
Will RenegadeRick be allowed to Vote?


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
I just finished checking on the Cook County voter registration website and my name is listed. I also called their voice mail system which also confirmed my registration. I printed out my registration from the website and I will take it with me.

The reason I am going to all this trouble is two years ago, when I last voted, I receieved a provisional ballot. This was because when they looked me up in the voter registration they could not find my name. Then they looked in a "special" book and found my name listed there. No explanation was given.

It allowed me to vote, but then my ballot was placed in a sealed envelope which they asked me to sign across the seal. I did some investigation afterwards and it turns out that this was a result of the "Help America Vote Act." Like many laws passed under this administration, it does the exact opposite of what the title says. It allowed contested registrants to vote, but the ballots would only be opened and counted in the event of a close contest. In other words, I was permitted to vote, but it was never counted.

So this time, I have checked and double-checked my registration and I will be dammned if I will be given another provisional ballot. My vote will be counted this time.

Who thinks I will get my vote counted this time?


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
So I went to my polling place and voted. I was NOT given a provisional ballot. They had me in the regular book and everything.

I voted on a Sequoia touch screen machine. The machine had a paper receipt that was printed under glass and then the paper receipt was stored in the machine. After I reviewed my choices on the screen and on paper, it printed "Ballot Accepted" and spooled through the machine. Basically, things went quite smoothly :clapping:

It's out of my control at this point. I hope this election is fraud free and that my fellow Americans make wise choices.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
So I went to my polling place and voted. I was NOT given a provisional ballot. They had me in the regular book and everything.

I voted on a Sequoia touch screen machine. The machine had a paper receipt that was printed under glass and then the paper receipt was stored in the machine. After I reviewed my choices on the screen and on paper, it printed "Ballot Accepted" and spooled through the machine. Basically, things went quite smoothly :clapping:

It's out of my control at this point. I hope this election is fraud free and that my fellow Americans make wise choices.

We are canceling out your vote here at Voting Machine Control Central


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
You voted on a machine that doesn't get counted. They direct anyone with bad facial ticks, jackets with suede elbows and foil sticking out from under their hats to such machines.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Who is this Ron Paul character?
just another Texican wanting to be Prez...

And by any Internet metric, Texas Rep. Ron Paul should have captured the lion's share of the GOP vote in New Hampshire. He's arguably the Internet's favorite candidate, with Google engineers campaigning for him here, a remarkable lead on Eventful and Facebook, and 111,757 MySpace "friends" to McCain's mere 40,770.

Instead, Paul received just 8 percent of the vote (which is somewhat surprising after a weekend poll put him at 14 percent).