
Wisdom Teeth (Urgent Please Help)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
OK, I'm gettin' my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow, all 4. I want to go to a concert Friday (a hardcore show) and I'm wondering if I'll be OK to go. I'm getting totally knocked out for the operation, so I kinda think I won't be able to go. :mumble: :redhot: I just need to make plans now and it's a tough call.

I REALLY want to go to the show so I might just go since it's one of my favorite bands at my favorite venue, but what do you guys think? Only respond today because tomorrow I'll be non-coherent anyways.

Thanks a ton!


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Just stay out of the pit...you might be groggy, and your mouth will be sore, but I don't see an issue with you keeping away from any action and watching.

I cried about wanting a milkshake post-wisdom teeth. Good times. I've never been so ****ed up before.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Awesome. Gonna be fun. All messed up on vike and in a hardcore show. Ha, I'm gonna die. :D


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
blue said:
I cried about wanting a milkshake post-wisdom teeth. Good times. I've never been so ****ed up before.
God, the more I read that the funnier it gets. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Jul 30, 2004
portland or
are they impacted wisdom teeth or are you just getting htem pulled.
if your just getting them pulled youll be sore but you should be fine at the show. make sure to get a lot of sleep that day and i reccomend taking the pain pills if they give them to you. if theyre impacted and your getting them taken out you might be a bit less up for a hardcore show.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Bicyclist said:
Awesome. Gonna be fun. All messed up on vike and in a hardcore show. Ha, I'm gonna die. :D
What show?

Driving home was so trippy (I wasn't driving...but yeah..)

I literally bawled on the couch for half an hour because I wasn't allowed to have a milkshake...you know the whole "you get all the ice cream you want thing"? Guess that only applies to tonsils. Bastards.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
They're "going in impacted but not causing problems yet" according to the doc.

The show is:

Set Your Goals
Last Priest
Total Resistance

I'm going for Ignite. I've never heard of anyone else.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Bicyclist said:
They're "going in impacted but not causing problems yet" according to the doc.
So wait...they're impacting them? If so, you might be down and out for longer than a few days...talk to the doc. See what they say.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
No, the teeth are crooked but they're not hitting anything yet. Sorry about that, pretty confusing stuff there.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Bicyclist said:
No, the teeth are crooked but they're not hitting anything yet. Sorry about that, pretty confusing stuff there.
i got a vertical impacted teeth pulled like 6-7 months ago.
the next two days i didnt move from bed.

and i have one impacted more to go, and two regulars.. but i´m delaying the unavoidable :dead:

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
Unfortunately for you show plans, if they are at all impacted that means its hard to get them out (not just pulling, but cutting open your gums and removing), and you will most likely feel like crap the day after. Not to mention that your supposed to remain inactive for a bit so your swelling doesn't get out of control. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed all at once and man it was not fun for a good 2 days, I usually have a VERY high pain/discomfort tolerance. But, it's not that bad if you take your pain/anti-inflammatory meds and rest for a couple days. Hope it goes well and hey, maybe it will go fine and you'll be on your feet the next day, but don't push it if your feeling bad.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I had all 5(yes I had 5, I'm a freak of nature) pulled, they weren't even slightly impacted, but I was useless for the next 2-3 days, not only because of the drugs, and thems were some good drugs, but also eating becomes a problem. I went from my usual 3000-4000 calories per day to 600-800ish, that is what really effed me up. I had zero energy. after you can eat solid food again you should be ready to rock in about 24 hrs.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Mine were all impacted and I had them removed when I was 15. They didn't really hurt as bad as everyone made it out to be. After 2 days of smoothies for food I had to have something to eat so I got mcdonalds and ate (more like swallowed) chicken mcnuggets. I was fine in about 10 days. The biggest thing though was trying to go swimming and holding your breath....god damm that hurt and it hurt for a couple months afterwords. Now I'm fine though :)

It's just the shock of getting your mouth worked on. It really wasn't painfull as it was a discomfort. But I think if you pop a pain killer you should be fine (since they give you a bunch) :)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Bicyclist said:
Well I guess I'll play it by ear then. Thanks a ton for all your help!
Yup, everyone is different when it comes to the body's reaction to the surgery. Unlike most everyone else, I was up, walking around, and eating somewhat normal food the following day. If you're lucky like me, you'll need to be extra careful not to overextend yourself following day or so. Do yourself and drink some high calorie stuff after the surgery, something like an Ensure. This way, if you make an attempt to go to the concert, you won't be nutritionally depleted. Good luck.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
It will depend on the anethesia, and how you come off it. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell how fast you will recover, but I wouldn't bet on making the show.

All 4 of my wisdom teeth were impacted, 3 had to be broken in order to be removed. Granted, it was a bad case, but I was out of comission for the better portion of a week.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
I went to see ALL (the descendents without Milo) 2 days after I had my wisdom teeth out. I looked like a chipmunk and I ended up sitting on stage with the band! it was cool, but if you react as bad to the surgery as I did, I don't know that only one day later you will be able to go. Everyone is different, and I have had students that came in the next day after having them out. I think if they are impacted and they have to get out the old ballpeen hammer and stanley chisels you will be in trouble!!!:help: (woke up in the middle of the operation to find them smacking my head around with a huge hammer and what looked like a regular woodworking chisel!)


