
Why would the Gingrichs owe 500k to Tiffany's?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
"I am debt-free," Gingrich said. "If the U.S. government were as debt-free as I am, everyone in America would be celebrating. I think I have proven I can manage money, as a small businessman -- I run four small businesses. They have been profitable; they have employed people. This is the opposite of the Obama model. So as a private citizen who has done well, I think I'm allowed to pick and choose what I prefer doing."

I'm sure a woman like Callista was just looking for love in the 22 year older, 100lbs overweight ex-Speaker.



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
^^^^^^^^^Its only $500,000 you hard ass. I mean really, who here amongst us common folk doesn't have a revolving credit line at Tiffany's?

"We're private citizens," Gingrich said in an interview with Bob Schieffer on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday. "I work very hard. We have a reasonably good income. I currently owe nothing except I owe one mortgage on a house that's a rental property in Wisconsin. Everything else is totally paid for. My home is paid for, my cars are paid for, we don't have a separate house. We don't do elaborate things."

Politico's Jake Sherman reported last week that financial disclosure forms filed with the U.S. House of Representatives show that in 2005 and 2006, Gingrich carried as much as $500,000 in debt on a "revolving charge account" with the jewelry store.

Gingrich's spokesman refused to comment when the news broke, but on Sunday, Gingrich said the debt was paid off "automatically" with "no interest."
$500,000 in jewlery isn't elaborate? Mistresses be serioz bisnez.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002

Gingrich senior aides resign en masse

Among the issues, according to knowledgeable sources, was the two-week vacation that Gingrich and his wife, Callista, insisted upon taking against the advice of his top political staff. Coming as it did after one of the most diastrous campaign launches in recent memory, it raised questions as to whether Gingrich would be willing to “commit time to the grassroots,” said Tyler.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
can't run something as small & friendly to his agenda as a campaign?

certainly can't run a country

maybe now callista can have that eye-of-newt problem checked out


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
He has a way of pissing people off.

Gingrich has long been viewed, by even his closest allies, as a fountain of policy ideas but a man who is unable to avoid speaking in ways that spark unwelcome controversy.
At least no pictures of his junk have surfaced.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
She's a bitch:

n the implosion's aftermath, officials close to the Gingrich campaign privately pointed fingers at Callista Gingrich as the source of the tension between her husband and his staff. They say she exerted enormous influence on the former House speaker, controlling his schedule and encouraging him to disappear on a luxury cruise in the Greek Isles just weeks after he got into the race. That trip was the final straw, for some, who pleaded with him not to go.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
Either that or she followed the Paris Hilton example...practicing her smile in the mirror for hours a day, til it is "just right"...a cross between Jack Nicholson in the Shining and Heath Ledger as teh Joker.
I can't even look at that picture of her, she creeps me out too much.

Like she's wearing a mask.

I bet that same music they played in all of the Joker scenes in TDK is heard whenever she is in the room...