
Winter bike overhaul pics


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
I usually try to do all of my bike overhaul stuff when it's to nasty to ride...so i started with noah's bike this time.

nothing spectacular but i switched him over to a SRAM drivetrain to see how he likes it. so far it's much stiffer...meaning, the rear der. doesn't bounce around like dolly partons boobs during a marathon. i also put on a boomerang w/ rollers and removed the front der. i was using to hold his chain on (usually unsuccessfully)

i'll be painting it olive drab green and black soon so i'll add those pics when i have 'em but so far, he loves the new stuff.


oh yeah..gratuitous action shot (pre mod)


Jul 14, 2007
Inman/Clemson, SC
Noah is freaking nuts.. i dont know which picture i like better, this one or the one where he almost grinds the freaking top of our wall ride haha. I just cant wait till hes in his teens. You'll have to tell him no girls.. only bikes and he might just be able to go pro:banana:


fork ways
Jul 31, 2007
wow thats totally awesome, best kids bike ever, and he's boosting it big, for somebody his size that's insane, doing air thats taller then my head is crazy, for a kiddo his size....


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Does Xmas come early at the Manimal house? You should put those green Eastern grips on it after you paint it green.
eh..they were parts i had sitting around minus the rear der which came in yesterday. got it in the classified w/ the cassette brand new for $35 shipped :thumb:

more of a long awaited project than xmas, although i did buy him some new 661 gloves today since he lost his fox ones and his spare set has holes in them.

the green Eastern grips are on his bmx mini and they look suhweet!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Noah is freaking nuts.. i dont know which picture i like better, this one or the one where he almost grinds the freaking top of our wall ride haha. I just cant wait till hes in his teens. You'll have to tell him no girls.. only bikes and he might just be able to go pro:banana:
yeeeeaaaa booooy! {insert flava-flav voice over]

we'll have to make an off season trip down there now that the leaves should be down letting in better light so i can get a decent pic of that...one that's not so blurry.


Nov 17, 2007
Maumee, Ohio
Wow, how old is he? I would love to get my daughter's into riding (ages 6 and 9) so that I could spend more time with things that I love. What kind of boomerang is that?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
he's still about a foot too short for a stinky 24. he sat on one at sugar nat'ls this year and could barely reach the pedals. the bike he has now is just barely small enough for him now. it'll probably be at least 2 years before he can ride a 24" bike comfortably.

here's a pic for size reference:
noah on the left, eric ? on the right pushing a 24" big hit (lower standover than a stinky 24) check the seat height on the 24 compared to noah

ROTLMAO - he's 7 now and we've been riding the trails together since he was about 5. i think it's an old mrp boomerang that has been cut and tapped to fit a 32T ring w/out a bash guard. it took a little trial/error to get the chainline/rollers lined up yesterday but it's super smooth now.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
You're spending as much time at ballet practice with your daughters right?


Edit: How can I give rep and credits to Noah? Set him up an account Manimal. We need to hear from the future bad ass racer. He'd be an RM Millionaire after his first post.


Jul 14, 2007
Inman/Clemson, SC
The trail is usually decent. Of course it hasnt been getting too cold lately to hender a trip out there. The only thing you might need to worry about is fallen leaves.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
Is this the same kid that jumped the stairs on a little blue/yellow bike?

I can't find pic. going by bad memory.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
You're spending as much time at ballet practice with your daughters right?


Edit: How can I give rep and credits to Noah? Set him up an account Manimal. We need to hear from the future bad ass racer. He'd be an RM Millionaire after his first post.

yup, i get to play dress-up a lot w/ the girls too...but those pics really aren't suitable for RM ;) my youngest (the super-tough one) is getting a real bike from santa on tuesday and she shows similar interest in bikes as noah did at that age (3). we'll see how that goes.

as far as setting up a RM account for noah...hmmm....i'll have to think about that one. a lot of the content on RM isn't exactly 7 yr old friendly but perhaps i'll set one up for him that i can check with him just so you guys can send Pm's or whatever, but it'll be a while before he's allowed to surf RM on his own.

jonny dh

Oct 26, 2007
under my feet
Kids are the bomb!is there anything he can't do it looks like he'll be pro in a year or two, keep up the good work.
my 6 yr old girl wants me to build her fr bike but not sure were to begin any pointers?
she's about 3 1/2' tall.
I would like to get full sus. if I could w/hyd. brakes


