonged to a project manager i don't particularly like. he came out of the bathroom looking for it, but didn't say anything to me, then walked away. some days it's the little things.
I hope the coffee was in his college alum stainless mug. :headbang:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I hope the coffee was in his college alum stainless mug. :headbang:
nah, just a paper cup. i'm not *that* much of an asshole. but if it wasn't a disposable cup i probably would have started drinking it myself.

either way, the message is clear. don't leave shit in my cube.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
got into work and some jackwagon left a cup of tea in my cubicle, which i promptly threw the fuck out. i sit at the end of the row by the hallway to the bathrooms, so this is a frequent enough occurrence that i have just taken to throwing the shit out. turns out it belonged to a project manager i don't particularly like. he came out of the bathroom looking for it, but didn't say anything to me, then walked away. some days it's the little things.
the hero we need


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Booked a weekend at Valley View Hot Springs in March. would love it if it snowed on us while soaking.
pro tip- have insomnia? smoke a shit ton of hash before bed.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I watched the hippo at the zoo do that while aimed at the crowd. I had seen the propeller action on one of the nature shows, so I'm always hesitant to be oriented towards the ass when it's out of the water. It was literally a shit show. Probably two dozen people in immediate spray range who fell victim to shit spray. I warned a bunch of people of the propeller poop, some of whom listened and stepped back, others didn't. Those who did and I; we laughed hysterically.

Still cold today. Haley was a total shit this morning. She woke up some time around 5am and just started watching TV. Remotes are being taken to our room starting tonight.

I might finally get to do my annual review that was supposed to be done 2 weeks ago. Get to have a cavity fixed today too. Giddy.


Feb 24, 2011
Gonna hit 60 degrees this afternoon. I will need to go ride my bike in it.

Today is my Friday. Taking the next 2 days off to do some fun stuff with my daughter while she is on Winter break. Gonna go to the mountains and do some snowboarding Friday and Saturday.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
This is where you need a bag of gummy dicks. Just drop one in each cup left at your cube, wink at the owner when they pick it up.
gummy dick is too obvious. but that gives me an idea for a more subtle approach.... pour in some super spicy hot sauce. much less likely to be given away visually, but once they take a sip....


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I watched the hippo at the zoo do that while aimed at the crowd. I had seen the propeller action on one of the nature shows, so I'm always hesitant to be oriented towards the ass when it's out of the water. It was literally a shit show. Probably two dozen people in immediate spray range who fell victim to shit spray. I warned a bunch of people of the propeller poop, some of whom listened and stepped back, others didn't. Those who did and I; we laughed hysterically.