
Wintertime blues for riding/bikes


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
So am i alone on this or?

Other monkeys as well, lose their "lust" for riding and bikes, with winter, especially after prolonged periods of "non-riding"?

Basically i am a bit worried coz i dont have that need now (January) to go out to ride (makes sense... summer time man in winter UK), and also i got the $ to get a new fork i want/ed yet i dont go out to get it... damn... maybe i am thinking too much, there is nothing wrong with me, and when the weather opens a bit and if i go out to ride again it will all come back to me...

or maybe it is that evil guitar, that i can play even if it rains, even if i dont have a riding partner... (well i guess one can have 2-3 hobbies).

Anyhow.. just wondering if any other monkies are or were on the same boat.

thanks for listening


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I believe this happens to everyone at some point. When i'm depressed and have a headache from lack of riding (or is it caffine? :D ) I just look forward to riding my favorite spot! I'll sit in class remembering the trails like the back of my hand, and that i'll soon get to ride those trails again. Look forward to roadtrips, group rides, etc. I'm heading to New Jersey the day after school to race the U.S. Open. It gives me something to look forward to, and motivates my lazy ass everyday. I'm taking a roadtrip to Colorado for about a week to ride as much as possible, and i'm stoked on that, as well. Just remember what it's like to hit your favorite trail on a warm, sunny day with your buddies, and you'll be alllllright! :thumb:


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
rode tuesday, 12 or so degrees i can't remember. total blast though!
other then ripping a big peice of flesh outta my knee it was awsome.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Last couple of years i've ridden straight thru winter without being off the bike too long. But there's been times i jump off for a month or so. it's no biggie, it's just hard to get the wind and stamina back to where it was is all.