
Windrock is open.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
ever notice how many hits and responses any windrock thread gets?
could it be that this is where you can go to derail to your hearts content?

thread deraillment here is ok by me.
it's actually funny to watch it twist and turn and eventually, just maybe get back on track.

and the dude with the beater car, the gun with no firing pin, and the propensity to grab up every serpent he sees. hasn't been around for awhile.
he got a little to big for his britches up here and was ambushed by a couple of guys up by the windmills,got the tar beat out of him, and hasn't been seen since, hmmmm.

i get asked about that guy all the time. talk about making an impression on folks. he sure did.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
i'll let you know about the road gap, after i gather up the nards to rip it.

speed racer

Dec 22, 2004
How big is the road gap again? And how far down does it drop from lip to landing? Is the lip more of a floating take off, or for more height? Just need to visualize it for a while to get the nads up myself. I've hit a 20ft'r with a 5ft drop in it, but not sure how big this one is and the speed?


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
it's 40ft with at least 8ft of drop down to the lander. if not more.
but it's a fast wide run out, with a gentle downslope.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
dhbuilder said:
ever notice how many hits and responses any windrock thread gets?
could it be that this is where you can go to derail to your hearts content?

thread deraillment here is ok by me.
it's actually funny to watch it twist and turn and eventually, just maybe get back on track.

and the dude with the beater car, the gun with no firing pin, and the propensity to grab up every serpent he sees. hasn't been around for awhile.
he got a little to big for his britches up here and was ambushed by a couple of guys up by the windmills,got the tar beat out of him, and hasn't been seen since, hmmmm.

i get asked about that guy all the time. talk about making an impression on folks. he sure did.

What the hell else are we gonna talk about while it pisses rain! Goodlord, I'm dieing here! I walk into the "room" and all my hoes are pissed! Hell, even Chili is givin me the evil eye!

Oh yea, that road gap is what it is. If you want it, its waiting.

Look for Profro or Bloch to chime in cuz they know what's up.:love:


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
i'm posting this with tears in my eyes from laughing.

dude if even chili's givin you the evil eye, i'd be makin tracks outta there.

speed racer

Dec 22, 2004
Holy Crap, 40 ft. You gotta be carrying some major speed to clear that thing. Who all has hit it. I know Bloch did. And I saw somebody doing a table off of it in one of the pics.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I've hit it, only once, and didn't get backside. The gap on Trail 1 after Humpy is just as big. However you have a really good run in there. The run in to the road gap is tricky, but very doable.


Nov 10, 2005
Knoxville, TN
Well, here's the structure you won't be riding. I'm not completely surprised it was attacked again, but man that still ticks me off. That provided a fast and fun exit from the rock garden.
And Doug W., DO be saving your dimes 'cause the Rock & co. misses ya up there.



Sep 22, 2001
Granite, lots of granite
Wndrckr said:
Well, here's the structure you won't be riding. I'm not completely surprised it was attacked again, but man that still ticks me off. That provided a fast and fun exit from the rock garden.
And Doug W., DO be saving your dimes 'cause the Rock & co. misses ya up there.
*sniff* I never got to ride it :(


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
Wndrckr said:
Well, here's the structure you won't be riding. I'm not completely surprised it was attacked again, but man that still ticks me off. That provided a fast and fun exit from the rock garden.
And Doug W., DO be saving your dimes 'cause the Rock & co. misses ya up there.

That looks cool AND scary at the same time. I remember comming down the little drop/jump at the first crossing a few years back on a wed afternoon ride while the windmills were being worked on. I saw a cement truck out of the corner of my eye as I was committing to the drop in and saw he didn't care about me. Grabbed a hand full of brake and got sideways comming onto the ramp, some how stopping as he flew on down the road. I think that scared me the most up there. That and the first time hitting the waterfall way back when it was almost a vert run-in.

I'm saving those dimes mark. Tax money should be here shortly to help out.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
i'm bummed.
it's still drizzling right now. and i'm sure at least the top half of the mt. is still socked in.
tommorrow's out.

but i bet it'll be ok by sunday late a.m.

can those guys change their schedule to ride sunday ?

the hickory gang was supposed to show saturday as well. they'll be bummed too.

saturday morning.
i'll plan on working something out at the waterfall crossing that our little vandal pal won't be so inclined to mess with.


Jan 10, 2006
Fletcher NC
Wheres the rest of them?
I know there is a bunch more photos from that weekend... and they were in colour?... is that how I spell that here... oh well.. I'm SA..!!:cool:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Dhracer3 said:
Wheres the rest of them?
I know there is a bunch more photos from that weekend... and they were in colour?... is that how I spell that here... oh well.. I'm SA..!!:cool:
Colour???? Do you ride tyres as well? :oink:

Is this the one you wanted?



jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
Dhracer3 said:
Wheres the rest of them?
I know there is a bunch more photos from that weekend... and they were in colour?... is that how I spell that here... oh well.. I'm SA..!!:cool:
the way you ripped this place ? you can spell it any way you want.

i'm really going to miss that bridge. i can't tell you how good it felt to enter into the waterfall with the speed it allowed you to carry.

last wednesday terry and i reworked the turn and berm before the upper rockgarden. moved it way back, and made it much bigger.
just standing there we could see three lines thru it.

also the small log crossing right after it is starting to become a jump.