
Why Pot Gives You "The Munchies"


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
I thought it was because when you smoke it eats up nutrients a lot faster and your body needs to replenish them or something along that lines.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i always thought that it's because it makes you so boringly stupid you can't really think of anything much better to do than eat. That and watch Bugs Bunny.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Opens blood vessels.......leads to more oxygen carried in blood cells. More oxygen use fakes the brain into thinking you've done some activity---when in reality, you haven't. You've just got blunted. Not the same thing. Your brain is thinking about self-preservation...it needs energy. Munchies.

Glaucoma patients' use of this is the same principal......vessel shrinkage behind the eye causes pressure buildup---Getting blunted opens these vessels, inducing relief to the afflicted area. That's one theory at least.

The next one is that you could just substitute a warm glass of water for the same procedure.........no, not in the bong, you silly. The warm water----said to have the same effect(opening up those vessels) allows for more oxygen to be carried through your bloodstream, thus relieving said pressure as mentioned above. Coffee is the same thing....but wait---it's a diautretic, so that should be ruled out. Bummer. What's that? Yes...you're right, the caffiene helps in the reduction of migrane headaches. So what's a person to do?

Well.....if you either have glaucoma or a killer headache, you should burn a blunt, drink a glass of water, and scarf some java when you get sleepy later on! :p


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Okay, question for those currently stoned:

(Note: You may not use Google, or attempt whilst not high, it's just not good form)

What is the conversion factor for Meters per second in miles per hour?