
Why Religion is Bent


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
FFS, Get over yourselves:


Saudis recall envoy in Danish row

Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador to Denmark in a row about cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published by a best-selling newspaper.

A Saudi government spokesman said the ambassador had been recalled for talks following Denmark's failure to deal with the insults to the Prophet.

Some of the cartoons in Jyllands-Posten last September depicted him as a stereotype of an Islamic terrorist.

The paper said it was testing the boundaries of expression about Islam.

It said at the time that both the paper and the cartoonist had received threats.

Ambassadors from several Muslim countries complained to Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who had earlier said he could not tell papers what to print, or not to.

Islam bans any depiction of Muhammad or Allah.


On Thursday, the Saudi government said it had recalled its ambassador "for consultations in light of the Danish government's lack of attention to insulting the Prophet Muhammad by its newspapers".

Danish food producers Arla Foods said the anger sparked by the cartoons had prompted a boycott of its dairy products in Saudi Arabia.

Arla director Finn Hansen said there had been calls for boycotting Danish products in Friday prayers and on Saudi television and in newspapers.

"We are certainly afraid this will spread across Saudi Arabia and affect our business," he told Reuters news agency.

There were street protests both in Denmark and in Muslim countries following the publication of the cartoons.
I'm trying to find the cartoon...


Oct 17, 2002
I'd have to see the cartoon to really comment; however, people start riots cuz their football team lost, so I'm not really surprised about this.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
To the Saudis- not everyone believes what you believe. Deal
To the cartoonist- you're harming your countries international relations. Pull ya head in.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Well, you see how we're all up in a knot about that Kanye West magazine cover....


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
The question is should western countries be influenced by Islamic sensitivities when it comes to freedom of speech?

I say: No.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
He's done up all jesus-y in a crown of thorns and all or something; people on CNN in the morning are crowing about the controversey all the time. Don't know too many details...I'll leave the Google search to you with highspeed lines...


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
Changleen said:
The question is should western countries be influenced by Islamic sensitivities when it comes to freedom of speech?

I say: No.
I agree in principle, but I don't think it's a wise idea to provoke murderous psychopaths who are likely to show up at your neighborhood Starbucks with bombs in their pants.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Changleen said:
The question is should western countries be influenced by Islamic sensitivities when it comes to freedom of speech?

I say: No.
Well, right-the answer to the Saudis is: "We let people have a right to publish their thoughts here, unlike you. Our citizens are free to react and boycott or write letters nasty and/or nice in response. But we as the government can't and won't force anyone to change legally protected speech in our own country. Sorry that pisses you off; we understand you don't roll like that (because if you did, you'd end up with your royal heads sawn off), but we'll just have to live with it."


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
MikeD said:
Well, right-the answer to the Saudis is: "We let people have a right to publish their thoughts here, unlike you. Our citizens are free to react and boycott or write letters nasty and/or nice in response. But we as the government can't and won't force anyone to change legally protected speech in our own country. Sorry that pisses you off; we understand you don't roll like that (because if you did, you'd end up with your royal heads sawn off), but we'll just have to live with it."

@ Islam: "That's just like, your opinion, dude."


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
okay, since it began religion has just been a way to make money, since the indulgences sold by the church hundreds of years ago, to today when you put money in the "donation" tray. which is quite odd, because the government gives money to churches. they aren't supposed to but they do. Religion has just been a way to manipulate people and make the big people bigger and the small smaller.