
Why must sick people come to work to infect the rest of us?

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Why must I be subjected to co-workers sneezing, blowing their nose and hacking up a lung????

If you are sick...stay home!!!!! :mumble: But you know, it's all supposed to be ok because said co-worker has a doctor appointment this morning :rolleyes:

When you sound like that it doesn't matter if you try to stay away from others or not, you still run the risk of infecting others due to the numerous communal objects we all touch (door handles, sink handles, etc.) Not to mention the noise!!!

I'm sure some employers don't implement rules about coming to work sick because now a days they would of course be slapped with a lawsuit....but if I get sick from my co-worker I wonder if I could sue for missed time from work, pain and suffering, and mental distress? :p


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
I agree with you 100%,...

though I am at work today sick as I just returned from vacation and my boss would really be pissed if I called in sick on my first day back. (now he can only be somewhat pissed that I had a vacation at all.)

I may go home early though once he sees that I really am sick. (man, I need a new job.)

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
peter6061 said:
I agree with you 100%,...

though I am at work today sick as I just returned from vacation and my boss would really be pissed if I called in sick on my first day back. (now he can only be somewhat pissed that I had a vacation at all.)

I may go home early though once he sees that I really am sick. (man, I need a new job.)
See and that's part of the problem....some bosses get pissed if you call in sick, WTF! I had a boss that was like that once, makes absolutely no freakin' sense!


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
Well for one, if I called in sick every time I caught a cold, I'd be fired. My wife is a 2nd grade teacher and is always bringing something home. My son goes to preschool twice a week and brings stuff home too. But if I've got something bad I stay home. Not usually for a cold that's going to last a week or two. I can't see my boss saying "oh you've got a cold...sure take the week off". If he did, he would say and when you make it back in you can pick up your last check too.

dh girlie

DRB said:
I am not wasting my sick days on being sick.
That's the problem...people won't call in sick cuz they want to f around on their sick days...bastards!

Thank god the city I work for has a very generous sick time policy...90 days per occurance...for instance, if I go out with pnemonia and I'm out for 90 days...come back on day 91...and on day 91 I break a leg and I have to be out for ANOTHER 90 days...then it's all good as long as I'm not out for more than 90 days with the same illness/injury. But some people abuse the hell out of it. I admit to wrecking 3 or 4 sick days when not being sick (unless you count being hung over as sick, which I do) in the 4 years I've been here. 2 were hangover days, one was I just need to get some stuff done, and one was...well...I've BEEN out sick for 2 days...whats one mor, plus I was leaving for a bachelorette party that day...but yeah...jerks that come in sick piss me off.


Sep 21, 2001
Who calls in sick for a runny nose and a cough? I know that wouldn't have been a legit excuse for my boss. Granted I only worked over the summer and didn't have any "sick days," but still, it's just a cold.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Velocity Girl said:
Why must I be subjected to co-workers sneezing, blowing their nose and hacking up a lung????

If you are sick...stay home!!!!! :mumble: But you know, it's all supposed to be ok because said co-worker has a doctor appointment this morning :rolleyes:

When you sound like that it doesn't matter if you try to stay away from others or not, you still run the risk of infecting others due to the numerous communal objects we all touch (door handles, sink handles, etc.) Not to mention the noise!!!

I'm sure some employers don't implement rules about coming to work sick because now a days they would of course be slapped with a lawsuit....but if I get sick from my co-worker I wonder if I could sue for missed time from work, pain and suffering, and mental distress? :p
Preach on! I'm so tired of people coming to work, not with the sniffles, but with a full blown cold....they say I can't miss work, but what about the rest of us you are affecting!!!!! :mumble:

My favorite is when they come over to your desk and cough without covering their mouth :mad: Where these people raise by wolves? Cover your mouth!!! :angry:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Velocity Girl said:
See and that's part of the problem....some bosses get pissed if you call in sick, WTF! I had a boss that was like that once, makes absolutely no freakin' sense!
Man, it's a different culture in my office. If you come in sick, everyone gets pissed at and lets you know it. Plus, the Director and VP of our division will give you HELL for not taking the day off.


Jun 10, 2002
i like when someone tending a cold or cough is sitting right behind you in class, and they hack up a lung every time the professor says something important.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Honeywell said:
Who calls in sick for a runny nose and a cough? I know that wouldn't have been a legit excuse for my boss. Granted I only worked over the summer and didn't have any "sick days," but still, it's just a cold.
There is a difference between a runny nose and cough and a full blown hacking, wheezing, snot-running, flem producing cold.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
i don't really remember chemisty class in college, but i *thought* that if you are coughing/sneezing, etc. that you were not contagious anymore because your body has fought the bacteria/virus and the sh*t your expelling out is the sketelon bacteria/virus cells. actually, i don't know how the virus cells work but the bacteria i'm pretty sure of. anyone know fer sure?

i think it's when peeps dont' know they are sick is when they are most contagious and give there stuff to someone else.

course, it's not like you could go up to your boss and be like, "um, i really FEEL like a cold is coming on, and if i'm right, i'm at the most contagious stage right now, so i should definitely leave. i'll be back once i'm hacking and sneezing, thanks."


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
well in this day and age most people dont call in sick too often because they dont wanna get fired.

And yes, in the state of north carolina they can fire you for that, hell they can fire you for anything they want in this state.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
You know what's even worse than coming to work sick??? My boss has brought his kids to work with him because their elementary school has a no coming to school sick rule. How screwed up is that?? Snott dripping 5 year olds that stick their fingers in their mouths and then touch everything. Yuck.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Velocity Girl said:
Why must I be subjected to co-workers sneezing, blowing their nose and hacking up a lung????

If you are sick...stay home!!!!!
If I stayed home because of coughing and blowing my nose I'd be out from about Oct 15th - May 1st.

On second thought :think: maybe I *should*........... :D



Monkey Flirt
Aug 1, 2001
And what's up with the freaking nose blowing IN A MEETING.
I understand if you have a leak sneak up and you have to do something about it... we have this woman here who will totally full on nose blow while we are in our morning managers meeting. Like HONKING NOSE BLOW. I want to puke. And she does that freaking nasty cough thing which drives me up the wall. LEAVE THE ROOM. I'd pass out and die before I make a sound like that in a meeting. GOD


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
iresmoke1 said:
And what's up with the freaking nose blowing IN A MEETING.
I understand if you have a leak sneak up and you have to do something about it... we have this woman here who will totally full on nose blow while we are in our morning managers meeting. Like HONKING NOSE BLOW. I want to puke. And she does that freaking nasty cough thing which drives me up the wall. LEAVE THE ROOM. I'd pass out and die before I make a sound like that in a meeting. GOD

dh girlie

iresmoke1 said:
And what's up with the freaking nose blowing IN A MEETING.
I understand if you have a leak sneak up and you have to do something about it... we have this woman here who will totally full on nose blow while we are in our morning managers meeting. Like HONKING NOSE BLOW. I want to puke. And she does that freaking nasty cough thing which drives me up the wall. LEAVE THE ROOM. I'd pass out and die before I make a sound like that in a meeting. GOD

Or in a restaurant? Or at the friggin ballet for godsake...(yes the ballet...I have season tickets...) There were SO many sick people at the Nutcracker hacking and coughing and honk blowing their noses...I thought for sure I'd get sick after that performance...bastards! There better not be any sickies at the next one!


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
People come to work when they are sick here all the time, we are all on commission and have no sick days because of it, so it sometimes creates an unhealthy environment.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Motionboy2 said:
People come to work when they are sick here all the time, we are all on commission and have no sick days because of it, so it sometimes creates an unhealthy environment.
I can understand how people want to work through illness when their monthly income will be drastically impacted by staying home a couple days. The crazy part for me is that where I work we earn two paid vacation days and one paid sick day every month we work. It adds up pretty quick. And our office managers don't much care how you use each. If your short on vacation time you can use sick time and visa versa. And still, even with paid vacation and sick leave, we get people coming to work all the time not just with colds but with seriously communicable illnesses. We've had people come to work sick with broncitis, strep throat, severe conjunctivitis of the eye (highly contagious!!) and all sorts of crap. We had a student that came to work with chicken pox last year and no one would make her go home, even though several of our staffers had not had chicken pox or have small children that they were afraid of passing it on to.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I used to get sick like 3 or 4 times a year. Sometimes a light cold, sometimes the flu. Then I transferred at work to a medical center, where EVERYONE is either sick or broken. I thought I was done for, especially during flu season. Well, I decided to take the only line of defense I had... I started washing my hands - ALOT. I wash my hands EVERYTIME I am in the bathroom, and ALWAYS before I eat lunch or touch any food, and before I go home. We all here also use PURELL, which is some alcohol based antibacterial disenfectant gel that you rub on your hands. No towels needed, it just evaporates away, as alcohol usually does. The end result? I haven't had so much as a sniffle in over 18 months. And here in the hospital we have sick people sneezing on you, shaking your hand, asking for directions, etc. I also touch alot of really nasty keyboards.

Wash your hands people! It's one of the easiest ways to stay healthy.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Some douche showed up at my GF's restaurant with strep for his waiting shift. Pretty sure strep is one of the more gnarly contagious illnesses one can have. :rolleyes: Bad enough to subject your coworkers but in food service! C'mon!!!

I'm glad I share an office with only 4 people total. Two of them got the flu over new years and stayed home all week as to not get the other two of us sick :thumb: Tha'ts what I'm talking 'bout!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
dh girlie said:
Or in a restaurant? Or at the friggin ballet for godsake...(yes the ballet...I have season tickets...) There were SO many sick people at the Nutcracker hacking and coughing and honk blowing their noses...I thought for sure I'd get sick after that performance...bastards! There better not be any sickies at the next one!
it's a well-known fact that only sickies attend the ballet. :nope:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
The best is when people blow their nose, and then open the tissue to see what they bought. :nope: thats just nasty.