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
good luck on the FS bike w/ disc. noah's small for his age making it nearly impossible to find a bike that truly fits him. we (cycletherapy owner mikedsx) built up his current ride with an amalgam of obscure parts onto a 20" specialize frame. most of the prebuilt kids bikes come with super harsh forks and crappy components so i think it's be better to build it up from scratch. the only FS bike i know of anywhere close to her size is the stinky 24 and the old big hit grom (if you can find one). there just really isn't a market for quality kids bikes. however, kona just came out with their shred 2-0, a FR geometry with dual disc....but it's over $400 retail!
i just saw one built up at recycles and the frame is super nice but the parts spec is rather lacking for a bike in that price range.

as soon as noah can fit on a fs you know he'll be on it.
mike told me yesterday that he showed his jamis reps the episode 4 DVD and they called their design guru right then and asked about specs on the upcoming 24" freeride kids hardtail. they seemed VERY interested in putting him on one of their bikes :D

jonny dh

Oct 26, 2007
under my feet
Thats awsome!!
Thanks for the get go.I have a place to start, by the way my 6 yr old nivek loves the pictures,did you have to help noah practice?
Nivek likes to teach herself by watching me and any video's I have her favorite is proggresion kranked 6 I try to only get videos that stay clean with their vocabulary. Anyhow doesn''t suprise me for I'm the same way at learning by others or doing it myself,she taught herself to ride a two wheel in two day when she was 3 no exaggerations and sure enough no help from me and my wife,kind of sad in a way but love the motivation she has to learn,your boy looks like he's doing the same.(kids their a spitt'n image) of you but emphasize on ours and their enhancements which equals (well pleased) keep up the good work noah!!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
yeah, noah started out watching vids like superheroes, kranked 3/4 and chain reaction. most 3 year olds were watching barney and the wiggles but not noah....he'd ask for the "monster movie" (kranked 4 with the skull dude in the orange chair). i think the fact that he saw so many pro riders huck themselves off of cliffs, crash and get up really morphed his perception as to what is possible on a bike. most kids are scared of falling over and scraping their knee, noah expects it.
so yeah, i guess we practice but it's more like he just wants to spend time with dad and what better way to do it than ride with me :D i think he started out just wanting to impress dad like most firstborn tend to do but then he realized that he really liked it, he was really good at it and people were noticing. he's not an attention whore but he so innocently tells the girls at the bmx track, "yeah..i'm on youtube." :rofl:

we need to get them together for a ride, i mean..if he's eventually going to be distracted by girls, he might as well find one that rides too ;)

jonny dh

Oct 26, 2007
under my feet
I'll be working on her bike this year so I hope I can find everthing before the summer is over.
If you don't mind me asking how much you paid for noahs bike so that I can get a ball park picture of howmuch it going to cost thanks, my thought exactly for getting them together.I would like to take her to the bike park in cal.to see if that help her in some aspects.
Other than that I'll keep in touch with you.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
To be honest, i didn't pay anything for it, mikedsx hooked it up completely by using old or used parts around the shop. but i'll try to piece it together.

blemished frame from manufacturer: $~30.00
bmx bottom bracket: $25
cranks, cut and tapped to about 150mm: $45
short stem/low rise hbar: $40 (quality isn't as important so you can go w/ the off brand stuff for this)
saddle/post: $20 (again, easy to find stuff cheap leftovers or take-offs at LBS.)
wheelset: $??, mike built them up by hand on some lightweight hubs...i have no idea
rear brake: cheap tektro v-brake
shift combo: whatever is cheapest without having a difficult actuation :~$40

most of the stuff on his bike was either old stuff lying around or parts he had won at the races, (stem/pedals) it's really not very expensive to build up a decent grom bike because you don't have to worry so much about burly parts because the kids are so light


Nov 13, 2007
that kid is just about better than me and im 15. Theres something wrong there. Keep ridin little dude


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
this is what the little guy needs....girly colors aside it loooks like a little ripper

that's a sweet rig....for when he's about 12 ;) he can't even touch the ground w/ his feet on a 24 yet. he's just now fitting his 20" properly so i'll keep him on that for a while. mikedsx is working on machining a disc adapter for the rear of his current frame :thumb: