
Will you still watch road racing after Lance retires?

Will you still watch road racing after Lance retires?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 65.6%
  • No

    Votes: 22 34.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I was just curious. Lance has made cycling much more accessible to all fans, from the diehards to the newbies, and he has to be thanked for that. I was wondering if people will stay interested after he retires?


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Yea, I'd say I would like it even more.

No more: "Ullrich just farted, Whats lance going to do in response?"

I like lance and all, but they disect every single damn second of his day, And i don'y care anymore


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Anyone awake past midnight is obviously a mountain biker.

When I first started training for road, my coaching book recommended I start going to bed early on Fridays, so I can go to sleep even earlier on Saturday before my big race on Sunday morning. Considering most of my races started at 7am, it seemed like a good idea.

Obviously anyone posting now is drinking, smoking, and having a good time; sure signs they ain't roadies...


Underwater monkey
Mar 9, 2005
sanjuro said:
Obviously anyone posting now is drinking, smoking, and having a good time; sure signs they ain't roadies...
Meh...I wish I was having a good time. It's 5pm here, I'm 'working'. On a happy note, in a couple hours I'm heading to Japan for a couple days full of Absinthe and urban riding.

Back to the topic, I wish we had TdF coverage here, I have to follow it on the net. I miss my roady, she's at home waiting for me to come back.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I'll watch if there's still coverage. Will the networks (ok, OLN) think there's enough interest in post-Lance Tours to cover them?

I actually think the tours will be more exciting after he retires.


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
I definitely wiil I never was abig tour watcher before the "Lance Effect", but have learned so much about the sport I love the chess like strategies that some teams pull to win a stage or a jersey(even if only for a day) I think next year the tour will be a blast since the odds on favorite won't be known before it starts


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Yeah, if they televise it. I can't wait for Lance to be out of the picture. I really wish he weren't going out on top though. I'm still pulling for anyone to drop a couple minutes on him in a breakaway and hold it for the win. C'mon guys....


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
I will keep watching IF I can find it on TV. Even with cable and 100 channels only a couple of event's make it. Does anyone have the "dish" ? Is it any better?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Reactor said:
I will keep watching IF I can find it on TV. Even with cable and 100 channels only a couple of event's make it. Does anyone have the "dish" ? Is it any better?
I've got DirectTV's basic programming (150 or so channels), and no, it isn't any better. OLN is the only chance for cycling coverage.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Looking forward to it. Don't have anything against Lance but it would sure be nice to have some impartial coverage. There are plenty of good stories in the peloton to make things interesting. Personally I think this years most thrilling story is going to be Rassmusens battle for a podium.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Well, I don't know how to vote because I don't have cable so I can't actually watch road racing now and rely upon the web feeds for my coverage. If the networks started airing road racing I would definitely watch with or without Lance.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
I'll watch with lance gone it may become more interresting. I know Basso has been really good, Ullrich will be setting his sites on a win with Lance out of the way (will be interesting to see if he can pull it). Vino, obviously will be a wild card. I'm still curious what happens with Tyler Hammilton when he gets back in it, he can time trial, climb, etc. I kow he's been labeled as a doper but I'm sure he will be clean and come back fighting.

We shall see... I'll be rooting for the USA of course.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 8, 2003
West Seattle, WA
I'll probably keep watching the Tour de France since that's the only road race I've been watching. I know they televise the Giro and the Vuelta, but for me it's all about the Tour.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
What racing now?

Road racing? Like road bikes?

Wait... they race road bikes?



Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
sanjuro said:
I was just curious. Lance has made cycling much more accessible to all fans, from the diehards to the newbies, and he has to be thanked for that. I was wondering if people will stay interested after he retires?
The only race that Lance does is the Tour De France. I will watch it with or without Lance. I'd watch much more road racing if someone would show it! OLN's sunday cyclism totally sucks. The only road racing I've found on TV is the road world champioinships each year on CBC sports and the olympic road race every 4 years... I watch those and Lance never does them...


Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
H8R said:
What racing now?

Road racing? Like road bikes?

Wait... they race road bikes?


It's much more exciting than watching some stoned, drunk, fat dumbass coast down a mountain on a 75 pound piece of retardation. Yeah, road bikes are then ones you PEDAL.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
mattv2099 said:
It's much more exciting than watching some stoned, drunk, fat dumbass coast down a mountain on a 75 pound piece of retardation...
You must be talking about Redneck Special Needs Goat Racing.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
mattv2099 said:
It's much more exciting than watching some stoned, drunk, fat dumbass coast down a mountain on a 75 pound piece of retardation. Yeah, road bikes are then ones you PEDAL.
You obviously have never actually raced downhill. :rolleyes:
Ignorant, thats about all I can say about this statement.

I don't have cable, and didn't watch TDF when I did. Lance, the one balled media whore, I could care less about. So chances are no, I won't be watching it anymore :p


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Zark said:
You obviously have never actually raced downhill. :rolleyes:
Ignorant, thats about all I can say about this statement.
Hey Mattv I have to agree with Zark, and I hope you were just trying to start shizz as opposed to really believing what you said. But either way it was a pretty stupid and closed-minded thing to say.

Two wheels? All good if you ask me. As if I should need to say that on a cycling board. :rolleyes:


Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
OGRipper said:
Zark said:
You obviously have never actually raced downhill. :rolleyes:
Ignorant, thats about all I can say about this statement.
Hey Mattv I have to agree with Zark, and I hope you were just trying to start shizz as opposed to really believing what you said. But either way it was a pretty stupid and closed-minded thing to say.

Two wheels? All good if you ask me. As if I should need to say that on a cycling board. :rolleyes:

A little bit of both. I truly believe there are some amazing athletes in downhill racing. However, I believe the run of the mill gnar dude free ride guy to be a fat out of shape dumbass who just coasts downhill and hucks like 2 foot drops.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
mattv2099 said:
A little bit of both. I truly believe there are some amazing athletes in downhill racing. However, I believe the run of the mill gnar dude free ride guy to be a fat out of shape dumbass who just coasts downhill and hucks like 2 foot drops.
Ahh... you buy into stereotypes. Congratulations, you ARE ignorant.

How the hell is this any different than road or any other discipline of cycling? I see a lot more fat guts in postal jerseys than sleek, super-tuned atheletes on the road :p

But, hey don't let me stop you, say some more stupid sh*t, I could use the entertainment :p
This year i watch snippets here or there and updates mainly cuz i wanna see em win #7 so the French can stew for another year.
Doubt i'll care much next year.

And to the douche bagging on downhillers: i see more fatties in trendy lycra and full race kit hardware huffing and puffing swerving all over the place than i do on a mountain.


Jan 31, 2004
Bellingham, WA
mattv2099 said:
A little bit of both. I truly believe there are some amazing athletes in downhill racing. However, I believe the run of the mill gnar dude free ride guy to be a fat out of shape dumbass who just coasts downhill and hucks like 2 foot drops.
I have heard crap like this shoot from this kids mouth before. I just assumed some Downhiller poked his unsatisfied girlfriend.