M.N.F. Beer Wench
Nov 21, 2005
North Carolina
I'm not sure what the big deal about the wisdom teeth is. I had mine pulled last year, all 4, bony impact, 2 had to be partially chisled out of my mouth. All I had was some novocaine and nitrous. The following morning I was up cleaning/doing dishes, eating a little, and hanging out with a friend. It wasn't bad at all. The only 2 things that made it not great were: 1. I didn't eat before I had it done, and couldn't take Percoset on an empty stomach, so the pain got ahead of me before I could take the meds. 2. The Percoset made me really, really sick. I guess I don't handle narcotics well.

Other than that, I had fun with the teeth. The dentist let me watch the whole thing happen too, in a mirror. :thumb:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I've only had two removed. They were not impacted. I had them removed maybe 7 years ago. I would have gone to work the next day, but MBC wouldn't allow it. :D The freakin marble-size canker sore that I developed as a result of the surgery hurt 100x more than the pain resulting from the surgery. :dead:


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Luckily my dentist said that all 4 are straight and coming in nicely. Looks like there is enough room in my mouth for them too. Score, no wisdom teeth surgery!

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Play it by ear.

But be careful of the stitches afterward. I tore mine on the bottom right (I had all 4 impacted out at once, under anesthetic, woke up once to sledgehammer blows to my jawbone, they came out in tiny little pieces...).


Tore the stitches, wound got infected. What's that funny taste? What's that smell? Got all dizzy and spitting pus everywhere. So nasty.

Went to dentist and got all fixed up. But damn that was gross..

Salt rinse!


Jan 26, 2003
I think it depends from person to person. I had my 2 pairs removed about 3 yr apart. Each time, I suffered from mega high fever the night after the op. The first time I thought it was becaused I didn't take the antibiotics early enough, that and playing squash when I was told not to do anything too strenuous, but when it happened the second time (took pills immediately and did not exert myself doing anything at all), I think it might have been an adverse reaction to the local anesthetic(s) used. My wife had all four of her's removed at the same time by the same dentist. She didn't even feel sore let alone a fever.:confused:


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Take it like a man, and get it done without being put down. Getting the mouth really numbed down does the trick.

Was awake when I had all four taken out, didn't even take the pain killers, mostly due to the fact that it did not hurt much at all.


May 22, 2006
I think that the down time varies from person to person. I had mine done at 7 in the morning all 4 1 impacted and had to be cracked before extracted, and I actually went out drinking that night. I even ate solid food. No swelling or bleeding. My wife was down for 3 days, and her gums bled for that same amount of time.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Ah, someone knows my pain. I've heard they're way better live too, with more passion.

Well, off to the op. Wish me luck. Worst case scenario I don't go but I still see Throwdown a few weeks from now and In Flames/Cannibal Corpse in August.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Polandspring88 said:
Luckily my dentist said that all 4 are straight and coming in nicely. Looks like there is enough room in my mouth for them too. Score, no wisdom teeth surgery!
Mine came in fine as well. And after reading these stories I am damn glad they came in straight. They did hurt while they came in though. Now I can understand why babies cry so much when they are teething! Ouch!


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
Just depends... for both my sons, they were up and back to 90% by the next day. I think they've gotten a lot better at the surgery over the years. When I had mine out a long, long time ago, I spent three days puking.



98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
I went out on a date in the evening when I got mine done. I even ate McDonalds french fries, but I had to just nibble 'em with my front teeth.

I didn't score though, not sure if I would have been up to it, anyhow. It's kinda hard to have a deep meaningful make out session when you feel like your jaw has been pummeled by a prize fighter.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Wow. So I got the surgery this morning. Waking up was insane. Now I know what it's like to take heroine (I had a Morphine drip along with anasthetics). It was crazy. I had weird dreams, to say the least.

It made me really sick afterwards though and I vommited blood and had a temperature. So I had a malt and I'm starting to feel better but I'm really tired now.

I don't think there's a concert in my future. :(


May 18, 2003
Portland, OR
Just make sure you don't chew tobacco and drink whiskey within the next few days. I've heard that can cause the holes not to heal and can lead to gnarly infections.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Bicyclist said:
Wow. So I got the surgery this morning. Waking up was insane. Now I know what it's like to take heroine (I had a Morphine drip along with anasthetics). It was crazy. I had weird dreams, to say the least.

It made me really sick afterwards though and I vommited blood and had a temperature. So I had a malt and I'm starting to feel better but I'm really tired now.

I don't think there's a concert in my future. :(
All together I have had 11 teeth yanked.

I got a partial denture to replace 5 missing teeth today.

I have been under to have 2 deep root chips dug out. All of the other extractions I've had including 4 wisdom teeth I was awake. After one extraction I even left town on a cross country drive 2 hours later.

Drink some Jagermeister and go to the show. Vomiting blood just means your stomach didn't want all that blood you swallowed through the gauze.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
H8R said:
Don't use a straw or smoke anything (or give blowjobs... :eek: ) for about a week. Suction will pull out the healing bits in the sockets and leave you with infected "dry socket".

I'll keep the blowjob thing in mind. You may have saved my life.