
[WINGDING]Last Slacker Saturday [/WINGDING]


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
2022 has been a very different year for me where I have been doing a lot of new adventures and had a good chance to think about life. Lets see what that all leads to in 2023. I am really thinking about getting a new bike as my 2014 GT is starting to show its age especially the geo but I will not buy a bike retail without the option to test it on my local trails.


free wieners
7-8 hours to Cabo today, should be a pretty chill ride

yesterday while coming down from San Felipe from the 5 to the 1 my trip meter showed I had an average speed of 129 mph before a fill up. Managed to squeeze 141 for a sustained top speed.

got waved through every single check point thus far since I always throw a race number on the front of the bike.

looking forward to todays ride in the mountain twisties


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Study. Gotta get a grocery list together for the girls.

Just an FYI, AMEX is having a promo right now, that if you spend $75 at Kroger (and affiliates) for pick-up or delivery, you will get a $25 credit on your card. Just log into your AmEx acct and go into benefits to activate it. Lasts for a few more days.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Fucking hell, after a decent run up to Christmas, now were staring down the barrel of a prolonged warm spell and persistent rain for the next 6 days. All that beautiful snow that ruined travel at Christmas (but was super fun to play in) is all but gone for the rest of the holidays. Leaving me with 2 high energy kids at home with nothing to do but spend time on screens. I suppose we could try some of the board games we got at Christmas, or some other indoor activities... I haven't taken them climbing yet, maybe its time to try that. Maybe karting with the older child? Hmmmm...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Fucking hell, after a decent run up to Christmas, now were staring down the barrel of a prolonged warm spell and persistent rain for the next 6 days. All that beautiful snow that ruined travel at Christmas (but was super fun to play in) is all but gone for the rest of the holidays. Leaving me with 2 high energy kids at home with nothing to do but spend time on screens. I suppose we could try some of the board games we got at Christmas, or some other indoor activities... I haven't taken them climbing yet, maybe its time to try that. Maybe karting with the older child? Hmmmm...
Have you ever considered military school? :D


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
son is still mega sick, assumption is flu since COVID test was negative. he spent yesterday in bed and most of it asleep. more of the same seems to be on tap for him today. no nye party tonight. figures we have to bail as it's the first invite we've had since we moved into the neighborhood. might whip up a fancy meal for the wife and I instead. probably take my daughter to the climbing gym, and build some Legos with her.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
New bindings for new Big Boi Skis showed up on my porch this morning. Hot dang, super excited. Hoping the shop can mount them post haste and I can ski them in the next couple of days.

Poops McDougal

moving to australia
May 30, 2007
Central California
It's been raining off and on here since Monday, and there's rain in the forecast for 5 out of the next 7 days. I won't complain because we need it, but I'm still going to complain because outdoor activities are severely limited.

Like Christmas, New Year's with the in-laws has been cancelled; sister-in-law has covid. This will be the first NYE my family has ever had at home.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
hello peoples

this holiday half-staff week draws to a close. worked a full day yesterday + 5 hours moonlighting after. 5 more moonlighting hours today then a 5-10 pm shift on top of that. then 7-5 tomorrow.

i shall do all of these from the comfort of my home, at least, and the moonlighting hours are ~50% duty cycle.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003

Nothing really on tap for today and I’m good with that. NYE will be at home, as it is most years. New year’s resolution? Stress less, enjoy life more and RIDE MY BIKES MORE.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
took the 12yo shooting. he's kinda a natural. was about 80% off the platform, almost 50% on the skeet course.

raining now. gonna hunker down and chill. some friends might come by tonight.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Happy new year, monkeys. It’s 2023 here and I’m still in bed. Hashtag winning. Hope y’all have enjoyable evenings.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Just went out shopping errands with Wifey and the girls. Team tired, hangry, overly emotional, and drained of patience from a week of family in town. That was a bad idea.

Wifey wants to go to Caribbean this summer, so expensive trip that we need to save for. We've agreed to ditch the cleaner, start cutting back on "because we can" and convenience spending, and being more thoughtful for food. Apparently the Kroger Private Selection brand, that was 60% the cost of the Adeline's, was a bad call. There is no flavor difference - I've tested this. But yeah... Save money = bad call.

You want $8k in 6mos without hitting savings? This is how we do it. /Rant

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Doggo is sick. She was hacking and sneezing throughout the night. The vet had a cancellation so we were able to get her in to see someone this morning. It's not kennel cough but the vet says it's *something* and probably contagious, so we cancelled our weekend plans to go to Vermont since the house we'd be going to has dogs.

Anyway, this evening's plans include pho for dinner, and with any luck, asleep by 9:00. This was a good year. Looking forward to what 2023 will bring.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Just went out shopping errands with Wifey and the girls. Team tired, hangry, overly emotional, and drained of patience from a week of family in town. That was a bad idea.

Wifey wants to go to Caribbean this summer, so expensive trip that we need to save for. We've agreed to ditch the cleaner, start cutting back on "because we can" and convenience spending, and being more thoughtful for food. Apparently the Kroger Private Selection brand, that was 60% the cost of the Adeline's, was a bad call. There is no flavor difference - I've tested this. But yeah... Save money = bad call.

You want $8k in 6mos without hitting savings? This is how we do it. /Rant
Have anymore Soons that you can sell?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Have you ever considered military school? :D
You jest, but I most certainly have! Funny thing is, I was talking to my mom today, and one of my cousin's kids in France goes to a sports specialty high school. But it's not a private school. All they have to pay is boarding.

A few years back I met a mountain bike guide in Sedona who is from France. He had studied at one of these high schools as well, and wound up being a ski tech for the French national ski team.

It seems like a very logical thing to do to send kids vocational training early. And it's a total bonus if you don't have to pay private school prices for it....