Here's a dumb one for you guys.
Right now I have my M1 with a 12mm TA axle out back. I'm running a hope bulb hub that's been converted. I had bought the axle from Intense a while ago.
I can get a cheap Hadley 12mm Axle and it says (for 2000+ Intense M1's) and it's 12mm as well. I'm just curious, it should all be the same right? Anything 12mm will slide through etc...??? So in theory I should be able to use any 12mm axle and it'll fit through my hub? It's just the different lengths that are different?
Let me know....
Right now I have my M1 with a 12mm TA axle out back. I'm running a hope bulb hub that's been converted. I had bought the axle from Intense a while ago.
I can get a cheap Hadley 12mm Axle and it says (for 2000+ Intense M1's) and it's 12mm as well. I'm just curious, it should all be the same right? Anything 12mm will slide through etc...??? So in theory I should be able to use any 12mm axle and it'll fit through my hub? It's just the different lengths that are different?
Let me know....