
Why not make it a jillion kabillion dollars?



Its kinda funny - a purely American response. I'm sure the rest of the non-sue-happy rest of the world isn't too worried about this.


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Originally posted by RideMonkey
Its kinda funny - a purely American response. I'm sure the rest of the non-sue-happy rest of the world isn't too worried about this.
My thoughts exactly. In fact, I am embarrassed by it. I am sure the rest of the world sees it as an attempt for the ungodly rich US to get more money. Oh well.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Come on.....you just KNEW someone was going to file a lawsuit eventually. I honestly thought it would be against the owners of the WTC and those companies leasing space in it for providing an unsafe work enviornment or something, or perhaps even OBL himself. I'm kind of surprised they are going after the financial institutions. I'm not sure how you blame a bank for 9/11, but I guess those lawyers have to figure that out.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Squeak
My thoughts exactly. In fact, I am embarrassed by it. I am sure the rest of the world sees it as an attempt for the ungodly rich US to get more money. Oh well.
I am embarrassed as well. Why not include "The Axis of Evil," as Bush so eloquently put it, as well...? :rolleyes:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
did anyone see the Onion's infographic this week? unfortunately my company's web filter has blocked my access to the site, but it's damn funny...

someone go and pull it up.


Its 116 Trillion now.

Can someone recite that scene from Austin Powers where Dr. Evil is talking about the million dollar payoff?

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
So answer me this...how the hell can you sue out side of the country? Granted that they will never see this money just the fact that they can sue a government? What if the Saudis just say..."No, were not going to pay". how can an American Judge make a foreign entity pay restitution?


Oct 19, 2001
Austin TX
I think thats the biggest crock of BS. If I was Sudan or Saudi Arabia I would tell every last one of them to kiss my ass. Why don't they start suing the US government? Didn't they train him in the first place???
Yeah, $115 trillion is about what most people need just to get by, but $116 trillion is a bit greedy. :rolleyes:

In and of itself, I understand the motives and reasons for the lawsuit, and also see nothing wrong with it. However, given the quickly spreading anti-US sentiment abroad, it's fairly obvious how this will be received.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by LeatherFace
Hey...maybe we could get in on it too....Osama Bin Laden did cause me a lot of unneccessary pain and suffering...BRB...I'm gonna call my lawyer...
good idea, i'm gonna sue for all the mental anguish of having to put up with all of the "bandwagon patriots" that the attacks have brought out. "maybe if i put 5 flags on my car i'll be a better patriot then mr. jones down the street, he only has 4 flags on his car."